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Hold Onto My Apron Strings (Attn: Estel)


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Pursing her lips and scowling in frustration, Serena swiftly removed herself from the gardens, where she had met with Sirayn secretly. Never could the Blue be frustrated with a woman that she was so bound to in duty. Serena had always paid swift and direct attention to the Green Sister, and was now bound in Oath to the woman she held so dearly. Not that Serena was "in love" with Sirayn Simeone, never that, she just held her...in high regards. Focus, Serena! Mumbling curses to herself under her breath and in her mind, the Saldaean Aes Sedai was practically storming to through the Blue Quarters by the time she reached the entrance way.


Why me? I'm not a baby-sitter! If the girl can't hold her own than more vigerous action should be taken. It's not my bloody fault that she's blubbering in front of the other innitiates when she she should be teaching. What can I do about her sudden bursts of outrage? The bloody woman has always been a little ferocious, perhaps a bug just got up her skirts for good this time!


Over and over and over, Serena cursed the Sister she was about to have to "look after". Perhaps Sirayn had assigned Serena because the two of them were in the same Ajah and the Green had just had enough of Ms. Liones. Shaking her head, Serena turned a corner and took in a deep breath. She was almost at Este's rooms, and she would have to collect herself, somewhat.


Realizing that she had been twirling her dagger through her fingers on the whole walk over to Estel Sedai's, Serena shoved the blade back up her sleeve. Glancing down, she straightened her floor length coat and dusted off her breeches, slightly. Straightening, she raised her hand and knocked hard on Estel's door.



Serena Morrigan

BLue Ajah

Bonded to Thera Trakelyn

Member of the Order of the Rose

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The abrupt knocking on her door brought an even louder groan this morning that it had yesterday. ‘Blood and ashes! Not again! What does the woman want this time!’ Scenarios ran through her head of what could have possibly brought Sirayn Sedai to her door this morning. Yesterday it was vengeful Novices, what would it be today? Furious Tower Guards? Angry Sisters? Or perhaps the woman had nothing better to do than torment poor, recovering Sisters. She had hardly gotten through a day since her return without enduring the midget’s ire. For the thousandth time she cursed the name of Sirayn Simeone.


Rolling over, and seeing that Orion had already left produced another groan- and yet another after a second bout of knocking. Did she have to open the door? Damn the man! Why wasn’t he ever around when she needed him? However, her frustration and irritation only earned her amusement through the Bond, which only served to worsen her irritation, which- or course- added to Orion’s amusement. Burn that man! Damnit! He was supposed to support her!


“Mcoming!†she yelled at her morning visitor. ‘Why can’t she come at a more respectable hour of the day?’ Throwing a dressing robe over her nude body and tying her hair back on top of her head, she got to the door in record time. This was becoming so routine that she might even find herself waking up before the rest of her Sisters in a few months time. Oh the calamity!


While opening the door, she had quite a few choice words for Sirayn, running along the lines of needing to find a better pass-time when she realized it wasn’t Sirayn! Serena was still shorter than she, but not by the exact foot that the scheming Green was. And though she would have taken Serena over Sirayn any day, she had been avoiding this particular Aes Sedai.


“Good morning, Serena.†she said, faking joy at seeing her older Sister. “What brings you to my door so early?†Estel only wished she didn’t have her suspicions.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Pursing her lips, Serena looked up into the eyes of Estel. The words she spoke were coated with honey, but Serena knew better. Blue Sisters did not join the Blue Ajah because they couldn't read between the lines. "Have you any idea what time it is, Estel?" Shaking her head, she manouvered past the younger Aes Sedai and into her rooms. Turning over her shoulder to look at Estel, she remarked. "It's not early." Breathing in deeply, the Saldaean Sister attempted to calm herself, she had not done such a wonderful job of it on the way over.


Waiting until Estel finally offered her a seat, she gestured for the other Blue to sit as well. Where should she begin? There was so much to be brought down onto this young fire-spirited woman, Serena was practically at a loss for words. "Estel," Light, I practically called her 'Child'. It would be fitting, though."I almost wish I were here to speak kind words to you. However, that is not the case." Biting the inside of her cheek, Serena tapped her fingers on the arm of the chair. "There is much to be said about an Aes Sedai. We take on responsibilities that many others would never even dream of, we enter battles of the mind, body, and soul, yet we come out the other side holding our own."


Tilted emerald eyes tried to grasp at Estel's to see if the other woman was beginning to understand where Serena was going with this, but it hardly seemed that the younger woman cared. "Listen, Estel, I cannot beat around the bush with you. Your behaviour is very well noted through-out the AJah, let alone the rest of the White Tower. Your sudden outbursts: the crying, the yelling, the hysteria! It has been brought to my attention, not only by what I have witnessed myself, but by Sisters in other Ajahs." Shaking her head, her eyes lit with irritability, yet her face remained smooth and calm. "This has to come to an end, and it will come to an end beginning today." As she spoke the last word, her small hand came down hard on the arm of the chair.


"You are to be under my watch until further notice, Estel Liones. Which also means, you have penances to serve. There will be no more lashing out suddenly infront of any innitiate of the White Tower. THat includes Aes Sedai! Your behaviour is unacceptable, and until you have the courage and strength to act line an Aes Sedai, I have a mind to put you to work under my steady eye...and I have been given permission to do so."


Serena's eyes seemed to glow as she watched and waited for Estel's reaction.


Serena Morrigan

Blue Ajah

BOnded to Thera Trakelyn

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As Serena moved right past her, Estel barely suppressed a groan. ‘Not another lecture.’ The younger woman gestured to a seat and before she could fetch tea, the smaller woman motioned for her to sit as well. This was not going to be pleasant. Not in the least.


Estel listened and as Serena went on, she slumped further and further into her chair. Light, she had had this lecture from how many people since she had returned? Couldn’t they see she was trying? Why did they all have to rub her mistakes in her face? The older Blue was only repeating what she had heard before. She was so tired of the nagging. Maybe if they would give her some time to try and fix things they’d see she was trying! It wasn’t her fault everything kept blowing up in her face!

“It has been brought to my attention, not only by what I have witnessed myself, but by Sisters in other Ajahs.."


Other Ajahs? She knew her failure as a Sister was hardly a secret throughout the Tower, but who would inform Serena? Who would care? Even most of the Blue Ajah had already give up on her! They couldn’t see past the mask. The Blues were known for reading too much into people, but with her they didn’t seem to bother. No one held out hope that she would ever be good enough to really be of any use to the Tower.


If the Blues didn’t care, who in the Pit of Doom did?


There was only one answer. Estel did not like the answer. She didn’t like what it implied. The same confusion and resentment arose in her as had after the episode with the posters. Why wouldn’t the woman leave her alone? Damn her and her oaths!


“Did Sirayn send you?â€

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  • 4 weeks later...

Blood and ashes! Could the woman not have asked me a different question? Serena bit her cheek as she thought, she would have to tell Estel the truth. Aes Sedai could not lie... maybe there was some way around it.


"Estel, I am not quite sure if it is your business to know who came to me about your...reactions, as of late." Eyeing Estel, Serena folded her hands in her lap. "Granted, Sirayn may have said a thing or two about you. That alone should say enough! That woman is to be respected at all costs! Why she would come to me about you, though..." Now there was a question she had not let herself think of on her way over. Why would Sirayn care anything about Estel, and ask Serena of all people to watch over her?


Biting her lower lip, the Saldaean BLue arched a dark eyebrow as she wondered silently. Again, she studied Estel. "You look ill. What is it that has you acting so crazy? Your behaviour cannot continue!"

Although, she did care, Serena's words were icy cold.



Serena Morrigan

Blue Ajah

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Sirayn had said a thing or two? No doubt! Respect? Estel snorted, teetering on the edge between true amusement and bitterness. Light blast the woman and her Oaths! If the irritatingly perfect Sirayn Sedai were trying to really turn her into the Sister she was supposed to be why were the oaths necessary? And what in the Pit of Doom was the Order of the Rose? Despite apparently being its newest member Estel knew precious little of it and its- her- master. All she knew was that it was headed by Sirayn and consisted of those sworn to her. Whether those was her and a group, or her alone she had no idea. However, that Sirayn had seemingly entrusted her to Serena’s care hinted at a similar- though perhaps more stable- relationship between the two.


“Why she would come to me about you, though..."


“Yes, why would she ask you to ‘watch over’ me. I know why she wants me watched over, but why send you?” She muttered quietly, half asking Serena, half thinking aloud. Somehow she didn’t think that Sirayn would just randomly entrust her ‘care’ to Serena, she doubted anything the Green did was random.


’Crazy? Ill?’ Her Sister’s words cut through her musings. Crazy? Of course she’d been crazy! Burn her but she’d just lost her Warder, her lover and watched herself bury her career, not to mention the pregnancy, all in the space of only a handful of years! Few Sisters were completely stable after suffering the abrupt snapping of a Bond and yet everyone continued to nag about her ‘lack of composure’!


Eventually she brought herself to Serena’s last words, and what an annoyingly truthful sentence they were. “Of course I know my behaviour has to change!” she snapped. “What do you think I’ve been trying to do since I returned! And yet all my work accomplished naught because I have to deal with everyone else nagging at me and yet denying my every attempt to regain what I destroyed!”

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