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[PS3/360] Final Fantasy XIII-2


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I hope those are Cokes or something that Noel has scattered about his new outfit, because I don't think any Final Fantasy main character has ever been old enough for a beer. At least he doesn't look quite as much like Sora in that. Also, you're surprised at Serah's outfit? It's Japan for chrissakes. If you're already asking me to accept this tiny demure little waif beating the crap out of a twenty ton oretoise, why not go all the way into full-on fanservice?


Also, to get Lightning on your team you need the Lightning/Amodar coliseum DLC. It lets you fight Lightning and Amodar with the same chance of getting a monster crystal out of them as any other fight.

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First downlodable episode is up, it's a Sazh-episode called Heads or Tails. Also 2 new Serendipty card games. 3.59 euro




Honestly, I've already paid 500 NOK for this game (90 dollars, 56 pounds, 67 euro), I am so not thrilled about having to pay even MORE to acutally complete this game.

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That depends on what you want to call "complete". I did everything that came with the game I bought - I call that complete and I didn't like the game so much that I want more of it. Anyway I've got card games that came with Windows if I want them that badly.

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That depends on what you want to call "complete". I did everything that came with the game I bought - I call that complete and I didn't like the game so much that I want more of it. Anyway I've got card games that came with Windows if I want them that badly.


Yes, but that adds more than just card games.

It adds a small plot concerning what Sazh was up to during XIII-2, (probably how he came to rescue you at the end), and the possibility of adding him to your party.


As for Lightning, yea you have to beat her in the collisuem... Several times to get her. I think you can get the big guy there to.

You really need to have the fragment skills that increase 'monster crystal' drop rates to do it... Its.. low. I woulda thought lightning would be a Com and not a Rav though..

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I was kinda saying that the incentive of getting a chapter to play as Sazh wasn't really incentive enough, and adding in that nobody cares about the card games, especially because everybody hates Serendipity.


It makes sense she'd be a RAV; her Full ATB skill in the first game, Army of One, was in her Ravager tree.

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I was kinda saying that the incentive of getting a chapter to play as Sazh wasn't really incentive enough, and adding in that nobody cares about the card games, especially because everybody hates Serendipity.


It makes sense she'd be a RAV; her Full ATB skill in the first game, Army of One, was in her Ravager tree.


I thought that was in Com in the original?

Or was Sazh the only one that was pure COM?

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  • 1 month later...

I hated the ending. Worst ending ever, felt like throwing the controller through the tv. I liked the alternate ending where



Snow and Serah ride off on his bike while Noel stays to guard Hope



the best so far.


I need a little help tho. Hardcore game glitch. When I try to beat Yomi, I get him down to about 70k health, and all of a sudden, Noel and Serah turn and run and won't except commands. It's gotten me killed twice, and it's really irritating. Anyone else have that happen?

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