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Egwene versus Perrin.. who is better in the TAR/Wolf Dream?

Dreggs Morlock

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You have to remember too that we don't really know what each one's ultimate potential is, and that though each knows things the other doesn't, but part of Perrin's skill is his ability to mimic things he sees the others do. This can be used against him too, because he doesn't really understand the mechanics of what he's doing, but the sheer force of his will may help that....In the end, though, Egwene will always have one advantage over him, the ability to channel. One can argue that weaves have no effect on Perrin, but that's not true. He could see the balefire and DEFLECTED it, he didn't destroy it. He can't see or feel weaves and Moghedien said in FoS that there weaves that only worked in TAR but we're permanent, i.e. stayed that way when u woke. Also, Egwene discovered at during her fight with Mesaana that it was actually easier to do certain things if u channeled instead of just using your will....Could Perrin fight off a Dreamer with the ability to channel in TAR? The Slayer couldn't channel, and Lanfear, who was actually the one who told Perrin how to go to TAR in the in the flesh, that this was the one wish TAR couldn't grant, to give someone the ability to channel even for the duration of a dream, it's not about the body, it's the soul.

But a dreamer could very well "channel" in the dream by creating the desired effect with their minds if not with the power like balls of fire, or any other weave, so long as they had an understanding of what the weaves did which we do only from the POV's of channelers.  But one very well could create fire or bind someone against movement.  The intricacies such as shielding a channeler though I think it is just easier to disbelieve anything they created rather than attempt to withhold someone's ability because that would lead to a force of will battle.  Only the imagination limits what one can do in the dream.  They could fly, change things around them, and go elsewhere into other areas of the world of dreams into the void and study real people's dreams unless warded against.  Anything that can be done/made can be undone.  Just like any lock or security measure we create can be hacked.  I'm by no means saying it is easy, just that there is a possibility.

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