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DM SG Board Game - The Band

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The ACW is currently creating a DM SG Board Game. This game will depict all of the Social Groups on DM and be playable for all.


To ensure that all social groups are represented accurately, we will be needing your input. To make helping us more tempting, there are awards for the most helpful factions along with awards for the most helpful SG's.


All you need to do is submit card ideas. Your faction has the following types of cards:


Action Cards: Cards that make a person have to do something until their next turn or for a limited amount of time. No violence. No stripping. No inappropriate touching. PG13 rule applies.

ex: Action Card: You have been wounded in battle, you must bandage your chest before time runs out.


Drawing Cards: You have to draw a certain item in a limited amount of time and get your teammates to guess what it is. No talking. No noises. No gestures. These do not require a story, but whatever you tell them to draw must be connected to either your faction or the online Social Group representing it.


Create Cards: We will supply everyone with a recipe for homemade plato. These cards will be the people or things that they must sculpt in a certain amount of time and get other people to guess. No talking. No noises. No gestures. Whatever you have them create must be connected to your faction.


Question Cards: Questions regarding Wheel of Time knowledge and concepts. No spoilers. No characters. No places.

ex: Question Card: Who Channels Saiden? A. men B. women. C. Lamas (but obviously they shouldn't be quite that simple.)


Guess the Truth Cards: Three incorrect statements and one correct one. The player who's turn it is must guess which statement is correct.

ex: Guess the Truth Card: 1. The Blue Ajah is in love with The Game of Thrones 2. The Blue Ajah is in love with Harry Potter.


Act Out Cards: You must act out something or someone and have other players guess what or who it is, and that character or concept must be related to your faction.


Luck Card: Lets you pick how the dice rolls on your next turn. You can pick to move forward from one to six spaces.

Ex: A large man has just entered the bar and the dice have started rolling in your head.


The Luck Card is a special card, so only one will make it into the game (But with enough ideas there is always the chance that we will make a few sets of card decks, thus using more Luck Cards) but you can still submit as many ideas for it as you like.

The others will also be very limited when it comes to how many make it into the game, but again, we want as many ideas as possible to open up the possibility of creating more decks later on to freshen up the game play.


When submitting a card idea, bear in mind that this game is a DM Board Game. This means that you can submit card ideas which center around things that your online group is known for.

An example of this would be the Wolfkin dunking each other in Chili. This does not happen in the book but could be brought up in the actual game.


Here is how you submit your card ideas:


State what type of card you are making, then what text will be put on the card. The actions are predetermined so you just have to say what is happening that causes those actions to occur, or what is about to be created.

You will post those ideas here, in this thread, with each entry neatly separated by using the return bar. I do not want to have to fish through a paragraph to find your entries.

You must also state your current rank or position in this SG to help us determine the winning faction within your SG.



To learn more about the competition and to see where your group is currently ranked, look here:




If there is anything you don't understand please check this thread for more information:




If after reading this you find that you still have questions please post them there or pm me.


Action Card, for the Honor of the BOTRH, Infantry:


"You have been sulky and insubordinate to a Wise One. Dig three holes, each the length and breadth of a man, with a teaspoon, then re-fill them."


Oh ah hahaha! Sorry! Let's see...how about this?


"You have been sulky and insubordinate to a Wise One. You forfeit one turn at the dice, and must bring each player a glass of water."


hardly seems sufficient punishment, though, I will think on it.


just so everyone knows. Ill be here as well if you want to bounce idea's off me or need help with anything. I can also help with putting some of your idea's into practice (though it might take some time between working and all)


Let me know if you need anything :smile:


Thanks! :)


I was going to make the punishment, "do ten laps around the room" or "perform 25 push-ups" but I thought, what about players who are in wheelchairs, or on crutches or something? Should we take handicaps into consideration?


Luck Card, for the honor of the BOTRH, Infantry:


"The Aes Sedai nearest you has made you Gaidin. You now share each other's wounds and triumphs. Where one proceeds, so goes the other."


Is this sufficiently self-explanatory?


(In other words, when one moves forward, so does the other. When one is punished, so is the other. etc. until the end of the game.)


This would be a powerful card to draw, for its continuing effects.


Oh, we already have the card actions mostly figured out. We just need reasons that those actions are occurring...

So you don't have to worry about making cards skip turns or move with other cards... etc. You just need a reason for the pieces actions already included in the earlier message... unless it's an action card in which case you decide what to make players do... hmm... handicaps should be taken into account I think since some DM members are in fact, in wheel chairs... But we can still have a couple that involve fetching objects, etc...


You win the game by being the first one to reach "Tarmon Gaidin" which is the name of the last square on the board, or in other words you just want your piece to reach the finish line.


That help at all? I'm loving your contribution by the way, you might just make the Band win the online competition. Whichever SG submits the most card ideas gets to pick what deck their picture goes on :D


For the Honor of the BOTRH:




"You have allowed your horse to trod on the foot of the player to your right, you wool-headed scatterbrain! Bow three times. Apologize, in increasingly florid language, until he or she accepts your apology. Game play halts until the two of you negotiate compensation for the injury. You may enlist the help of a third player, to serve as negotiator."


For the honor of the BOTRH, Archers

(I am a raw recruit, so I curry favor with all divisions):


"Your eagle eye and true arrow have single-handedly foiled the attempted assassination of our illustrious General. Tai'shar, Archer! You are hereby promoted. Take your appropriate place as leader on the board."


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