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Help finding a series in my past.


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Hello everyone,


So i've been trying to remember the name of a series i read when i was in middle school. It was probably the first fantasy series i read, which in turn lead me to pick up the biggest fantasy book my library had. (that would have been the eye of the world paper back version at the time) Any who i don't actually remember much about the books which is why i want to reread it. Now i know its a long shot sense i know so little but here is what i do remember


1. It was set in the sameish time period of wot, as in horses and castles and what not

2. i think it might have had the word dragon somehow involved but that might be overlap from switching to wot to fast

3. the main character is a male.

4. i'm fairly certain he was nobly born idk

5. at some point he in racing his horse threw the mountains and he wins haha

6. (and this point is one of the scenes i remember because it stod out to me as a 12 year old but is graphic and i probably should not have been reading it but i think i turned out ok in spite of it. It might be the scene that finds me the books though so its all good.) So the main character the male is hurt and recovering in a castle or palace or something. i can't remember how he was injured. And then there is the female protagonist of the series the berelain (sorry i can't spell english words let alone wot words) if you will. who much like her wot counter part is seeking the affection of this character. whether it was for political or lust reasons i can not remember but i assume the first because of what ensues. he definitely doesn't reciprocate them but i can't recall if he has another girl or if its just his lack of interest in her. Either way she comes in and gets in bed with him attempting to lay with him. and as soon as he realizes that is what she is trying to do he in turn rapes her. or atleast he took over the situation and wasn't happy about it. sense she started it i'm not sure if thats the right word. Any way the last thing i remember from that scene is that when he used up all his energy doing so as he still is recovering or something.


EDIT: also i'm fairly certain it was a trilogy


Idk really i doubt this is near enough examples to find what i'm looking for but i can.


thanks for reading.

  • 3 weeks later...

This is tricky. It doesn't sound like anything I've read I think. My first thought when you mentioned dragons was Dragonlance, but I can't remember there ever being rape in DL.


Do you remember if there are any other species than humans (elves, dvarwes, goblins and so on) or any vague clue to what the main story was about?


Nope, rape didn't feature heavily in Dragonlance, except as one of the evils of war - it didn't cross paths with the main characters.

It could have been Melanie Rawn's 'Dragon Prince' trilogy (closely followed by the 'Dragon Star' series). The first three are: 'Dragon Prince', 'Star Scroll' and 'Sunrunner's Fire'. The rape scene was a little confusing as the female character sort of tricked the male character into it in order to conceive, and he spent the next couple of books agonising over the event.

Hope this helps


  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Alex. I agree with Jaedan; it definitely sounds to me like the Dragon Prince/Dragon Star trilogies by Melanie Rawn. I've read them more than once and the scene you describe does take place in the 1st trilogy, I believe. Jaedan is also correct in the way "it" happens (trickery/ magic/ deceipt) and the fact that the effects are far-reaching afterwards. The main character's name was Rohan and the female protaganist from the scene mentioned was named Ianthe. I found both series pretty good and keep them in my collection. Hope that helps your search.


It sounded a little like Legend by David Gammel to me--the racing horse through the mountain and the injury, and the woman.


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