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June Exchange


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This is usually one of our biggest exchanges and we have the most fun with it! I want to get this one as big as it used to be! It's pretty simple. You buy post cards from the area you live in and you mail them to the people who sign up. You don't have to send them to everyone, though we'd all love some happy mail from you! Send what you can and watch the smiles spread!


We usually do some kind of theme with the postcards, but this year, I just want you to send whatever you want to put in the mail. I think we all need a good laugh, so I'm going shopping for the worst postcards I can find (you know, like the one with the big donkey that says "wish you were here" ?).


If you're interested in playing along, just post in here saying you're in! If you're address isn't in the address thread and you'd like to keep it that way, feel free to PM it to me and I'll forward it on to those who request it, or you can forward it to those who request it. Whichever works best for you!



Come on and let's have some fun with this one! :D

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