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Crazy idea for Sony

Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

Hello Entertainment Discussion Board.


This is a fairly random post.


Me and some friends were discussing the current kerfuffle with PSN being down.


Dont get the wrong idea, I'm not here to complain about that, it doesnt even affect me much-gaming is but one of several things I use my PS3 for.


We were talking about how Sony has always been about home entertainment, that they have been a good brand for some time now, and they have always had my respect as a brand. I have a Sony stereo that doubles up as a DVD player, I've had it for about 8 years now and it still kicks ass. Although it takes a min or two to decide if it has a CD or DVD in these days but its still going strong. They make solid TVs. And when the Playstation first came out it felt like a breakthrough at the time. We were saying how much of a shame it is that all this hacking business has come up. I really do hope they manage to come out on top of this. Oddly, it is at this time that I realized how loyal I am as a Sony fan, if that doesnt sound too crazy....


Anyway. Today me and the pals were talking about it again and saw there have been announcements of some internet providers doing stuff to help them get on track or some such, and the conversation came back round to Playstation, about there being rumors that future PS models might have a "download-only" approach to buying games.


And then it hit me.


A PS-TV combo.


TV, internet, DVD, gaming, and a place to store your hoard of films and music, all in one handsome slice of technology. Download games from the new improved PSN-which would either be cheaper because no disc or retailer, or simply much, much bigger and better at same price. Even blue-ray if they wished, however I personally think it is unnecessary, and would prefer that to be an optional attachment.


I think something like that would be awesome. Make it wallmountable, and you have the future right there in your living room. I dont know about anyone else but I would pay 600 quid for that any day. I think it would be an awesome new way for them to go, it would bring both sides of their enterprise together in a kickass way, and could even be an encouragement for them to become an internet provider too.


30 inch, 40 inch and 50 inch flatscreen models. Insanely huge hard drives. Two, even. And ten USB ports.


From a business point of view I think it could be an awesome move.



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It would be a cool product, no doubt. I don't know if the coolness factor would get it over the line though.


From a marketing point of view, Sony would rather sell a new tv and the latest console, rather than the package. Sold seperately they are going to make more money, and what happens when the TV tech starts to lag behind? You're stuck with the same TV for the lifetime of the console, while HD Bluescreenray PlasmaLCDLED tv's make your tv look like crumbs.

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Why would I want to buy a ps3 equiovlent, that a 'tv' when I could buy the console version, and hook it up to my 52" tv? Obviously they could have 52" HDTV versions of it, but that would, imo allow to many varrations of said product. Theres a reason Hardware & monitor approach has taken effect over the all in one style.


Oh, and if Anon got it in there heads to attack XBL, they'd do it, just as easilly as they did it to Sony's.

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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

All good points. There are indeed flaws to the idea, the impact on the profit margin being the strongest IMO.


I still cant get the general idea out of my head though (fairly funny, this conversation is sort of taking place in more than one circle, but its all good-natured) At this side we came to another idea, would like to hear anyone's thoughts.


TV with Linux processing, built-in internet hardware, built in webcam, and built-in Sim Card reading hardware (Sony-Ericsson, anyone?). TV/Internet combo+video calling=Back To The Future!


This way the gaming side is still optional and could stay as it is, although I still like the idea of future models being able to attach to the back of the TV or some such :biggrin: If this ever was a reality though they would definitely have to tidy the internet up a lot, PS3 internet is good for watching videos on Youtube--Youtube XL that is, normal Youtube is near impossible--but I cant do much on Facebook for example, and using it to post on here isnt much fun either. I am told even having a USB keyboard doesnt get rid of the onscreen keyboard with PS3s. So there are still a lot of improvements to be made.


And yes, I would use my PS3 to post on here all the time if I could. Not Facebook though; from experience, Facebook is a handy way to pick up viruses. Not on the PS3 though, but the protectiveness is there


I just generally like trying to see what we have now in futuristic terms.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Soooo... a PC?


Your thinking Notebook/laptop.

PC's haven't been all-in-one-monitor-keyboard since the 90s.


My point was, what exactly is the point of this device? It's basically a PC with less functionality, and would probably be insanely expensive as well.

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Soooo... a PC?


Your thinking Notebook/laptop.

PC's haven't been all-in-one-monitor-keyboard since the 90s.


My point was, what exactly is the point of this device? It's basically a PC with less functionality, and would probably be insanely expensive as well.


which is why I brought the Laptop/Notebook into it, As PC's as I stated, haven't been all-in-one like that for a long time.

And you should also note,

If I bought a $600 laptop/notebook.

I could build a PC Desktop, of the same power, for $200.

Or, If I built a PC for $600, It would be nearly 2-4x as powerful.


So, in that regard, I think the Laptop/Notebook comparison is more apt.

More $$, Less Power, Less-functionality.

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Soooo... a PC?


Your thinking Notebook/laptop.

PC's haven't been all-in-one-monitor-keyboard since the 90s.


My point was, what exactly is the point of this device? It's basically a PC with less functionality, and would probably be insanely expensive as well.


which is why I brought the Laptop/Notebook into it, As PC's as I stated, haven't been all-in-one like that for a long time.

And you should also note,

If I bought a $600 laptop/notebook.

I could build a PC Desktop, of the same power, for $200.

Or, If I built a PC for $600, It would be nearly 2-4x as powerful.


So, in that regard, I think the Laptop/Notebook comparison is more apt.

More $$, Less Power, Less-functionality.


The "all in one" part is pretty irrelevant though isn't it?

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