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Help.. translator...someone?


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okey i hope this doesnt say anything bad...but the fact is its a msg someone sent me and i dont understand nothing about it so if anyone does


cause curently peoples is claiming it to be all sorts of languages


Einstein la o serata. Merge la primul care-i iese în drum si-l întreaba: - Ce IQ aveti? - 400! - Oooo, misto, vin mai încolo sa vorbim de fizica nucleara. Merge la altul: - Ce IQ aveti? - 240! - Super... O sa vorbim de vid si spatiu! Întâlneste înca un tip si-l intreaba: - Ce IQ aveti? Ala raspunde: - 15. Stânjenit de raspuns, Einstein raspunde: - Hai Dinamo!!!


if it is bad plz just send me a PM or something and i'll take it down but by the words IQ and Einstein i figure it should be inocent enough


It looks like a Romance language, but it is most certainly not Portuguese ;) It's also not Spanish.


Edit: my brother is almost positive that it's Romanian.

Guest Majsju

Looks vaguely reminiscant of Balkan languages.


its a joke someone knew the joke in english though hasnt goten a confirmation on the language


Einstein visited a place and was in a reception. Someone started to speak to him and Einstein asked

-what is your IQ


-how about relativity theory ..... bla bla


Then another one

-what is your IQ


-how about global economics ... bla bla


Finally another one

-what is your IQ


-How is Dynamo doing ? (football team)


While we're waiting to see what racha's husband says, check this dictionary: http://www.castingsnet.com/dictionaries/ (click on "dictionaries" after you go to the link). Pick out some of the words and enter them into the Romanian side. Most of the ones I tried are in the dictionary, it's just that they're missing some of the accent marks.


It's definitely not Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, or French though.


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