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[PS3/360] Final Fantasy XIII-2


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Well, furthermore, when you have a quality Sentinel like Pulse Guardian busily maintaining Provoke on him, and because it's something ridiculously resilient like Pulse Guardian he can't do much damage and thusly will concentrate more on that than anything else, you can wear him down more with Serah switching into, say, RAV/SEN or COM/SEN. The point, like in that miserable Yomi fight, is that you never, ever don't have a Sentinel in there soaking up his attacks. Still one of the only battles I ever needed anything other than combinations of COM, RAV, and MED for.


actually Yomi I didn't even use Sent.. EVER! lol

I now have all roles at level 99 so yea, even before then, I just went all med during his turtle phase, no point attacking, heal to full, keep attacking. If you do it right, he almost nevery whirls. and if he does? Toggle to sent quick. When he's done? hop back to attacking, or heals, depending on what he does.


I know he, like caius had a pattern.


It was something like an AoE attack, followed by a whirl, or caius similar ability, you'd simply hit sent and wait it out.


For caius he mixed it up alot more.. and was annoying thusly.


For Caius he basically had 1 ability that would hit the group, as soon as he hit that, you'd turtle up.

And you would wait until he cast inferno which was his end of his offensive stage. Heal up, continue attacking.

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Egh. That's one thing that annoyed me about the otherwise awesome combat system in the first game, and it still annoys me in this one. Caius would keep throwing his one or two AoE attacks at my Pulse Guardian, and depending on where Serah was standing, she could get dinged by it or not, but I had absolutely no control over where she was standing because the AI would move her wherever it felt like.

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  • Community Administrator

yea that is a big pain, but on that I believe as soon as he started his offensive, I turtled up so I wouldn't get hammered on, because his 'inferno' would easilly bring me down to 100 hp out of 5k! (give or take 2k.) So I couldn't afford to take that much dmg before his 'big' hit, even with sent on.

Thats one of the reasons the fight dragged on so long.

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  • Community Administrator

lol, most of the names of crap are a haze at this point, but its interesting the things you are having 'issues with' (like yomi) I found easy and things I found hard. (ochu) you found easy.

I guess our 'setups' are just more effective on some bosses than others.

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Well it's also things like you being at max levels and taking such a beating from Caius' Inferno outside of SEN/SEN and such, and me being at max levels and... not so much. I mean, I think I had a Black Belt equipped, but that shouldn't make that much difference. Also I had like 2000 more hp on Serah than you did, I guess, but that's in part because of the screwy way the leveling system works.


And as far as Yomi goes, he wasn't that difficult once I got a Sentinel into the mix, just time consuming. I have difficulty believing that you never even used one in that fight. And as far as Ochu goes, I didn't really have a setup, because I practically never switched out of RAV/COM/RAV in that fight. In my opinion he got nerfed as hard as Long Gui did.

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  • Community Administrator

Well it's also things like you being at max levels and taking such a beating from Caius' Inferno outside of SEN/SEN and such, and me being at max levels and... not so much. I mean, I think I had a Black Belt equipped, but that shouldn't make that much difference. Also I had like 2000 more hp on Serah than you did, I guess, but that's in part because of the screwy way the leveling system works.


And as far as Yomi goes, he wasn't that difficult once I got a Sentinel into the mix, just time consuming. I have difficulty believing that you never even used one in that fight. And as far as Ochu goes, I didn't really have a setup, because I practically never switched out of RAV/COM/RAV in that fight. In my opinion he got nerfed as hard as Long Gui did.


Well the first couple of times I had to go Sen/Sen/Sen for his wicked whirl, but as you said, every 5% he turtles up right? If you kill him fast enough he never gets a Chance to cast wicked whirl!

I get him down in about.. 5 mins or so total now.


I think one of hte major things is, the difficulty level. On normal you definately have to go turtle more than on Easy, and the fight gets to be a bit longer. I fought Caius on Normal, and Yomi on Normal. Then after I killed him a couple of times for the gil, I switched it down to easy as theres no real benefit from normal vs easy aside from a higher rare drop rate.


Useing two durable Collector catalogs equiped, allows you to get 148,000 gil from killing Yomi.


Do you know the secret of the god pet Chichu?

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Yeah, I picked that up along with a few of the other hidden monsters (Silver Chocobo to name one), but I never really needed to try it. My Behemoth was always good enough - I never even maxed him out. I only ever started to look at swapping out my monsters when the ones I had weren't cutting it anymore. Basically, I unloaded the Cait Sith and Garchimacera you get when first learning about monster collecting when they capped out and their HP was too low to survive the things I was fighting. Buccaboo Ace and Flanitor filled their roles for the rest of the game, except for specific instances when I needed my Pulse Guardian. I have no taste nor patience for the kind of organizational gymnastics involved in monster raising in this game, just like I never did any breeding in Pokemon beyond what I needed to get mons I wouldn't otherwise be able to.


But on that Chichu note, why is it that every regular monster type in this game has an albino version? Even the Cactuar has one, and it's super creepy looking.


And maybe that's part of why Yomi was so much easier for you. I never, and I stress this, never even remembered there was an option for a lower difficulty setting.

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  • Community Administrator

Yeah, I picked that up along with a few of the other hidden monsters (Silver Chocobo to name one), but I never really needed to try it. My Behemoth was always good enough - I never even maxed him out. I only ever started to look at swapping out my monsters when the ones I had weren't cutting it anymore. Basically, I unloaded the Cait Sith and Garchimacera you get when first learning about monster collecting when they capped out and their HP was too low to survive the things I was fighting. Buccaboo Ace and Flanitor filled their roles for the rest of the game, except for specific instances when I needed my Pulse Guardian. I have no taste nor patience for the kind of organizational gymnastics involved in monster raising in this game, just like I never did any breeding in Pokemon beyond what I needed to get mons I wouldn't otherwise be able to.


But on that Chichu note, why is it that every regular monster type in this game has an albino version? Even the Cactuar has one, and it's super creepy looking.


And maybe that's part of why Yomi was so much easier for you. I never, and I stress this, never even remembered there was an option for a lower difficulty setting.


Hehe, yea thats a good possibility, I know until I learned about poison & yomi I was having the same problems you had with yomi, but after I learned about it, it became easy.


I also use 2 sabs and a Com(chichu) against him when he first breaks out of turtle mode, to make poison stick fastesr, Than I switch to rav/rav/com(chichu) to stagger him.

I ussually get in a couple of rounds +/- before he goes turtle again. Its almost like his 'turtle' is like caius's chain break. As soon as you stagger him, you get a very short chance to hit him before he 'breaks' it.


Normal mode and not easy its basically the same as above, just having to go sen/sen/sen if he gets a wicked whirl on ya.


And basically now that i've beat the game, and tryign to get platinuum trophy, i havent taken it off easy, no point really.




In order for Chichu to learn Jeopardize (hidden auto-ability), you need to

infuse Chichu with RAV monsters whose combined level equals 99 or more. Once

you do that, Jeopardize is auto-learnt. GameFAQs user "laurencium" suggests

that the best way is infusing Chichu with six lv17 Zwerg Scandroids. They

require only lv1 mats to be raised, and don't have any transferrable passives

until they hit lv18. Alternatively, you can do it the way I did - capture

several different RAV monsters, and raise their levels until you hit their

first transferrable passive ability.


Second you need to capture 9 monsters. Here you have their names, monster role,

HPs when fought as an enemy and general encounter spot.

- Orion, COM, 16600 HP, AF200 Augusta Tower

- Mud Frog, RAV, 36600 HP, W Archylte Steppe (rain, sunny, windy)

- Tonberry, COM, 393939 HP, AF300 Bresha Ruins

- Mewmao, SYN, 21960 HP, W Archylte Steppe (rain)

- Green Chocobo, MED, 146400 HP, AF100 Yaschas Massif

- Major Moblin, SEN, 61000 HP, W Archylte Steppe (rain, sunny, windy)

- Forked Cat, SAB, 24400 HP, AF400 Oerba, beach

- Fencer, RAV, 15680 HP, AF400 Academia*3

- Frag Leech, COM, 3250 HP, AF200 Oerba, beach


Once you capture all monsters listed, level them up on Crystarium.

- Orion to lv14 (Adrenaline)

- Mud Frog to lv19

- Tonberry to lv24 (ATK+35%)

- Mewmao to lv23 (36% resistance to magic damage)

- Green Chocobo to lv48 (36% resistance to physical damage)

- Major Moblin to lv40 (Auto-Bravery)

- Forked Cat to lv54 (HP+30%)

- Fencer to lv18 (Siphon Boost II*4)

- Frag Leech to lv30 (Role Resonance)


Next, go to Monsters menu, and proceed exactly as shown here!

- Select lv70 Chichu.

- Infuse Chichu with lv16 Orion.

- Infuse Chichu with lv15 Buccaboo = 15lv in RAV.

- Infuse Chichu with lv15 Buccaboo Ace = 30lv in RAV.

- Infuse Chichu with lv15 Pink Lily = 45lv in RAV.

- Infuse Chichu with lv15 Pleuston = 60lv in RAV.

- Infuse Chichu with lv6 Koboldroid Yang = 66lv in RAV.

- Select lv19 Mud Frog.

- Infuse Mud Frog with lv24 Tonberry.

- Infuse Mud Frog with lv23 Mewmao.

- Infuse Mud Frog with lv48 Green Chocobo.

- Infuse Mud Frog with lv40 Major Moblin.

- Infuse Mud Frog with lv54 Forked Cat.

- Select lv70 Chichu.

- Infuse Chichu with lv19 Mud Frog = 85lv in RAV.

- Infuse Chichu with lv18 Fencer = 103lv in RAV (Jeopardize learnt).

- Infuse Chichu with lv30 Frag Leech.

- You're done!*5

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its not like u need to god build chichu, he still hits like a truck...


didnt bother with Yomi yet going around getting fragments.


Up to 90 now. I now really hate Oreba...stupid puzzles.


Ochu I left RAV/RAV/COM once to MED/MED/MED.


As my chichu only had 3200 health when I killed it.


I really need to level a good ravager, basically completed the main story with a lvl 40 zwerg scandriod..

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The clock puzzles are the worst. There's a solver program at http://nyusuke.com/game/ff13/ff13-2puzzle.html that will figure them out for you if you're having too much trouble. It's especially helpful on the random ones where if you screw up, you get an entirely new one instead of getting the chance to figure out where you botched the last one.


I still don't get that you were able to keep Yomi poisoned. Every time he went into Impenetrable Aura, he removed every debuff I'd stuck on him, including poison. Usually before poison had had time to really do any damage. That's why I had to look at other ways to kill him.


Also Imperium if you're fraghunting you're going to need to kill Yomi; there's one that you get for killing Yomi himself, and one for clearing the bestiary. As a result, there are three achievements that will all require you to kill him (all four Archylte Steppe bosses, all 160 frags, all endings - which requires all frags for the last one).


I just picked up Kingdoms of Amalur, so I'm going to dive headlong into that next.

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  • Community Administrator

I still don't get that you were able to keep Yomi poisoned. Every time he went into Impenetrable Aura, he removed every debuff I'd stuck on him, including poison. Usually before poison had had time to really do any damage. That's why I had to look at other ways to kill him.


I never said I kept him poisoned through impenetrable aura!

I would repeat the sab/sab/com after every turtle phase (Impenetrable aura) to basically get him poisoned within the firs tcouple of rounds, than I'd have at him till he was staggered and he'd go right back to impenetrable aura, rinse, repeat.



I just picked up Kingdoms of Amalur, so I'm going to dive headlong into that next.[/color]


Egads... I hope you don't try getting 'platinum' for that! Its supposed to be something like 80 hours for the main story, and roughly 300 hours for all the sidequests!

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Depends on how much I find myself enjoying it. I hated Dragon Age, moreso after I connected to XBL and they added 26 goddamn DLC achievements, so I don't think I'm going for 100% completion on that, but I loved Arkham City, and not counting the four DLC achievements I'm up to 50/56 for that one.


You evidently had better luck with poisoning Yomi than I did. He'd Aura it off almost as soon as I'd get it to stick; there wasn't really any point in me trying.

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  • Community Administrator

Depends on how much I find myself enjoying it. I hated Dragon Age, moreso after I connected to XBL and they added 26 goddamn DLC achievements, so I don't think I'm going for 100% completion on that, but I loved Arkham City, and not counting the four DLC achievements I'm up to 50/56 for that one.


You evidently had better luck with poisoning Yomi than I did. He'd Aura it off almost as soon as I'd get it to stick; there wasn't really any point in me trying.


Yea, there were 2 simple things I did.

2 sabs.

and manually select poison on the current leader. I'd ussually get posion to stick within 1 or 2 full ATB charges, versus 4 if it were a single Sab.

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Yeh I know I have to kill him, just want to do other things at first.


I already found the puzzle solver but thanks though. I managed the first couple on my own. Then was stuck for an hour on one with changing numbers for hours. Becomes so much more confusing once they start putting 5's and 6's in.


I didn't mind Dragon Age, got the plat but didn't buy the dlc. Dragon Age 2 I have completed but cba with the plat as there are only 4 or 5 environments.


I will eventually buy Amalur but I need to complete some games first.


EDIT : Might have found a reason to kill Yomi on normal...might not have..'Trapezohedron is a 5% drop from Yomi' Think you need them for ATB +1 weapons

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Blood and bloody ashes! Finished the storyline today, and I think my jaw is still on the floor. Light! I really do not have words, I sat here wailing "whyyyyyyyyy" for ten minutes or something. Especially sucked since I spent like 45 mins on the Bahamuts (turns out, I wasn't as overleveled as I thought.... Bah. )


Im gonna give the game a few days rest now, before I start doing timereversals and everything... Need to cool down a bit. I have never ever in my life been this upset over a video game.

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  • Community Administrator

Blood and bloody ashes! Finished the storyline today, and I think my jaw is still on the floor. Light! I really do not have words, I sat here wailing "whyyyyyyyyy" for ten minutes or something. Especially sucked since I spent like 45 mins on the Bahamuts (turns out, I wasn't as overleveled as I thought.... Bah. )


Im gonna give the game a few days rest now, before I start doing timereversals and everything... Need to cool down a bit. I have never ever in my life been this upset over a video game.


go play FF7 ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't read this whole thread, in fear of plot spoilers, but I'm at 63 fragments and got my first paradox ending last night. This game is awesome. I liked XIII, linear or not, and XIII-2 is even more awesome. I love the monster taming and infusing. The whole game just rocks.

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I never got the hang on infusions, but I thought it took long enough to level up those monster I were using (no, Im not much of a grinder) so I really couldn't afford to "waste" any.


There1's new wadrobe items out btw,






Yeah, cause Serah needed an outfit with even less fabric. As if the french opening in the other was enough...


1.99 euro for Serah I think, 1.59 for Noel.


Anyone figured out how to get Lightning on your team yet? I heard it was possible.

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