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Hi from Atlanta


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I've been reading WoT since I was a teen. I had fun at JordanCon this year -- second year I went.


I'm here to find a practice partner in Atlanta. I have some ideas I want to try, but no one to work with. Anyone interested?

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Practice partner for what exactly? :tongue: There's Warders and Aes Sedai at the WHite Tower Social and Role Play Groups and Channelers at the Black Tower Groups and some more at the Kin and well.. you can find basically anything in Randland here :tongue:



Oh, and Welcome to Dragonmount, please to see you here :smile: I am very jealous you've gotten to go to JCon :sad:

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Hi Hosh! Did we meet? I was Chairing the con so I'm hard to pin down at times.


Probably not this year. I was skulking around. The year before, someone (you? someone else? my memory suck, I honestly forgot) mentioned the forums here as some place good for what I wanted to do at that time.


What do you want to practice?


Wave sticks around pretending they are Chinese miao dao. Or Japanese tachi. Or nodachi if we're really imaginative.


I'll be working off of a Ming-dynasty military manual, but there're actually some even more basic things I want to try first. This won't be as dangerous as "whaling on each other with sticks" even though I make jokes like that. I can only go so far without needing a warm body to test things against. I have not been able to find said warm body with both the inclination and the regular free time. I'd prefer people who have some practice under their belt, but at this point, I'll take anyone who has any interest and can commit to the time.

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There's Warders and Aes Sedai at the WHite Tower Social and Role Play Groups and Channelers at the Black Tower Groups and some more at the Kin and well.. you can find basically anything in Randland here :tongue:



Oh, and Welcome to Dragonmount, please to see you here :smile: I am very jealous you've gotten to go to JCon :sad:


Thanks. I was lucky. I lived relatively close by :biggrin:


I've been resisting costuming at JordanCon, DragonCon and at AWA for years now... so I doubt I'll start costuming in an online forum. I'm curious at what the difference between the social and the RP groups are though. I haven't looked through many threads, but some of them seem to blend together.

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