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New to TWoT


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Hey everyone, I've been researching TWoT series for the past few days because a friend of mine recommended it to me. When I searched for "The Wheel of Time" I came across this forum and decided to sign up and see what's going on. The series seems right up my ally and i'm so excited to start reading!

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Yea the policy is that they aren't considered spoilers for the books up to the last 2. You dont want to ruin it so just watch out. Even thread names are spoilers sometimes.

Once you have read a bit more you should check out the social groups. (they will make more sense once you have read a bit lol)

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Guest AoifeMorrigan

it was the same with me. i got them from amazon, too.

you're really gonna love the series. i'm a beginner myself being merely in the middle of book 3. but it's great.

and the forum is great, too, even if you're not familiar with everything, yet. and the best is: you can always ask questions if you have any or didn't quite get some incidents of the plot.

and there also are a great many useful links with additional info. :wink:

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Lol, I started reading when I was younger, so I had my public library interlibrary loan each book until I finished the ones out. I bought the last two as soon as they came out though, through Amazon. Nearly every good sized bookstore should have all of them in paperback. Not all of them have the hardcovers though. It just depends on what you want.

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