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Aiel Heart

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Ello! I'm Aiel Heart and respond to AH and Heart. I've been on DM for about two months now and have been really really involved.


I've been doing a WoT reread and throughout it I have discovered just how much I love Mat. So I did a bit of lurking around here... ;) not too much but a bit


What really decided it for me was having a dream about Mat and Tuon last night. The band was involved a little, but I still took it as a sign :P so here I am!




Oh yeah and I like traveling and music so I think I'd get along well here :)


welcome to the band Aiel Heart! :biggrin: im DL the archer red arm, im sure the big chiefs will be along soon but until look round post away and have a few drinks *slides Aiel Heart a line of flaming shots*


I guess I'm one of the 'big chiefs' around here....hoping the other big chief is nearby as well


Anyways, welcome Heart, we're glad you've joined! I'm Jea, second in command around here and in charge of these feisty points that can get you raised to new ranks and what not. We did have a recruit program in place, but the guy working on all of that had to step down due to RL and now, we're not sure where to go because we don't have much time ourselves since school just started back up.


Hopefully I'll put a bug in Corki's ear soon and all will be well, but until then, look around, be merry, and draw people in the dust, oh and get people to come out of those deep dark corners :wink:


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