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Sand, Rain, Swords.....and Beer -The Red Trench-


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Kedyn hoisted another table into place around the sand pit that served as the Red Trench. Above the clouds were threatening rain, but even that wouldn't be enough to cast a pall over the upcoming events. The Red Trench was looked foreward to by the entirety of the Band and with the days off given to the Band this was a fine day. The only grumbles from the rain would be it watered the ale and made rolling around in the sand during the spars not the best of times.


The pit, almost a mile outside the Citadel, was almsot complete in its construction. Kedyn had been chosen this time to help with its creation. The only permanent structure of the Trench was the pit, everything else was set up everytime.


Kedyn had mixed feelings of the Trench, the times he had participated had not gone well. His first time he and Carnhain had almost killed each other, the second he had been enveloped in his self pity and it had only helped in dricing a wedge between him and Carnhain. But he had also first kissed Lavena seriously after the first Trench, and he was the kind of person to thrive with others around him and this was certainly a public event.


Kedyn nodded to the infantry man across from him and turned to continue in his work. Everyone wouldn't start arriving for a while, the Trench didn't really start to pick up pace until the sun began to set and the torches scattered through the area were lit.


This time Kedyn was determined to have a good time though, and why shouldn't he. He had Miria, and his life was beginning to piece itself back together.




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Kedyn was in charge of setup for the Red Trench, but Mehrin was more than willing to take any excuse he could to leave his office. The road to the Trench was starting to grow over; Mehrin would see to it that somebody cleared it up. Though, he thought, with the number of people that will be coming this way in a while, that may not be nessecary. It was nice to take a walk without the constant hustle and bustle that was commonplace on the streets of the ever-growing Citadel. Mehrin had no doubt that there was at least one set of eyes on him as he made his way through the tall grass. The scouts were better and smarter than that. His eye catching on a shrub, Mehrin waved to the empty forest. A slight rustle from the shrub demonstrated just how empty it was. Mehrin couldn't help but smile. Taking the leather-wrapped flask from his belt, he took a mouthful of the water that he had started keeping in there. That'd be a report for Drea to figure out.


Even his one week of sobriety could not dampen Mehrin's spirits, though his body and mind screamed for relief. The hypersensitivity was beginning to fade, but it seemed to Mehrin that for every side-effect overcome, there was another to take its place. He had noticed the increasing feelings of restlessness over the past few days. His hands seemed to move of their own volition; he couldn't focus for thirty seconds. Hell, he needed a good fight to get his mind working again. Maybe two or three of the non-commissioned officers...


A rustle in the grass behind him made Mehrin whirl about, the whip attached to his belt in his hand and spinning in the air before his eyes had managed to focus. Scanning the grassy ground, Mehrin searched for any sign of what had caused the noise. Even after the slight sharpening of the world that he had found after giving up the bottle, Mehrin couldn't discern anything that was out of place. However, he knew that there was somebody there... "Or maybe its another hallucination," he muttered irritably as he attached the whip back to his belt and continued on. There would be spots near the outside edge of the cleared grounds around the Trench where Mehrin could sit and think away from everybody for a while, and he had every intention of doing just that.

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The bonfire’s heat sent sweat dripping off his bare back. With a grunt of exertion, he threw another monstrous log on the crackling fire and hurriedly jumped out of the way of the flying sparks. Satisfied with the height of the flames, he wiped his brow and set out to build up the next fire. Wherever Kedyn was, Carnhain was also and that was how the blonde cavalryman found himself helping set up the Trench . Pausing for a moment, he looked down at the sandy pit.


Taking his bandages between his fists, he used it as a cord and wrapped it around his enemy’s neck. He was fading fast now as blood poured from his wound, draping everything in a red stain. He could feel his strength waning and could barely hear the choking sounds coming from the man under him as he strangled him. He only needed to hold on just… a… little… longer…


“No!†He shook his head, trying desperately to clear the image from his mind. He didn’t want to remember that fateful night where he and Keydn had nearly killed each other. Damnit! There were entire parts of his life he would rather have not happened. ‘Why did I come? I knew all my memories would come back.’ Furious with himself, he shook his fists at the sandpit as if it could be threatened into giving him some peace of mind.


Carnhain had always had a lot to prove, right from the start. His entrance into the Band had hardly been momentous. He had arrived on the eave of the Battle of Emond’s Field and had been lucky to survive. After that he had enrolled in the Officer Training Program and against all odds risen to the rank of Sergeant. Now he was a Lieutenant, well on his way towards becoming a captain. If Anon, the filthy innkeeper who had kidnapped and ‘raised’ him, could see him now, the man would have died from the shock. But that would never happen. Carnhain had seen to that long ago.


Despite having risen in the world, there was so much yet for him to show the world. He still had to make up for the fact that he had tried three times to kill his best friend, had killed his ‘foster father’, could barely read the reports he received let alone write his own and so much more. Tonight he had something to prove. His last fight with Kedyn hadn’t been nearly enough pay for the first Red Trench.

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Drea opened her eyes at the sound of nearby foot steps. She stayed in her position -hands behind her head, legs crossed. She was up in a tree -one of her favorite and only retreates now days- with her back and head on one limb and her knees and feet over another. She was a good 20 feet up, covered well by other branches and leaves, but had a decent view of the ground below her.


She found her paperwork caught up for the time being, and Mehrin was the last person she wanted to talk to today, after the tension with the new recruit -Caeran- she wanted nothing more than a day off. If not a day, then at least an hour. The hike to the tree had tired her out and the hour had gone by quickly in an unexpected but welcomed nap. But what had woken her?


Drea kept her body still but turned her head to glance down below. She groaned quietly and rolled her eyes. Of course, the last man she wanted to see was standing just below her tree. She willed him to move on, praying he wouldn't look up. What was he doing out this way, anyway? When he kept walking, she sighed with relief and sat up on the lower branch, watching the man stalk on. Once he was out of hearing or seeing distance, even for a scout, she climbed down a few branches and jumped the rest of the way. She brushed the loose bark off the back of her dark green pants and walked after Mehrin. One could say she was spying on him, but she merely saw it as stalking.

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Twilight had fallen by the time Miria made her way towards where the Red Trench was to be held. She had no idea what to expect, but the other foxes who walked with her were filling her in. It sounded like a fun evening, though Miria doubted she would go so far as to spar herself - there were so many more skilled fighters in the band than she, and the idea of having her butt kicked wasn't too pleasant.


Torches blazed against the impending darkness, and the ale had already begun to flow. There was an atmosphere of excitement and revelry about the pit, and Miria couldn't help but look forward to the evening's events. Her eyes scanned the gatheeing crowd, a smile instantly appearing as she spotted Kedyn. It was remarkeable, just seeing him at a distance like this was enough to make her heart skip a beat. Something told her it would always be that way too.


A drink was handed to Miria and she took a sip, grimacing at the strong taste of the alcohol. The woman that had given it to her laughed, and Miria smiled somewhat sheepishly. Given her small stature, it didn't take much for drink to go to her head, so she tried to steer clear of it. That, and it would be terribly hypocritical of her to drink, after telling Kedyn off for doing the same. Sadly though it had become a bit of a joke among the other scouts, many of them taking what opportunity they could to give her a strong brew without her realising. Shaking her head at the teasing with a good natured smile, Miria threaded her way through the growing crowd towards where she had spotted Kedyn.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Kedyn wiped the small beads of sweat from his forehead as he looked around at the quickly growing crowd. His eyes scanned immediately for one face in paricular, the face that he loved seeing the most, the blond hair and beautiful face that was Miria.


Kedyn turned back to Carnhain, standing opposite from him as he as he lowered the table ro his grond. "I will be back m y friend, there are somethings that just cannot wait. Besides, we might have to see if this Trench can be different from the last ones." Kedyn laughed off the memories, turning the situatiions where his friendship had almost been destroyed and the othere where he had nearly lost his life.


He left his friend with a promise that he would be back in a moment and began moving towards where Miria was standing, a tankard of ale already pressed into her hand. She had already spotted him as he moved over to her, ruining his chance to suprise her but that was only a small part of it.


He simply kissed her in greeting, an all to brief one but there was still hours left together. "You've been caught missy. Now let's go you get to help set up love." He smiled as took her hand as he led her back to where Carnhain was waiting, fully aware of their uncomfortableness and determined to get his lover and his best friend to reconcile.




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Miria smiled brightly as Kedyn made his way over to her, enjoying the kiss with only a small tinge of red to her cheeks. She didn't get quite so embarassed when Kedyn kissed her in public now, so long as the kiss was brief anyway. Anthing else still left her cheeks crimson, despite her enjoyment.


"You've been caught missy. Now let's go you get to help set up love."Miria rolled her eyes and laced her fingers with Kedyn's rougher ones. "Lucky me!" She joked, though she happily followed Kedyn. Work or no work, she hadn't seen him since early that morning, and any time spent with him was wonderful.


The smile on her face faded somewhat as she saw where Kedyn was taking her, stony faced Carnhain waiting there also. She had successfully avoided him since they returned from Caemlyn, and had no desire to strike up a friendship with him. Even if not for what he'd done to Kedyn, Carnhain had made his feelings towards Miria evident. Miria wasn't used to having someone blatantly dislike her, but had found it was easier to just ignore Carnhain altogether.


"Since I can't escape the work, what do you need me to do?" Miria asked Kedyn, hoping to avoid Carnhain if she could.



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  • 2 weeks later...

With Miria’s presence came two overwhelming desires where if one was not allowed, the other would result. The first was to slap, punch and or kick until she apologized for what she had said and the second was to get away as soon as humanly possible. If Kedyn had not been there, the desire to strike out would have easily trumped the need to escape however...


“Well, Kedyn, if we want this to be different from the last two, I suppose I should go find myself another opponent.†The entire speech was made to pointedly ignore both Miria’s arrival and unfortunate lasting presence in his vicinity. Carnhain didn’t give his ‘brother’ the chance to force him to stay and attempt to make any amends with Miria.


With his abrupt departure from his closest friend came the sudden question of where to go now. He had few friends, though the fact the he had any, considering his past, often amazed him. So having left Kedyn, he tried to go through the very short mental list of his acquaintances: Kiarma or Arinth? He wasn’t in the mood for a bloody nose. Rowul? Not around. His men? Awkward, despite the fact that the Trench was supposed to equalize them all. Jatasha? Hadn’t he embarrassed himself enough? Drea? He barely knew her.


With that logic playing through his mind, he ended up settling on Amon or Mehrin, whichever one he found first. Besides, maybe a good fight would take his mind off the urge to strangle Kedyn’s lover.


After roughly half an hour of wandering through the crowd he finally found the Commander, seated on the ground and staring off at nothing. With a grin he stepped right in front of Mehrin so there was no possible way he could miss the sloppy salute he threw. “Up for a fight old man?â€

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Why can't life be as simple as it used to be? A daughter that he didn't know how to raise. A woman who twisted his nerves around her finger, seemingly without knowing it. What was behind that explosion the other day, anyway? There was more to it, Mehrin knew, but he couldn't say what. And then there was the alcohol... or lack thereof. The pounding at his temples was enough to make Mehrin slightly queasy. And very irritable. What he needed, what he really needed, was a good fight. Maybe Amon would be willing to try knocking some sense into him. Taking a mouthful of water, Mehrin didn't even hear the man's footsteps before Carnhain was standing before him, throwing a sloppy salute and saying, "Up for a fight, old man?"


Light, I've had enough of the bloody saluting! Standing, Mehrin growled at the cavalier, "I hope you know what you're doing." Out of all the people in the Citadel that insisted on saluting him and using his title, Carnhain was the worst. And on top of everything else he'd been dealing with recently, Mehrin was not sure how much of the other man was going to be left intact after this confrontation.


But then again, the vast majority of his being didn't care at all.


Before the man even had a chance to withdraw his challenge, Mehrin said, "I accept. I'll see you in the Trench."


OOC: I'll let you decide how the duel starts.

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Logan was sitting crosslegged a few yards from the site of the trench quietly watching the work, going over things in his mind.


In the distance he saw Carnhain approach the commander who was seated on the ground.


Slightly smiling from Carnhain's abrupt change of facial expressions, Logan knew what had just traversed.


He had heard alot about this trench, and the things that had happened. Or maybe just the rumors.


Standing up, Logan walked to the trench, picked up a shovel and asked Kedyn, "Need a hand?"



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The whole hike behind Mehrin, stalking him through the woods, had Drea guessing as to where he was headed. Banders didn't normally make their way out this far past the Citadel and especially not the Commander, unaccompanied. She hoped she wasn't intruding on anything personal. Then again, she really didn't care. If it possibly gave her dirt to use on him later, the more the better. Was there alcohol out here? Were there other people? Maybe a secret meeting? When he finally stopped, Drea saw a few other figures up ahead as well as a rather large fire. A secret meeting! She knew it!There were many people she knew, and some she didn't gathered around a large pit watching two men dig. One being Carnhain, the man she's been tutoring and another a scout of hers, Kedyn.


What in the name of the Light are they doing? This being completely foreign to her, Drea snuck around to the other side of the pit -away from Mehrin- hid herself in the shadows and watched. If there's one thing her mentor, Maglin, taught her its that one can learn a lot about a person or place by simply watching.

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The grin on his face was almost giddy as he rushed back to the stacks of dulled weapons. He picked out a broadsword close to his own and then, glancing again at the Commander, he went over to the staffs. Mehrin carried a claymore and bullwhip, and that bullwhip would be a nasty opponent with just a sword. After some time, he found something close to what he wanted. It resembled a lance, but with a much shorter shaft.


Carnhain experimented with the weight of it as he made his way over to the Trench. He forced down memories while removing his shirt and slipping down into the soft sand. As he looked over at Mehrin, nervousness rose within him, as well as a sudden dread for the upcoming match. ‘Why do I have the sinking feeling this was not such a good idea?’


ooc: feel free to commence the ass-whoopin’!

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Before Kedyn could respond Logan saw Carnhain and Mehrin walking towards the trench. Stripping off his shirt, Carnhain prepared himself with a sick look on his face.


Dropping the shovel Logan walked to the edge and stood silently watching when Rowul stripped down. His body a mass of scars, he asked "any of you boys feel like a stand up fight???" Thinking quietly to himself Logan shook his head, "Sure I'm up for a fight."


Loosing his shirt Logan walked up to the table and picked up a long sword. Though it was dull he knew that they would still hurt and cut.


Waving it around stretching his body, Logan flexed his mass of muscles preparing himself.


Preparing in his mind, draining all emotion into a bright cold flame, he waited floating in the void he created in his mind.



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Ramza hefted a blunted ax adn experimented with the weight then tossed it asside, going throught the few that were there he smiled and fond one to his liking, though it had to heads he should do alright with it.


"Well then sergeant i hope you like bruises for i shall be giving them to you in plenty."


With that Ramza saluted and rushed the man, slicing, hacking and fiegning all the time.


Ramza never stopped moving, for once he stood still he would be a sitting duck, all ax men knew this, so did everyone that ever watched or faced one, so he circled adn cut left, and made a viscous slash at the mans collar bones only to have it deflected at teh last minuet. Then ramza started circling right, a cold feeling entered him, and the scar where his commander had cut him started to feel cold, shaking himself visibly he returned to offense.

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With a look of feigned boredom, Mehrin perused the selection of weapons. He had had one specially made to his specifications... there! Hefting it once, Mehrin dropped his bullwhip onto the table carelessly and retrieved one of the more orthodox ones. The barbs and small razors woven into the one he normally used would certainly maim and most likely kill. Mehrin took a moment to bind the whip to his belt before taking his place at the other side of the Trench. Stretching his arms and shoulders, Mehrin hastily tossed his hat to one side, pulled his shirt over his head and rolled his neck, loosening the muscles and causing the whipping scars on his back to contort into shapes that were even more unpleasant on the eyes than normal.


Mehrin quickly assessed his opponent. Carnhain's form was really decent, and with that lance, he'd have a range advantage against Mehrin's claymore. However, there was something else showing through the man's eyes: uncertainty. The realization of what he had done was finally sinking in. Congratulations, Carnhain, you have instigated your own brutal beating, Mehrin thought wryly. With practiced ease, Mehrin brought the claymore to bear, the blade slightly angled across his body. Before he could begin his advance, though, a thought struck him.


Taking a step away from Carnhain, Mehrin stood upright and allowed the tip of the claymore to bury itself in the sand. Then, with a slightly sadistic grin, he called to the other man, "Let's make things a bit more interesting, shall we?" Not even waiting for the man's reply, Mehrin lifted the claymore into a left-handed salute, then tossed it to one side of the Trench. The move obviously wasn't one that Carnhain was expecting, and his shock allowed Mehrin to close in past lance range. The lance forgotten, Carnhain immediately struck out with his broadsword, a stab that would have taken Mehrin in the chest if he hadn't rolled around it to sieze Carnhain by his extended wrist. It was a simple task to throw the man off-balance.


Turning, Mehrin grinned again and put his booted heel against Carnhain's backside as he staggered past, knocking the man to the ground. With a laugh, he stepped back and let the other man stand up. "Get comfortable down there, Carnhain. You couldn't even give me a cold with the way you try to wave that thing around."

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"Well love, it seems that you lucked out and was lazy enough to skip out on all the work. The fighting is already starting." Kedyn reached out and took Miria's hand, leading the two of them towards the edge of the trench where Mehrin and Carnhain had matched off as well as Ramza an Infantry man Kedyn knew he should be able to place.


The trickle of men that had been arriving from the Citadel had turned into a flood. It had become an ordered chaos with people vieing for position on the outside of the ring. The relative quiet had been replaced by a low roar punctuated by the drunken calls of people who had already begun to start drinking or the shouts of fights being started which were quickly broken up by the Red Arms.


Kedyn had to push his way past everyone as he led Miria through the throng of people. "So we enjoy ourselves and watch now, unless you can think of anything else that you want to do." Kedyn moved Miria in front of him and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his chest as the two pairs circled each other, Red Arms hovering around to make sure the fights did not get out of line. "We could try dancing after Mehrin kicks Carnhian around a bit, I would like to see that fight at least."




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"Well then sergeant i hope you like bruises for i shall be giving them to you in plenty."


With that Ramza saluted and rushed the Logan, slicing, hacking and fiegning all the time.


Gliding easily out of the way Logan began to almost dance with the axeman. In a miscalculation he barely blocked a slash to the shoulders, but got a good kick in the stomach.


Stumbling back Logan took a deep breath and focused again. This time he rushed gliding from one position to another while Rowul was barely blocking the onslaught.


Taking a step back he blocked a slash that would have taken his head from his shoulders.


Forcing down the anger that shot up he poured his emotion into his skill.




OOC:Go with it dude doesnt matter who wins but id like to keep it intersesting.



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Rowul rushed his oppenent again, and hacked into the mans side, only to fieng a stumble that opened his left side, when teh sergeant took the bait Rowul shot out a rough right hook, then seizing the moment, drew a long boot knife... one that he kept for practice nto for fighting.


Rowul slashed at teh mans throat with the ax, and at teh same moment stabbed in with teh knife at the mans groing, there was nothing the Logan could do but sway and dodge out of the way.


Rowul backed up and let his mind empty, The Illsusion of Elsewhere pulled at him, and he let himself be taken.


Now logan had a problem, Rowul nolonger rushed like a anger blinded bull, Rowul simply flowed with the swords man, and the dance ensued again. But this time there was no fire in Rowul's deep blue eyes, only calm.

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Logan glanced at his lower stomach that had a nice scratch from his opponents belt knife and smiled widely. Rowul was just standing there staring at him.


Closing in with Rowul again it seemed that Rowul knew the trick of calming himself down although at times he seemed a little confused at the smile Logan sported at all times.


Gliding with the axeman, using the sword as if it were an extention of his own body Logan spun all quickly letting the big man rush right past him.


Using the flat of his sword he struck the man as hard as he could atop the head.


Calmly Logan wiped the smile from his face and rushed in for the killing blow.......



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Miria grinned as Kedyn led her through the rapidly growing crowd, pleased to have avoided doing any work. There was excitement and revelry in the air, and she could not help but get swept up in it, so many people in one place looking to have a good time.


Kedyn found some space by the edge to watch the fighting, and Miria happily rested her head against Kedyn's shoulder, her hands resting on the arms encircling her waist. She didn't really care what was going on in front of her, so long as she was in Kedyn's arms.


"We could try dancing after Mehrin kicks Carnhian around a bit, I would like to see that fight at least."Miria cast her gaze over to where Carnhain and Mehrin faced one another. Indeed, she would like to see this one too, a severe beating was what Carnhain needed. Maybe that would knock some sense into him, since her punch all that time ago seemed to have done little. To think, he disliked her! She wasn't the one who had tried to kill Kedyn. And she certainly wasn't the one who was being so terribly rude, walking away when she approached. She at least was willing to be civil for Kedyn's sake. Some friend indeed.


"You think you can still keep up with me old man?" Miria teased, a grin forming as Carnhain landed in the sand on his rump. This fight was looking to be most entertaining, but probably not for the same reason Kedyn was watching. "Let's watch the fight first then, and if you think you have the stamina I'll show you a thing or two....on the dance floor." Miria blushed slightly and giggled as she realised just how her words could have been taken, knowing Kedyn wouldn't have missed them.



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The blonde man grinned when Mehrin threw down the claymore. However, that hesitation cost him, by the time he knew what was happening next, the Commander was inside the range of the lance, rendering it useless. The cavalryman’s stab was easily avoided and before he could react he was being knocked to the ground with a kick to his bottom for his efforts.


The young man shook his head as Mehrin looked down at him. “Get comfortable down there, Carnhain. You couldn't even give me a cold with the way you try to wave that thing around." Despite his sore arm and throbbing bottom, Carnhain managed a smile.


“So you can keep up then.†Even as he spoke, he threw sand up at the Commander’s face and swung his legs out in a desperate attempt to, if not trip him, at least distract him long enough to be able to get an attack or two in. Luckily, Carnhain managed to get to his feet- mainly because Mehrin made no attempt to stop him- however, as to attacking, he might as well not have bothered.

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Every time he had been in the Trench, Mehrin had encountered flying sand, whether it was thrown by him or at him. He had learned to watch for it. As the handful of sand flew towards his face, Mehrin pivoted to his left, against his instinctual reaction to go right. That reaction had caused him many bruises in his training. As he stepped free of the flying sand, Mehrin saw the cavalier rising from the dusty ground. On one hand, he could easily keep him down there. On the other hand, this was just far too much fun to end so quickly. Keeping his distance, Mehrin allowed Carnhain to stand. "You've got some guts, then," Mehrin taunted. The man's tactics were quite solid, too; he put up his broadsword in favor of the lance. "Not too much for brains, though," Mehrin added as Carnhain began to advance.


The lance would make a conventional hand-to-hand fight a bit more difficult. This, of course, meant Mehrin was more than excited for it. A feral grin was firmly plastered onto his face, his hazel eyes shining sadistically. It was almost as if he didn't have a blunted lance tip a mere two feet from his chest. It wasn't that important anyway. There were tell-tale signs that any opponent would give away before they-


Mehrin's instincts reacted before he could even process what he had seen. He pivoted on his left foot, leaning backward slightly to avoid the sudden stab from the short lance. Not losing a moment, Carnhain swung the long weapon at Mehrin's head. Almost contemptuously, Mehrin caught the shaft in his hands and gave it a sharp tug. Unsurprisingly, it came out of the slightly surprised man's hands. "Hmmm. I think this belongs to you," Mehrin said lightly as he threw the lance back to Carnhain, striking him in the belly before he could react.


Slightly winded, Carnhain probably didn't see Mehrin dash past him. He most definitely didn't see Mehrin twist at the waist, the back of his right hand connecting with the back of his skull, hard enough to hurt, but not enough to stun. He wasn't done playing, yet. As the man staggered away from him, Mehrin's hand went to the bullwhip on his waist. The unique sound of leather cutting the air, followed by a loud crack were enough to tell anyone what had happened. Except for Carnhain, who wouldn't have heard anything before feeling a sharp sting on his backside where the whip struck him.


"Are you sure that you want to continue?" Mehrin called tauntingly, cracking the whip above the other man's head once to punctuate the remark. "It's only going to get worse for you, you know."

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Rowul was wrapped on his head when he heard an all to familar crack in the air, at that sound he ducked and rolled as if he were on fire, when he was up he saw his nephew with the a commander, "Carhain don't give up, use what you know about him against him."


Turning back to his own fight he smiled,


"Now let us truly dance"


Rowul swayed in with a knife blow, and lanced in the top of the ax. The knife blow was a deception to get him in way to close with an ax....Or so Logain thought. The ax was pulled back then shot out forward with all his might connecting with the mans stomache. Knocking hte air out of him.


Then with a savage knee to the growing he swayed away.



There is nothing, and in this nothing i am one with the world.


I will have no fear.

For fear is the mind killer

I will let my fear flow through me

When all is said and done there will be only me


Rowul flowed back in hacing and slashing, there was nothing for the man now, no room for error, no compassion.......was there mercy

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OOC: You're not following my posts dude, I hit you on top of the head and rushed in, where was there time to talk to Carnhain? Oh, its Logan not Logain.


IC: Barely blocking the strike of Rowul's axe and spinning Logan gave him a quick kick in the rear sending the man sprawling on his stomach.


When Rowul rose he rushed hacking speratically with his axe. This was not difficult to steer clear of for Logan or any man of his skill. In the midst of one of Rowul's strikes the man overextended and put to much force into it which put the man off balance. Logan took this moment tripping the man up with a sweep to the legs.


When Rowul rolled over to rush up again Logan rushed in with a quick kick to the face and another to kick the man's axe from his grip.


Holding his longsword to the man's throat Logan said, "If you forfeit I will extend mercy, if not I will continue the beating, even if you are down."


OOC:Ramza hefted a blunted ax adn experimented with the weight then tossed it asside, going throught the few that were there he smiled and fond one to his liking, though it had to heads he should do alright with it.


"Well then sergeant i hope you like bruises for i shall be giving them to you in plenty."


You dont have a knife, it was never mentioned as a weapon"

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