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And now for my Grand Unveiling...


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Hey, don't pay any attention to the cryptic header, I'm noone special. I am new, however, to posting on these forums so I figured I'd say howdy here first. I currently live in South Carolina, noticed already a fair amount of people from SC on these boards. Im obviously a big fan of WOT, and several other epic fantasy series (anyone else have unending love for the Chronicles of Amber?).


I actually feel like I have kind of a cool claim to fame related to WOT: Im a bassist/singer of my band, which oddly has the same name as my display name (??!!?!?!!111?!!) Despothera, and I wrote an instrumental song that happens to be freaking AMAZING (no joke, I hope to have it recorded soon so yall can hear it, unless you live in SC and you can just come to one of our shows) and I named it Tarmon Gaiden. So, hopefully we'll end up getting signed and get huge, and this song will bring even more fans to WOT over (in a perfect world :D )!


Anyways, hello everyone and I hope to start havin some cool discussions with yall soon!

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Oh Welcome to Dragonmount, if you have any questions or the like, feel free to ask me :smile:



And.. Despothera sounds Metal-y so... does Tarmon Gaidon have lyrics? If yes.. Can we have a sneak peak???

If you're into music, we have a whole Social Group that's pretty much dedicated to it (The Band of the Red Hand)


And as for discussions... there's tons of places to have them and tons of different topics to choose from - don't be afraid! Jump right in! :biggrin: Or you can join a Social Group and crawl in there like me and never come out! :wink:

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Oh Welcome to Dragonmount, if you have any questions or the like, feel free to ask me :smile:



And.. Despothera sounds Metal-y so... does Tarmon Gaidon have lyrics? If yes.. Can we have a sneak peak???

If you're into music, we have a whole Social Group that's pretty much dedicated to it (The Band of the Red Hand)


And as for discussions... there's tons of places to have them and tons of different topics to choose from - don't be afraid! Jump right in! :biggrin: Or you can join a Social Group and crawl in there like me and never come out! :wink:



Yes, we are a metal band (or at least trying to be one, we're gettin there) but unfortunately that song doesnt have any lyrics, its pretty much just an 8-10 minute jam hehe. But it has 2 bass solos and like 6 guitar solos, its honestly a beautiful song. The Band of the Red Hand actually does interest me greatly... and incidentally I've written another song called Forgotten World that I'll also be drawing from WOT, as well as other epic fantasies, for inspiration and lyrics actually. Maybe some peeps in that group can help me with the writers block I'm having on that song! Thanks for the welcome btw!

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