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Disruption in the POV flow in Ch 9 of bk 4 TSR


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Just curious, if anyone else got a little confused while reading Ch 9/Decision on The Shadow Rising. Normally a chapter is written by a certain persons POV, I know sometimes there is a switch of POV within the chapters but usually it is very defined, end of one and new paragraph starts off a new POV. However, I don't know if it was cause I was up really late reading or my battle with my head cold, but when I began reading this chapter I thought I was reading from Matt's POV then suddenly it seemed to be Perrin and just as suddenly Egwene, then maybe Elayne until it ended up Rand.


It just does an omni-PoV just like he's done in TEotW "Dragonmount" and usually at the end of the novels, like LoC and ACoS, and TPoD. Eventually it settles in Rand. He did it so he could show what everyone's doing at that point without having to shift PoV's over and over again.


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