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Dangerous move (Attn Lillian aka James)


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Nynaeve smiled as she ran her hands over her newly bought dress. Damian hasn't seen it yet. She bought it secretly a week before when she went to Tar Valon to buy some herb supply for the infirmary. Ever since she met Damian, she felt that her dresses were for him, rather then her. When having a dress made she would concentrate on what he would like, rather then what she would like and how comfortable she would feel in it, since Damian seemed to favor indecent dresses.


He was going to love this one. It was a rather generous dress, as he liked to call it. She put on her yellow fringed shawl since it favored the color of her dress - light gold. Nynaeve left her quarters and headed to the Warder's yard where she knew she'd find Damian. That was one of the things she loved about the bond. She could feel where he was. Not the specific place he was standing, naturally, but a sense of how close he was. And the closer she got to the warder's yard she realized her guess was accurate.


She decided to take the path of the gardens to get to the warder's yard, to make the stroll a pleasant one. Some Tower Guards that passed her by seemed to look at her in interest but she just stared back blankly and was satisfied as they quickened their step.


Nynaeve smiled as she spotted Damian in the Warder's yard. Her smile deepened as she noticed he was in the middle of a practice. He was shirtless and sweating. Nynaeve hid behind a tree as he looked at her direction. He was probably sensing her close, yet he still didn't master the bond so he just shook that off and picked up his practice sword. He shook his head at someone who Nynaeve didn't even see up until that moment. It was a woman. She was wearing practice trousers and shirt so Nynaeve did not recognize rank nor name.


Nynaeve's eyebrows climbed up as Damian circled around the woman, grabbed her shoulders from behind, then her hands, directing them forward. Her eyebrows climbed even higher when his hands slid down to her waist adjusting the woman's stance.


Nynaeve wanted to scream. He was feeling her all over! And this woman was letting him! The tramp! Damian she was going to deal with after. This woman was going to be dealt with now. Nynaeve walked up to the pair. Damian approached her worriedly. "Is something wrong, Nynaeve? You are very upset." Nynaeve stared blankly at Damian. "I am just peachy." Nynaeve directed her eyes at the woman with him. "You, come with me. Now!" From a close view, Nynaeve recognized the woman's face. A name didn't come to mind but Nynaeve recalled her being an Accepted.


Without another warning Nynaeve started to walk off, fending Damian and telling him they will speak another time, expecting the woman to be right behind her.






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In addition to diligently attending her alloted time for training, Lillian also made a habit of trying to set aside time to train on her own on occasion. While the training was hard to begin, once one found their rhythm it could become quite addictive, and for Lillian especially so. Once one developed muscles and stamina, the need to then use these things increased. Bladework in particular was important, she didn't practice regularly like the trainees did so it took her longer to master the finer points of technique and then repeat them long enough for them to come more easily to her.


That was why Damian had been a fortuitous find. He'd seen a few errors in her technique as he'd passed by and been gracious enough to help her. Not that she hadn't felt somewhat shy about having him so close, but then it had been awhile now since she had first slipped on breeches so it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. And of course, it wasn't as if he was ugly, so all in all she was more than happy with being handled gently. It had been quite a long time since any man had laid a hand on her, gentle or otherwise.


This was the source of the slight smile on Lillian's face when they had another visitor. The first Lillian had known of it was when Damian's presence not to mention hands disappeared as he walked over to a sister clearly of the Yellow Ajah. Nynaeve Sedai, she had once been the Mistress of Novices, odd to find her here but Lillian was quick to avert her eyes to the ground and lower her lathe. The last thing she wanted to do was be seen and possibly hauled off for other work she did not wish to spend her time on.


Of course, the wheel was not weaving her thread any favours on this day. Instead Lillian found herself called to follow the Aes Sedai, which she did though she managed to hand off her lathe to Damian along the way and mouth a silent thank you to him. He'd done her a favour, one which had been cut short unfortunately. But there was nothing for it except to follow behind the Aes Sedai, not meet the Aes Sedai's gaze and hope whatever was required of her that it would not take long.



Lillian Tremina

Accepted of the White Tower

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Nynaeve didn't stop until she reached a far end of the garden when she finally managed to order her feet to stop. She could feel Damaian troubled. He probably had no idea what she was on about. And that was well enough. Keeping him in a state of confusion for a while seemed like a good idea for the time being. Questioning himself if he did something wrong. Something that angered her. That would keep him occupied for a while.


Turning around to face the girl, Nynaeve eyed her carefully, measuring her from head to toe. She was an attractive woman. Beautiful emerald eyes. Wavy black hair decorating her round face. Full lips. Damian could easily fall for her charms. And by her smile when he was touching her hips, she knew this woman was more then capable of making a move on him.


"What's your name, Accepted?". The Accepted lowered her eyes and answered. "Lillian Tremina, Nynaeve Sedai." Nynaeve nodded. So Lillian knew her. Or at least heard of her. That pleased Nynaeve. It meant she knew Nynaeve was not someone she wanted to anger. Not that angering any Aes Sedai was a smart move. But still, Nynaeve learned that her name usually came with a big warning sign for Novices and Accepted: 'Stay Away!'.


"Your behavior was outrageous to say the least." Lillian only blinked, seemingly confused. "Even though Accepted are allowed to be in the Warder's yard to go through weapon training doesn't mean you are allowed to make such a display. Accepted are not

allowed to have relationships with Tower Guards, Trainees and especially Warders. So unless you want me to report this ridiculous display of hormones to the Mistress of Novices you will tell me right at this instant what the bloody hell did you think you were doing with Dam...with that Warder?!?!". Nynaeve quickly regained her composure. She had to do this right.





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It was quite the walk before Nynaeve Sedai brought them to a halt. Indeed, at the pace the woman was taking, Lillian had found herself slowly coming to the opinion that it wasn't so much a chore but trouble she was embroiled in. She hadn't set a foot out of place as far as she was aware. There was no chance that her light fingers when it came to bottles of wine had been discovered, and Taei would not have told a soul. What did Nynaeve Sedai want her for?


Keeping her eyes averted downward as she felt Nynaeve Sedai's eyes upon her, Lillian made sure not to move or fidget. Calm was what she needed, and only people who did something wrong had cause to fidget. Nevermind that she felt like doing so regardless due to the close scrutiny she was subjected to. The question did cause her to avert her gaze a bit lower. When a name was requested, that usually meant the Mistress of Novices could be involved, and it didn't help that it was the previous Mistress of Novices asking her.


Giving her name, Lillian listened in silence as Nynaeve Sedai spoke on. Trouble, of course it was trouble, nevermind that she hadn't actually done anything wrong. And of course the worst was suspected of her. It wasn't as if she had gone looking for company, and she hadn't been flirting either. What did almost cause her to look up was the slip that Nynaeve Sedai made. So, Nynaeve Sedai knew Damian...


That was also quite a temper that Nynaeve Sedai was displaying now that she thought of it. That was when it clicked, what had Damian gotten her into? Not that it was his fault, he'd just been helping her out, but the last thing she needed was an Aes Sedai with a grudge against her. Of course, how to respond without arousing Nynaeve Sedai's ire. Well, arousing it further.


"Nynaeve Sedai, I was practicing my forms when the Warder approached me and told me that there were some flaws in my technique. He was in the process of adjusting my stance when you arrived. Forgive me for being so forward Nynaeve Sedai, but what was I doing wrong?"



Lillian Tremina

Accepted of the White Tower

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"Nynaeve Sedai, I was practicing my forms when the Warder approached me and told me that there were some flaws in my technique. He was in the process of adjusting my stance when you arrived. Forgive me for being so forward Nynaeve Sedai, but what was I doing wrong?"


Nynaeve eyed Lillian in contempt. "You were letting him handle you about, child. You are an Accepted and aside from being trained to become an Aes Sedai we also train you to be an honorable woman." The intent to make the initiates of the white tower honorable was there, but Nynaeve knew more then a few Aes Sedai that were far from being descent women. It didn't seem to be a requirement for becoming Aes Sedai.


"You will remain away from that Warder." Nynaeve quickly added "And any other, for that matter." Nynaeve hoped Lillian didn't notice the slip. She had to take control over herself. For years she had Aes Sedai's iron control and here everything was falling apart because of a bloody fool of a man. "You will only practice the sword with the person who is assigned to do so with you."


Nynaeve came a little closer to Lillian, her eyes fixed on hers. "If I ever see you behaving in such a manner again with that Warder, or any male in the Tower's surroundings I will have to show you some tricks I've learned in my years as the Mistress of Novices. All the people I've showed them to so far didn't seem to like it. I doubt you'd feel differently." Nynaeve's eyes shone dangerously as she spoke.





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Bend like the reed, simply let the wind blow over as it is the tree that is uprooted in the fury, that which holds its ground. That was something that Lillian adhered to quite strictly. Especially when she had been a Novice, she had no choice in the matter because the only alternative was a good birching. Of course, the Farm had changed that as had rising to the rank of Accepted. And the other incident, while she could bend there were sometimes occasions where while one could easily let something pass by, one shouldn't allow it to do so.


The reason for which was simple, as a Novice anyone could lord it over her and say what they willed. As an Accepted, she had been in the Tower for a number of years and commited herself to the Tower, even if she had not earned the shawl. That in itself demanded some respect, and Lillian did not like the way that she had been deprived of it. She had not been with a man for over twenty years now, and as far as she was concerned, enough was enough.


Stepping forward, Lillian caught and held Nynaeve Sedai's gaze as she spoke in a quiet and deceptively mild tone. "You will do no such thing." The incredulous look Lillian received almost made her smile as she continued. "I am here to train, I was offered assistance and I took it. That assistance required him to alter my stance. He did not merely... handle me, as you so eloquently put it."


"While you are Aes Sedai and I am but a humble Accepted, you shall accord me due respect. And in the future if you decide to infer that I am a slut, I would suggest you do so in a more appropriate garb." That definitely pushed a button, but Lillian had absolutely no intention of backing down now that she had made a stand. There were times that one could be pushed, but there were other times that one pushed back and that time was now.



Lillian Tremina

Accepted of the White Tower

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"While you are Aes Sedai and I am but a humble Accepted, you shall accord me due respect. And in the future if you decide to infer that I am a slut, I would suggest you do so in a more appropriate garb."


Nynaeve's eyes narrowed as Lillian spoke. It's been such a long time since she had an encounter with such an insolent child. She thought those days were long behind her. Apparently she was wrong. Luckily she had much experience with troublesome youths and some said she had a knack for dealing with them.


Nynaeve folded her arms under her breasts and waited for the girl to finish spouting her insignificant chattering. "Oh are you done now? Because I want to hear it all. Truly. I am very interested." Nynaeve's words were dripping with cynicism. Lillian's silence told her she was done. "Lets play a game, Lillian. Lets pretend I'm an Aes Sedai. You'll play the Accepted. I hope that is acceptable. Lets pretend that if I say jump, you jump. If I say run, you run. And if I tell you to strip naked and hop through the tower, you do that with a smile on your face, thanking me for giving you such a fabulous opportunity."


Nynaeve readjusted her shawl. "That is my game. I set the rules, whether you like it or not. If you want to play your own game, do it in your own free time and in the privacy of your room. Don't waste my time with it. I don't suffer fools."





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Lillian's only response was a slight smile as she listened to Nynaeve Sedai speak. She might have once been the Mistress of Novices, but she wasn't anymore. Nor was Lillian going to back down now that she had decided to stand her ground, and if Nynaeve Sedai thought that she had her cowed, she was sorely mistaken. She had Halvie Sedai for a mentor, and she was capable of far worse than any other Aes Sedai when roused that Lillian had known. Lillian also knew that while Halvie Sedai would disapprove of her speaking up in such a manner, she'd also disapprove of Nynaeve Sedai slandering her mentee.


A dangerous line to walk, but she was committed now.


As Nynaeve Sedai finished, Lillian left a slight pause before beginning her delivery. There was no need to rush it, she could take her own time in responding. "I'm disappointed, I would have thought that someone of your previous standing would have had the good breeding to admit they had perhaps gone a step too far and apologise. That would be the mature thing to do, but clearly that is something you are in desperately short supply."


Lillian looked rather pointedly at the dress before continuing. "If you think I'm going to play along with this little charade of yours, you are sorely mistaken. I'd sooner go before Faerzynne Sedai and explain to her how you accosted me on the flimsy basis that I was flirting when I was in fact training with Damian."


Now was the time to see if she could disrupt Nynaeve Sedai's facade. She had a strong feeling she knew exactly what would do it, if the way Nynaeve Sedai had blurted out Damian's name was any indication. "Though I can see why you were so quick to hurry me away. With a dress like that you really couldn't be more obvious. And you were worried that I was going to steal you from him just by him put his hands on me?" A slight pause, a curl of her lips as she smiled and took another step forward. The sucker punch.


"You should be."



Lillian Tremina

Accepted of the White Tower

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"Though I can see why you were so quick to hurry me away. With a dress like that you really couldn't be more obvious. And you were worried that I was going to steal him from you, just by him putting his hands on me?". Lillian smiled. "You should be."


Nynaeve's lips curled into a smile. Her fist was already in mid-orbit before she even realized what she was doing. It struck Lillian's face, just in the connection between her left cheek and her jaw. The strength of the blow made Lillian stumble back and fall on her behind. Whether the girl was surprised by Nynaeve's reaction or not was not apparent. Nynaeve was still dazed from her own behavior. Never in all her years in the tower has she been brought to such behavior.


Her first reflex would have been to help the girl up and apologize. But she stopped herself from doing that. This might not have been the best way to handle this situation but Lillian more then deserved it. In fact, she asked for it with that venomous comment. She wasn't dumb, though. She did discover Nynaeve's relationship with Damian. But on the other hand she was foolish enough to use that as a weapon. A dangerous one.


"If I ever see you even breathing in Damian's direction, I'm going to make you wish you were stranded in a god forsakened farm for the rest of your pathetic life. I don't care how many penances I will have to endure. It would be worth it. As this was." Nynaeve shook her hand a little bit, to relieve the pain she was starting to feel on the base of it. That pain seemed to disappear as she noticed the bruising that was starting to form on the side of Lillian's cheek. Soon it would start swelling. That seemed to comfort her quite a bit.






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One moment she had been smiling confidently, knowing full well she was getting under Nynaeve Sedai's skin, next Lillian had found herself on the ground with a hand clutching her jaw. Tears welling up in her eyes, it had been a long time since anybody had struck her so. It was one thing to be slapped, something that she had been counting on, but this... This... Lillian tried to stand but felt a little wobbly. Standing didn't seem like the best idea right about now.


Looking up as Nynaeve Sedai spoke, the mention of the farm had Lillian crawling to her feet regardless of whether it was a good idea. She'd spent a year on the farm without the power, she'd gotten through it and she'd be damned if she let Nynaeve Sedai think she could intimidate her with that. Not that it wasn't a fearful prospect, but she wasn't going to show weakness infront of her even as she hastily wiped the tears away. She could feel the bruise already, swelling and marring her face, she would have to carry that bruise with her.


It was worth it?


There were very few times when Lillian lost her temper, those who knew her knew her to be calm and rarely if ever given to outbursts. Being told by a woman who had just attempted to break her face that she had deserved it when it had been her tha- Something alot more basic took over at that point, Lillian's feet moving of their own accord as she ran forward and threw herself at Nynaeve Sedai with a scream of pure rage.


Of all things that Nynaeve Sedai could have expected, judging from her expression as Lillian collided into her, this was not one of them. It wasn't something Lillian would have expected of herself either, but that wasn't something she was considering as one hand grabbed at Nynaeve Sedai's hair and pulled while she slapped the woman. Her own hair quickly snagged in turn, the two rolled as they struggled, using anything and everything they had to lash out at each other.



Lillian Tremina

Accepted of the White Tower

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Damian couldn't figure out what had just happened. He saw a young woman practicing with the blade and let her know that her form wasn't quite right. As he would have done with any trainee he began helping her to correct the problems. Her feet needed to be placed further apart. She was also not moving her hips correctly through some of the forms. Because of it she was leaving herself much to wide open. The fact that she was cute had crossed his mind, but it was just a perk


It was at that time that the little ball of emotions in the back of his head had gone from happiness to sudden... rage? He wasn't sure, but he had suddenly realized Nynaeve was close. He had walked over to her and talked, but obviously it wasn't something she wanted to talk about. Nynaeve then snapped at the young lady and he realized she was training to become Aes Sedai. What ever she was angry about he felt it best to stay out of it. Though he couldn't figure out why it had come on so suddenly!


Shaking his head as they left he began to walk off to resume his training. The bond was still new to him, and there was times he wished it told him more of what was going on than just emotions. Sighing he brought his blade out and began working through forms.


He didn't know how he knew, or what it meant, but he knew there was trouble. He felt a sudden flash of pain go through the bond. It went in and out along with a sudden emotion change from Nynaeve. He could feel satisfaction, then anger again, each corresponding with the amount of pain he could feel through the bond. Whatever was going on, he decided he better find her and quick. She might be hurting herself, but it was hurting him as well!


He rushed to where he knew she would be. But before he could get there more pain came through the bond along with a feeling of outrage. He turned the corner and knew he was in trouble. There was Nyna along with the young woman wrestling with each other. He was sure his amusment would be felt through the bond but he couldn't help it. He quickly rushed over to the two.


Nyna was on the bottom, obviously suprised by the attack. He knew he would have to inform her of his disappointment in her after all the training they had done. He wouldn't mean it, but it get to her. On second thought, he might hold off on that. He tried pulling the young lady off of Nyna, but she was holding on fiercely.


"Peace young lady! Peace!" He finally got them seperated. He pulled her to the side then reached down to help Nyna up. She just gave him a dirty look and ignored his hand. He shrugged and turned to the young lady.


"I thought they taught you better than that. She could have snapped you in two with the power! Light, what were you thinking??"



Bonded to... well.. you know

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Nynaeve didn't see it coming. She never imagined the girl would tackle her down the way she did. But after the first few moment of surprise Nynaeve was right back on the hourse, kicking, pulling hair and thrashing about in attempt of getting the upper hand. She recieved several blows but gave out quite a few herself. Her dress was ruined long before, so she didn't give it any more thought and struck out without any reserves.


Nynaeve was just about to attemp getting loose from Lillian's grip when suddenly Damian appeared and pulled Lillian away. Damian turned back to Nynaeve, offering her a hand. Nynaeve sniffed at his proposal for help and ignored him. The bastard. This was all his fault! and he even dared feel amused by the situation. He was probably gloating at the prospect of two women fighting over him. Her anger suddenly shifted towards Damian, who was speaking to Lillian. Nynaeve couldn't hear what he was saying. She couldn'y hear much of anything when she was furious.


She got up, dusting her dress. She walked up to Damian kicked his knee and smiled at Lillian. "He's all yours." Nynaeve turned around and walked away, less glorious then usually.





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Lifting her arms infront of her face, Lillian shielded herself as best she could from the blows until one slipped awkwardly off her arms causing Nynaeve Sedai to pitch forward. Snatching at her hair again, Lillian used it to pull her off balance and shoved up with her hips to dislodge her. As Nynaeve Sedai fell to the side, Lillian was quick to take advantage as she straddled her in turn. The first couple of blows caught her, but then Nynaeve Sedai had caught hold of her arms, making it impossible to get the momentum for a good swing.


Trying to inch her way up further so she could pin Nynaeves arms with her knees, a full fisted blow caught Lillian as Nynaeve Sedai let go of her left arm and smacked her. She barely felt it as she responded in kind, catching the Aes Sedai's right eye. She was pulling her fist back for another blow when someone grabbed her arm and her shirt and tried to pull her free. Still holding onto Nynaeve Sedai's hair and her clenching her thighs, it took a shake by the scruff of the neck to get her to let go as she was hauled off unceremoniously.


Still taking deep breaths as she tried to calm herself down, Lillian didn't even see Nynaeve Sedai refuse Damian's help. Instead she had Damian round on her. Snapped her in half with the power?! Lillian was pointing to her left cheek which was even more swollen from the shenanigans that had just occured and beginning to talk about what had just happened when Damian clutched his knee in pain.


Turning in shock to Nynaeve Sedai who had just kicked the man, the smile and the words she got were the last that she expected. As the woman turned on her heel and stalked away, Lillian turned to Damian who was still nursing his knee like a child who had skinned it. Stepping behind him, she gave him a good shove that got her a look from him as he staggered a step.


"What are you waiting for? Go after her!" Lillian gave him another good shove to send Damian on his way.



Lillian Tremina

Accepted of the White Tower

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"What are you waiting for? Go after her!" She had yelled at him and gave him a shove. What had just happened here? His head was still swiming. He had brushed off the kick to the knee, but he didn't know what in the world was going on. He felt her pain through the bond and came rushing to her side, yet she seemed even more angry than before. The anger floating through the bond was slowing turning from anger to what, as far as he could tell, he could only call... stubborness.


He tried to shake it off and go find her. He followed where the bond told him to go and quickly caught up to her. He knew she knew he was right behind her, but she just kept walking away, not looking back, trying to stay as regal as possible. That was when he noticed her dress. It was brand new, or had been, and he had the feeling that she had bought it for him. Another sigh escaped his lips.


"Nyna... NYNA... NYNAEVE!" She just kept on walking. He had one more trick to try to get her attention and he thought it might pull her out of her funk.


"Nynaeve Sedai! Is this how an Aes Sedai of the yellow Ajah act!" She rounded on him with fire in her eyes. He realized that maybe saying that might have the opposite effect of what he wanted. He looked around himself quickly, seeing if he could find a quick escape route. Unfortunately none could be found and she was quickly on him.


"See... I thought not." He took a large gulp and steeled himself for what was coming.

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Nynaeve quickened her step when she felt Damian was following her. But the bloody man could walk fast, especially when not having the liability of wearing a dress and so he quickly caught up with her, calling her to stop. Nynaeve ignored his presence and went on. She frowned but quickly smoothened her expression as she felt pain in her lower jaw. That girl could throw a rather good punch. The wench.


"Nynaeve Sedai! Is this how an Aes Sedai of the yellow Ajah act!" Nynaeve stopped rather abruptly and turned around. "See... I thought not", said Damian as Nynaeve rounded on him. "Don't you dare make a joke out of this, Damian. I'm not going to let you. Now stay out of my way." Nynaeve gave Damian a dangerous look.


Damian's hand reached to Nynaeve's face and caressed her swollen cheek. Nynaeve lost herself in that moment but quickly pulled away as she felt that very same amusement from Damian that she felt before. "This seems very funny to you, isn't it? Just a big joke. You are insufferable."


Nynaeve turned around and kept on walking, finally reaching her quarters. She went in and was just about to close the door when Damian slipped inside and slammed the door behind him. "Now what?", asked Nynaeve. "If you want a private performance you'll have to wait, I'm afraid. Lillian isn't here and the mud pit I ordered hasn't arrived yet."





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"Now what?", asked Nynaeve. "If you want a private performance you'll have to wait, I'm afraid. Lillian isn't here and the mud pit I ordered hasn't arrived yet."


For some reason Damian couldn't resist another crack here. He knew it was the wrong thing to say... but for some reason his mouth wouldn't stay closed. "Mud? I'm Sorry Nynaeve Sedai, but I am more of a gelatin product man myself." He saw the anger well up in her eyes again as he felt it through the bond and knew he had to do something to push it down.


"Nyna, I love you. You know I would never do something to purposefully hurt you. All I know about that girl is that her form was horrible and if she ever tried to fight someone who knew what they were doing, she would die. And I say girl because that is what she is compared to you."


He looked at her, hoping to find something to latch on to to make things better. That was when he saw her dress again. It was probably ruined, though you never knew what Aes Sedai could do. Even ruined though, it was a beautiful dress. "My my, that is a beautiful dress. Even in the state it is in you look spectacular in it. I am disappointed I didn't get to see you with the dress in all its glory." He didn't say what else he was thinking, however he knew she knew.


"I am sorry Nyna, please, forgive me... or I am sure you could do something with the bond. If that helps, please, do what you need to do." He made sure his head was bowed with deference. He had to do something.



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"Nyna, I love you. You know I would never do something to purposefully hurt you." Nynaeve diverted her eyes away from Damian. She could feel a warmth enveloping her body. It was the same feeling she had every time that Damian told her he loved her. But this time it was intensified. She could feel what he felt through the bond. It echoed in her head.


"All I know about that girl is that her form was horrible and if she ever tried to fight someone who knew what they were doing, she would die. And I say girl because that is what she is compared to you."


Nynaeve wanted to say that he should have left Lillian to face her grave fate, but she knew that kind of comment would have only earned her a glare. It was Damian's duty to help people improve their fighting skills. Whether they were male or female. She couldn't expect Damian to let all the good looking women die in battle. Although that prospect did seem quite agreeable to Nynaeve.


"My my, that is a beautiful dress. Even in the state it is in you look spectacular in it. I am disappointed I didn't get to see you with the dress in all its glory."


Nynaeve totally forgot about the dress. With Damian's abrupt entrance she didn't even have time to change. She looked down at it. Maybe she was too hasty in deciding that the dress couldn't be salvaged. She could find an unsuspecting Novice to try her luck. And if that failed, some tricks with Saidar could be attempted. Maybe there was still hope for it.


"I am sorry Nyna, please, forgive me... or I am sure you could do something with the bond. If that helps, please, do what you need to do." Damian bowed his head and remained still, awaiting.


Nynaeve grabbed Damian's chin and raised it up slightly, so his eyes could meet hers. "I would never use the bond to hurt you. If you don't know that for a fact, then you don't know me at all." Nynaeve pulled her hand away. "And I'm sorry you will not get to see the dress as it was. I think it is quite apparent that I've chosen the design according to your liking. Earned me quite a few staring too." Damian grinned at that.


Nynaeve shifted her eyes to the side. "I just couldn't stand seeing you touching her, Damian. I snapped."






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"I just couldn't stand seeing you touching her, Damian. I snapped." Damian smiled at her. He could tell her all day that there was no reason to snap, but what would he have done if he saw her being close to another man. Never mind what he felt through the bond, he was sure something would rise up in him as well.


"Its ok dear. I am sure I would have done the same. Amd I am sure you probably would have laughed at me as well before you called me a fool." He hugged her and gave her a kiss.


"Besides, you would have known if I had been doing or thinking in appropriate just with the bond. It would have felt something like this." He grabbed her again and dipped her giving her a kiss.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Besides, you would have known if I had been doing or thinking inappropriate thoughts just with the bond. It would have felt something like this." Damian grabbed Nynaeve, dipped her and gave her a thorough kiss.


Nynaeve hold on tightly. Damian has dropped her once in the past. Got lost in the moment, she guessed. This time, if she was going down he was going down with her. Picking her back up, Damian moved his hands down her waist and ran his lips over her neck.


"Somehow I feel that your demonstration isn't for clarification purposes only, Mr.Damian." Damian smiled. "Oh really? What gave it away?". Nynaeve narrowed her eyes. "Your hands unbuttoning the back of my dress." Damian laughed. "Oh, that."


Nynaeve kissed Damian lightly and moved away from him, towards her closet. She grabbed her velvet dress and placed it on her bed. She slipped out of her dress, remaining in her shift. "I must go ask penance for what I did, Damian. It will be frowned upon. It is strictly forbidden to physically harm an initiate of the Tower. So I'm going to get punished for your inability to keep your hands to yourself, really."


Nynaeve's vision suddenly started to blur. Her knees quickly gave away, but luckily Damian was there to catch her. Everything went dark.



OOC: Just the first symptoms for Nyn's 'situation' *laughs*...don't have Damian taking her to the infirmary or anything.... that will come later on.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Damian kissed her... and she fainted. Of course she had been saying something else before, but he was sure it was because of him. He knew he was a handsome fellow, but he didn't realize he had this power. This was a power he couldn't use lightly. Light! He could have the whole tower as putty in his hands. Of course... what was he thinking. He could never do that to Nyna... nyna? Nyna! "NYNA!"


He shook her a little and she opened her eyes. She had a somewhat glazed look on her face for only a moment before coming back to herself. He helped her stand as she brushed a locke of hair out of her face and looked around.


"Are you ok Nyna? Was it something I did?"


"It was nothing Damian. I... I think... my emotions must have just got the best of me. I just need to lie down for a little."


"Are you sure? I can take you to the infirmary and they can take a look over you. Just to be sure."


"No, that is quite all right. I am fine. Just get me a glass of water and let me rest for a second." And that is what he did. In no time she seemed back to her normal self. But the evenings fun had been canceled. He wanted to make sure she was fully ready for that.

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