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Monthly Photograph Competition - Open for submissions


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Hey everyone!


The Yellow Ajah has decided to start up a new tradition and hold a monthly photograph competition!!! Go us!


This month's theme is SPRING


How do you enter, you ask? EASY!


- Send your submission/s to: Nynaeve.n10@gmail.com


- Make sure to indicate what DM handle is (All Dragonmount members are welcomed to participate - There's no obligation to being a White Tower member).


- Remember that you're only allowed up to two submissions. ^_^


The participants will be contending for TWO titles: The Public's Favorite Award and The Yellow Ajah Favorite Award.




The deadline for submissions is the 22th, so please hurry up, cause you know you want to give it a shot ;)



LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!! :biggrin:




*If you are a WT member and you're interested in more details about this competition, feel free to browse the thread dedicated to it on the Yellow Ajah board: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/58490-beautiffully-captured-yellow-ajah-photograph-competition/page__gopid__1808092#entry1808092

*If you are not a WT member and want more information, feel free to PM me or email the listed addy.

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