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Moridin and the Pattern


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In ACoS, in Moghedien's PoV, RJ has revealed that Moridin lives outside the pattern. He loves to live there and travel through it. Now is it something that is too odd?

As far as we know, the DO is capable of destroying and playing the patterns, but so far we haven't confronted a situation where there is absolutely no pattern at all, except in mindtrapping of Moghedien. After that scene, I don't think I ever heard of Moridin walking outside the pattern.

What puzzles me right now is the significance of this fact. Rand tweeks the pattern to his purpose and Moridin lives outside the pattern. This means the prophecies do not actually exist here. This also means that there can be a different fate awaiting for Rand.

Which brings me to the scene of confusion.

How can you live outside the pattern in the first place, unless you are inside the Bore? Alright, if that is possible, then how will Rand manage to enter this area himself? Is the region Moridin is living in is actually a part of Tel'aran'rhiod that is still unknown?


I'd think of it like a bubble beside the pattern. It's made of the same stuff, but isnt connected to the pattern shaping the world. Moridin might also be capable of making his own vacuoles at this point in the series. The DO could be teaching him tricks, and since the TP has the ability to rip the pattern apart, i dont see why he shouldnt be able to step outside of the pattern at will. This also makes for an interesting theory if Rand actually needs to exit the pattern to seal the DO inside the pattern.


The words outside the pattern were used to describe the Watcher's tp traveling (great throw-away dialogue in that chapter), but is it specifically said (even if PoV character is wrong) outside that (vacuoles aside, Moggy was kept in one, but that's as far as it goes iirc)?


If women try to travel the way men do (boring a hole) they are sucked out of the pattern. Purhaps the TP allows them to step out of the pattern and survive. I think this is how one travels with the TP.


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