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Daes Dae'mar - July 2011 Newsletter

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Welcome to the WT's monthly newsletter!!


So... is there not someone that's interested in writing a witty and interesting editor's note for me each month? PLEASE? >.> I pay well :biggrin:

Anyway let me introduce a new section for the Newsletter - it's the Memberspotlight column! If you want to see your fellow member in the spotlight or think you've got what it takes to deal with stagefright - PM me and who knows, you might get lucky!




PS. Let us know if you want to contribute to our Newsletter, either as a writer, information gatherer or just as someone to keep the rest of me entertained! >.> Well PM me if you're interested and I'll get you hooked up. We have all sorts of wonderful things :wink:




The Brown Ajah has taken us all a'travelling! And we didn't even need to pay for a flight ticket...


The Grays had their marvellous Midsummer Festival!


Red vs White: Ever wondered how passion squares up to reason? Well go on and have a look!


And Ithillian roused up a mob to go Trolloc hunting!




11th 2007 - Warder bond - Talya (Red Ajah) to Doselan (Warder path)

6th 2009 - Warder bond - Besolyn (Aes Sedai) to Verbal32 (Warder path)




The Blues have gained a new sister, congrats Keyholder Sedai!


We had a raising to Accepted, go Ithillian!



On the staff side, Elgee decided she'd rather not let Nynaeve get too far from here side.. so Nyna has become a White Tower Advisor!


We have a new Yellow Head of Ajah. Congrats Tigara!!!!


In addition to Nyna we have another brand spanking new WTA, Congrats Pankhuri!





Be excited! Be very, very, very excited!! Well I am! Boohoo to you if you don't join in on the fun. So... make sure, absolutely sure to join in on the fun at the Blue Ajah's Harry Potter Week!





WTA Applications are still open!




The blondie was still trying to figure out the answer to my question, poor dear.


Which was "how many Red Amyrlins does it take to rip your jugs off and feed them to you from a sippy cup?".


So this week I introduce to you a brand new section of our Newsletter! The Member Spotlight. This weeks special member will be our mommy, ELGEE!


1) Where in the world are you from?

I'm from Cape Town, South Africa.


2) What got you into reading WoT? And what made you join DM?

I can't recall, really - I think about 3 or 4 books had already been published when I spotted it in the Fantasy section at the local library. I had been into fantasy for a few years by then, and the books looked interesting. And thick! I like thick books *grins*

What made me join: Same story as most people - it was 2006, I was looking for information on when the next book would be published, and stumbled upon DM. I originally wanted to join the RP side, but got lost and landed up naked on the steps of the Tower. I believe Daruya gave me a dress to wear.


3) What do you do to earn your crust in Real-Life?

I'm a rental administrator for a company that rents out residential properties. This entails all kinds of things, from doing the books to dealing with irate tenants/owners to inspecting properties to delivering eviction notices (hence the IRL Warder / Big Black Dude who looks really scary but is actually a putty tat)


4) If you were a Channeler for a day, what would you do and why?

I would Travel to where-ever my various Bondeds and some other friends are so I could meet them. And because I don't believe in limiting myself, I would also try to Heal them should they have any physical problems.


5) You hold/ have held important positions on DM, what was the driving force in you taking up these positions?

Lordy ... I've never really thought about that. I'm the kind of person who's easily suckered into working? Lol. Seriously - if something needs doing, and I think I can possibly do it, then I'll volunteer.


6) What say thee to the allegations of thy brattiness?

They're foul lie... *chokes* ... *kicks a novice* ... true, I suppose *sniffs and flounces AND pops gum.*





Now you can all have a go at asking Elgee questions and she HAS to answer :wink:


OhOhOhOh! Memememememe!




1) So when are you coming to visit me?

2) What is your favorite book and why?

3) What part of being Amyrlin do you like least? Most?


OhOhOhOh! Memememememe!




1) So when are you coming to visit me?


I'm working on that Travelling Weave! Stupid thing keeps opening up on the moon, though *sulks*


2) What is your favorite book and why?


That's like asking someone who's your favourite child ... lol

The best I can do is say that my favourite series is WoT. Hands down.

Why? I've never come across any other work of fantasy that seems so real. Or maybe possible is a better word. The way channeling is described is so logical and ... well, possible. There are many other fantasy books/series that I love, but WoT is the only one that induced me to join an online forum.


3) What part of being Amyrlin do you like least? Most?


Least: The fact that I still don't always believe I can fill Jen or Claire's shoes. I'm getting better, but those are pretty large shoes to fill ... lol. Oh and people who think they're "entitled" to be here, and that the WT/Warders should conform to them, not the other way around. Those are usually the same type of people who think staff don't have lives and should jump the second they scream for attention. Luckily there are incredibly few of them.


Most: Just about everything else? This is actually proving to be the hardest question for me to answer. I think I'll come back to this one later.


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