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Welcome to the Band Valkyn!

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We are all pleased to see you here! As I believe you already know, I'm Jea, second in command around these parts and in charge of your points and keeping Corki, our illustrious leader, in line! Hopefully Horn will send you information soon about what it means to be a Raw Recruit but until then just browse around and jump in wherever you see fit. Oh, and don't forget about these *hands him some of her extra special chocolate fudge brownies*

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WELCOME TO THE BAND VALKYN!!! I am Volke, Infantry Red Arm, and the crzy Irish Bartender!!! *hands Valkyn a mug of Guinfantry*

Drink that up, and then get over to the Barracks, when you get a chance to visit us. Oh and stop by the Pink Loin-Clothe Tavern, I'll hook you up with some booze and food.

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Welcome to the Band, Valkyn! Great to see you here!


I sent a request to get you added to the Band's usergroup earlier on, so you should be able to see a whole set of new boards shortly. In the meantime, get stuck into our threads and Horn will get you started on the Recruit Scheme shortly.

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thanks for the welcome everyone. I do appreciate the drinks. the more the merrier right? i appreciate the welcome from the infantry and the archers. sadly i have to get to work here soon so it could be a few hours before i'm back on DM. bear with me though.


now if only i could find where my wife put my stetson and spurs lol.

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haha have we found ourselves a true Texan?


And no worries, most of us tend to just sign on here about once a day (unless we get stuck inside by the rain or something of that sort...)

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Ah, gotcha, that makes sense. I'm actually from Missouri (but currently studying in Granada, Spain and super depressed I only have 9 days left...), so yeah, your comment made me think of Texas. I can't say there's much of a stereotype of GA though

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