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Greetings, I began reading the books back a year or so ago when I found a few books in the high school library, and have never found any series even close to being better. I felt that after looking on at this site for some time, I'd better register and try to contribute. I am somewhat unusual, but I usually manage to get what I'm trying to say understood, and with near-perfect spelling and infrequent typos. And solid blocks of text.

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Welcome!! I'm from Minnesota ^^ I think a lot of us are unusual here :happy: there's tons of stuff to do here on DM. If you'e looking to socialize and make some friends, you should look into joining some of the Social Groups. They are a lot of fun and they all offer something different ^^ Also *highfives* Spelling correctly = awesome.

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Welcome to DM Northwind! I have family from Minnesota, but I'm from Missouri, and staying in Spain this semester!


As for around these parts, I'm second in command of the Band of the Red Hand social org, which is an awesome place to be. We like talking all things music and love having a good time (lots of brawls over that way ;) )


Also, as a sitter for the White Tower Social Org's Brown Ajah, I must say that it's a pretty cool place as well....over in the Browns we enjoy discussions about anything and everything!


Also, as I'm sure you can see, there are many types of groups around here. We have discussion boards, all the amazing social orgs and roleplaying! Just find where you like best! :)


Oh but if you want some more of these *hands the newbie some extra special chocolate fudge brownies* I would suggest finding me again ;)

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Hey welcome, I am one of the many europeans on this board, and my spelling isnt anywhere near perfect, but its gotten better over the years I been told.


I found my way into DM through the rolleplay where i could read more stories in the WoT setting while waiting on the next book, and eventually start writing my own stories as well, lots of fun, i recommend looking into it...though the social groups are great too and i hang out some there as well

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Since I'm living in Spain for four months can I be considered European? :D I'm actually American and an English major so I'm a paranoid speller myself, but I completely understand those who are using English as a second language having difficulty, or anyone really as nobody is perfect at spelling, including myself!

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