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Everyone on the Pacific please report in asap!


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My prayers have been going up constantly. This is a bad situation all around. It's bad enough WITHOUT the nuclear threat; that nuclear threat makes it exponentially worse.


Boopsy, please let your friends know that there are many, many people on this side of the pond praying for the people of Japan.


The people of Japan have been in my thoughts almost constantly since the first quake, and exponentially so with the nuclear worries. I hear there are now 2 other plants leaking and a second explosion. In total the news said 6 plants are at risk in varying degrees of malfunction. Japan is not such a large place to handle all these evacuations. I fear that the entire nation could be affected deeply by these radiation leaks. Not to mention they are saying in about 5 days we might be able to detect the radiation coming from Japan in California, though they didn’t say the levels would be harmful, just that they could be detected.


Everyone suffering from these events wherever they are will be in my prayers and thoughts for as long as needed. Please send our love and concern to your friends and relatives in the area.


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