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Egwene dies, Long Live the Amyrlin?


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I just read Luckers' essay, and I think it's a fair point. However, it certainly does not imply that the Aes Sedai have never accomplished anything, it's more a critique on the institution rather than on the women themselves.


Also, it does NOT go so far as to hope that the WT gets utterly destroyed and/or replaced with the Black Tower. And Logain becoming Amyrlin is still utterly preposterous, unless the WT and BT become combined, in which case it should of course be the best man OR woman for the job.


"What is the Future for Aes Sedai


I think it's bright. They have an Amyrlin who by and large escaped the indoctrination process, which is added to by the sudden influx of so many novices including mature women, which means that sooner or later their will be many more Aes Sedaiwho aren't indoctrinated with the idea of being Aes Sedai. Fresh thought will finally be introduced.


And it is the perfect time for it. They’ve been slapped in the face by the Seanchan and the revelation of the Black Ajah, which should combine to be enough of a wake-up call that even the most idiotic sister will hear, if not act upon. That means that they are in a state of flux, the perfect mentality for new thought to be introduced. Add to that the ability to Travel and I suspect much more prodigious recruitment will begin."


I like this ending. It's rational and hopeful, unlike some of the posts in this thread.


As far-fetched as it might seem; but I would love to see Nynaeve Amyrlin if Egwene dies. She has the compassion necessary to turn Aes Sedai from isolated, dispassionate to caring servants of the people. She'd be an awesome Amyrlin.


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