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three oathes


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the three oaths

1.To speak no word that is not true

2.To make no weapon with which one man may kill another

3.Never to use the One Power as a weapon except against Darkfriends or Shadowspawn, or in the last extreme defense of her life, the life of her Warder or another Aes Sedai


with oath #3 how are the red adja able to capture and still male channelers, and how is the white tower able to carryout stilling as a punishment to sisters like Siuan, also how was Elida able to beat Moirane in new spring


The oaths all come down to the Aes Sedai's interpretation. If an Aes Sedai believes a falsehood to be truth they can speak it. Similarly as long as the Aes Sedai believes what they are doing with the One Power isn't using it as a weapon, they can do it.


Their general interpretation seems to be more along the lines of "Never to use the One Power to kill"


with oath #3 how are the red adja able to capture and still male channelers, and how is the white tower able to carryout stilling as a punishment to sisters like Siuan, also how was Elida able to beat Moirane in new spring


For the male channelers, I'm sure the general interpretation is that by gentling (not stilling if you want to get technical even though it's really just semantics) them they are actually saving them from a worse fate--going mad and dying, and probably killing others in the process. It's like saying to someone "How can you say you're against animal cruelty but still put down a rabid dog?" They feel that they're doing the world, and the male channelers, a mercy. For point number two, you answered your own question. They weren't using a the Power as a weapon against Siuan, she was being punished. Same goes for Elaida and Moiraine. Elaida wasn't using the Power as a weapon against Moiraine, she was helping her to prepare for her test for the shawl. It's a matter of interpretation. The Oath isn't to not cause HARM with the Power, it's using the Power as a weapon that's prohibited.


the three oaths

1.To speak no word that is not true

2.To make no weapon with which one man may kill another

3.Never to use the One Power as a weapon except against Darkfriends or Shadowspawn, or in the last extreme defense of her life, the life of her Warder or another Aes Sedai


with oath #3 how are the red adja able to capture and still male channelers, and how is the white tower able to carryout stilling as a punishment to sisters like Siuan, also how was Elida able to beat Moirane in new spring


The three oaths are very objective....


1; If you believe a lie, it's not a lie


2; They can enhance weapons after they are made, without violating this oath


3; The red ajah are common have a deep hatred for all men in general and could easily convince themselves that the taint makes a man follow the dark one and thus allow them to use the power as a weapon. I havent read new spriong, so I can't anwer that one.


2; They can enhance weapons after they are made, without violating this oath


Er, not so much this. The only time I think we've seen this was Alanna and Verin's beefing up the catapults in the Two Rivers, and I'm pretty sure they could only do this because they knew they were going to be used against Shadowspawn.


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