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Guys and gals, it is time

Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

Time to play a game.


Or should I say, time for YOU to play the game I been playing since I came here :baalzamon:


I has another profile on ze Dragonmount.


This is my "other" profile, an alter ego in reference to the Forsaken and their... alter ego usage... All YOU have to do is figure out who I iz, preferably by asking questions that can be answered with Yes or No in a 20 questions stylee but not necessarily limited to 20. Will throw out clues if necessary but theres one or two lurking around already :ph34r:


Small note.


Before I signed up with this one, I did my best to look through the DM terms and conditions to see if this would break any rules, and as far as I could see theres nothing to say a person canny have two profiles. Theres something that says if you change your name you must put in your sig what your previous name was... but I hasnt changed my name and I still use ze other profile. So as far as I can tellz I broke no rules, if I erred then something something duno how to end this sentence other than to say its all in the spirit of good humour.




Playing the game?




And no cheating, Admins and Mods!

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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

Hold on, lemme login the other and see if I can see


EDIT-dont have the message anymore but it was over a year ago. Twas about your name :D

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Time to play a game.


Or should I say, time for YOU to play the game I been playing since I came here :baalzamon:


I has another profile on ze Dragonmount.


This is my "other" profile, an alter ego in reference to the Forsaken and their... alter ego usage... All YOU have to do is figure out who I iz, preferably by asking questions that can be answered with Yes or No in a 20 questions stylee but not necessarily limited to 20. Will throw out clues if necessary but theres one or two lurking around already :ph34r:


Small note.


Before I signed up with this one, I did my best to look through the DM terms and conditions to see if this would break any rules, and as far as I could see theres nothing to say a person canny have two profiles. Theres something that says if you change your name you must put in your sig what your previous name was... but I hasnt changed my name and I still use ze other profile. So as far as I can tellz I broke no rules, if I erred then something something duno how to end this sentence other than to say its all in the spirit of good humour.




Playing the game?




And no cheating, Admins and Mods!


Why do you think there's a procedure to change names if people were allowed to have double accounts? Duh.



Not to mention that it's common sense. Creating another account and pretending to be someone else is scamming people, unless there's a valid reason behind it, like harassment and whatnot. But even then, it's best to go through the admins so they are aware of the situation.






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  • Moderator

While not specifically called out in the CoC (that is to be remedied ASAP), it has been a long standing procedure on DM to only have 1 account. Like Nyn said, it is implied by the wording around name changes.


I assume you would rather have the Drekka Mort account be your active one? I can try a merge of the 2, or simply delete the Czech one and grant your Drekka Mort account the proper Shayol Ghul access that was granted under Czech.


PM me if you want more info or would like to talk about it further.

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