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What is the WOT story?


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I see it as a classic struggle of good and evil that extensively covers a whole lot of coming of age stories along the way.


90% or more of the main characters have been seen to grow and develop into their niches in this world while siding with good or evil.


In short...it's about humanism.



A world exists where time somehow repeats itself. In the process of doing this, it takes on the appearance of a wheel with spokes dividing each of the ages. Which age is actually the first age is not clearly defined. Each age has characters reappearing. One main character who is reincarnated in every age is the Dragon. He is the savior and the destroyer of each age. His arrival signals that the end of the age is near. Stories from one age might endure as legend reaching past the age boundary into the next age but by the time that the wheel makes a complete revolution history and memory have erased all knowledge of the age that is about to be reborn. Facts are distorted. Names are forgotten. The winds of time blow away the past and carry in the future.


During one particular revolution of the Wheel, we the readers get a glimpse of the end of the age defined as the Third Age. We get to watch several characters leaving a tiny village in the middle of nowhere to embark upon the journey of a lifetime. Three of the characters are very significant. Their existence is critical to the Will of the Wheel. One of them is the Dragon for this age. The village Wisdom who was an authority figure over the three young men joins them. The Pattern of the weave of the wheel needs her, too. The daughter of the village inn keeper tags along quite innocently at first and later becomes significant to the outcome of the story.


The characters are developed over the course of several books. They struggle in a world full of all of the complexities of human existence. They grow and evolve. They realize that the end of their age is approaching and that they have roles to assume...the end of their story will be linked to the end of their age. The Wheel will keep turning. By the time that the Third Age returns, all knowledge of their existence will be distorted or gone.


A parable about how men and women working together can achieve more than when they are separate.




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