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Short stories ? Gate + A'dam = Collar escape. . .


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Hello all


I've been lurking these discussion boards on and off for awhile. I'm not sure if theoretical short stories are allowed.?

This writing basically proves why Egwene and many others like her cannot be collared. Also idea's on how gates can be used as weapons.


Thanks to Grozzo and Torn Shadow for taking the time to read and comment, I have made the corrections you have suggested, although I have not reread the account yet.


Edits appear in bold.


The A'dam





Kemessar kneeled with her eyes downward. She had no way of telling how much time she had spent waiting like this for her presentation. She was nervous and eager, by night fall if all went as planned she would be walking the halls of Tar Valon with Egwene mother giving her a report on the success of this mission. The Empress, Toun sat on her throne, her voice the truth speaker was engaged in administrative tasks. Toun very rarely ever spoke, instead she would signal to her truth speaker to conduct court. Six so'jhin kneeled with there heads almost touching the floor, she could see them out of the corner of her eye. They at least stood and walked on occasion while performing the duties of servants.


Kemessar brought her mind back to her plan. Light but she couldn't have asked for a better accompanyment today. Three other damane were with her in the royal hall. They were scheduled to demonstrate their abilities to the Empress; the sul'dam would fawn over them and perhaps reward them with a treat. She smiled inwardly. You'll take the wind out of their sails faster then a trawling net fouled in a rudder turning the boat up wind! Siuan had barked. She was a fellow blue and the first one Kemessar had related her plan to. Egwene had come second. It was necessary to interview Egwene extensively in order to properly mimic the breaking of Aes Sedai which the Seanchen would be expecting. It took 44 days to get to this point damane didn't usually progress this fast but it wasn't unheard of.1 She had even soiled herself on one particular day to completely sell the torment the A'dam had inflicted. What an abomination. Light but it was hot this time of year in Ebou Dar.


Tashell finally turned her attention to the four waiting damane. “The sul'dam Peshel and her damane will begin” the truth speaker announced in a deeply slurry Seanchen accent. Pashel immediately stood , her eyes were still kept carefully lowered. Tashell was a member of the blood family, the rediculous hair cut gave that away, but Pashel was not, so she wouldn't raise her eyes even slightly. “If it please the empress, may she live forever, this is Mitie. She is a good damane. She will perform well.”


A few hushed conversations had started toward the back of the hall. Other members of the blood family were present today and they evidently considered the damane unimportant in today's court proceedings . The Seanchen like so many monarchies were filled with political intrigue, the empress fought off assassination attempts almost daily. The shield slipped into place almost without Kemessar even noticing. She had been blocked from the one source. “Reach for the source Juni!” her sul'dam ordered. She immediately opened herself up to the source, but she could not touch it. She shook her head. “Juni be a good damane, now reach for the source!” this time Chetsu sent a slight charge of pain down the a'dam. Kemessar hated the name assigned to her, Juni. She shook her head more adamantly and moaned “Juni can't embrace the source.” This was part of Mitie's demonstration, she had learned to block other channelers from the source. How sad, . . . even accepted at the tower were all required to learn this. “Good Mitie, Good Mitie” murmered Pashel as she walked Mitie back to the side of the hall. The shield slipped away. Light but what a show this was becoming. She would walk the halls tonight or be dead and that was that.


“Juni come its your turn.” Chetsu said.

“I want to please the empress.” Kemessar replied.

“Of course you will”

“Juni has an idea, I will make a gate to the harbor, The breeze will cool the empress, may she live forever.”

“Juni you are a good damane”


Chetsu and Kemesser took their positions in the center of the hall. She could see four members of the deathwatch guard two on each side and to the rear of the throne. There was a low ceiling with window holes to light the room. The only other windows were at the back of the hall. They were situated on the ground floor but the city slopped away toward the harbor. There were at least 50 ships mored or docked in the harbor. Besides Seanchen, captured seafolk and some merchants who had sworn to the empress were there. There was a low interior wall in this section of the city. This hall was much cooler this time of year, therefore much of the official business was conducted in this location. Kemesser wished it was the palace so that if anything went wrong the destruction would be too notorious to be denied, but the number of ships in the harbor today more then made up for this short coming.


“If it please the empress, Juni would like to make her gate to the harbor, it isn't far but the cool breeze will refreash the empress, may she live forever.” Chetsu said. Kemessar returned to her kneeling position. Toun raised an eyebrow but nodded. Tashell turned to Chetsu “That is acceptable, you may proceed with the demonstration.”


Kemessar stood and turned slightly she raised her head far enough to see the weaves she would be making and waited. She felt the A'dam open up and give her access to the source, she calmed herself and embraced the source, the feeling was exhilerating. She began the weaves for a gate, she was nervous, this would be the last chance she had to review the manor in which the weaves were made. The nervousness would be communicated to Chetsu but she would simply believe the nervousness was due to the Empress Toun's presents. She choose the terminus of the gate carefully about 6 feet in the air over the far edge of a stone topped building. The ribbon formed in the air and rose like a curtain on a stage in Cairhein. She had gone to see the live performances the aristocracy were so fond of just before she orchastrated her own capture by the Seanchen.


Kemessar completed the weave and the ribbon yawned open into a medium gate over looking the harbor, the ships, and the wharf. The Empress began to compliment the Sul'dam on the gifted damane she had captured and the speed at which she trained her. Kemessar returned to a kneeling and bowed position. She could see the gate out of the corner of her eye, she could see the power she had created, she reached out and grabed the first layer of weaves and pulled it free. Instantly she heard several gasps from her right. It was the damane. Likely it was also Rensha the Sul'dam linked to Lisklynn a grey sister captured during the raid on the white tower. Sul'dam were thought by the Seanchen to be absent of any channeling abilities but many of them could see the weaves3, in fact many of them would likely make strong and talented sisters if she could get them to the tower. She waited, as critical moments past. There were murmers and muted whispers coming from the sul'dam and their damane. There reaction would determine the fate of everyone here. There were sharp tones being exchanged and a few moans. The Empress likely thought it was just a minor disturbance with the damane. She ignored them. Pashel steped forward and addressed Kemessar's sul'dam. “Chetsu you must leave the channels open! Your damane has inadvertently destabilized her gate.” Pashel had taken a risk interrupting the Empress Toun this could be punishable buy death or at least disgrace. But it also meant she was finally convinced of the severity of the situation. The empress looked quizzically at Pashel. Pashel returned to her animated discussion with her damane. 'Why would Pashel interrupt the Empress and cause her eyes to be lowered?' “Discipline your mind Chetsu your Juni cannot be kept from the source!” Pashel exclaimed again she returned to whispering to Mitie. Kemessar went into action: She hadn't used all of her power to make the gate. She took in more of the source and weaved a ward against listening including only the Empress, Chetsu and herself. She stood up, how she would love to turn and looked the empress in the eye but holding the gate intact was proving harder then she expected. She made another weave to prevent sound from leaving the throne itself. The other damane would be able to see it but they would recognize them as weaves which would not directly harm the Empress.


“Empress Toun my name is Kemessar Sedia-” light it felt good to say that “I was sent by the Amyrlin seat to deliver this message to you. Before you I have created a gate which I have begun to unravel. It is unstable and also dangerous. The explosion witnessed by your army on the Almoth(?) plain was caused by a gate unraveled by Elayne the queen of Caemlyn. I beg you to understand that I am bound by oath and cannot lie. I have warded my voice so that only you and Pashel can hear what I say.” To the other people in the hall it would look as if the damane Juni were working her mouth while concentrating on the gate but they would hear nothing of what was being said. Indeed she saw some noble members of the blood gazing upon her oddly. “If your damane attempt to take control it will explode. If you cut me off from the source it will explode. If you kill me. . .it will explode. This will be the last hour I live under the tyranny of this A'dam.” The gate was beginning to surge, layer upon layer of weaves were breaking free. One of the damane had become inconsolable, sensing the immanent release of power. “Empress Toun, I have but a short time longer before I will loose control. A gate is a rift in time and space thus it is unusually powerful it collapses rather then grounded. You will order Chetsu to remove the A'dam.”


Kemessar released the ward so the Empress could be heard. Pashel dropped to her knees eyes straight down to the floor “Empress Toun, my eyes are lowered tell me what I should do!” Toun still seemed to be comprehending what was happening. Kemessar was beginning to sweat “Empress, I remind you again by my oath I cannot lie. There is little time. REMOVE THE A'DAM!” Toun glanced over at the other damane they were now cowering, barely kept under control. “My damane can protect me, and the ones nearby--” Kemessar began grinding her nails into her palms, she tried to control her voice “Every building within five hundred yards will be leveled and the ships in the harbor will likely have there masts blown off. A hundred damane each making a shield would not be able to control the force when this releases! – Remove the A'dam!”


Toun stood, two members of the blood guard pulled their swords and began to approach the throne. They were watching Toun speak without hearing her voice. Toun signaled them to stop, she glanced through the gate she could see the many ships anchored and tied to the unloading pier, there were many ships in the harbor. A third of the Seanchen fleet would be destroyed or rendered unable to sail for months.


“You can prevent the exlposion?”


“Then you will do this now!”

“I will not live another hour with this wretched thing around my neck. We will live free together or we will die. I assure you there is no other way.”


Toun reached back for the arm rest of her throne. She turned to Chetsu, “You will remove the damane's collar.” Chetsu stood and with her eyes staring almost straight down she undid the clasp. Kemessar release the ward of ease-dropping and sent a small gust of air to Lisklynn, her collar fell to the floor. Lisklynn immediately embraced the source. Rensha scrambled for the collar in an effort to get it back on Lisklynn, but Lisklynn wove air and Rensha was bound against the wall instantly. She slammed to shields under the last two damane. Next came a weave of ease-dropping on the entire hall. Finally she sealed the doors. She turned and approached the throne, four blood guards had their swords out and were dashing to Lisklynn. Four individual weaves of air tripped each of them. She was maintaining eight weaves at once, she prayed no one else would need to be subdued. Methodically she began tieing off each weave. “Sister Kemessar what are you doing?” Lisklynn gasped. “I don't have time to explain sister I need your help. Please tie off your weaves quickly.” Lisklynn finished tieing off her weaves but maintained contact with the source.


“Lisklynn I need you to make a gate to the traveling grounds at Tar Valon. Please move quickly.”


Lisklynn weaved a gate the size of a doorway, she wouldn't use all of her strength as there still may be attacks from those in the hall. Her gate opened up.


“You would have us escape and leave these here to die?” Lisklynn was apalled.


“--Quiet sister!” Kemessar called through the second gate, she wove again to amplify her voice. “It's Kemessar Sedai, I have fashioned a gate!” Within the span of two heart beats 3 warders sprang through the gate an into the hall. Ridare was one of them, it was her warder, he was tall even for a warder he fought with a long sword in his left and short knife with a hand guard in his right, it was an unusual choice but he matched most heron wielding warders. He was a predator, his eyes scanned those standing around he moved quickly to take up position over the Deathwatch guard, he had been feeling Kemessar's anguish for over a month. She could feel the anger and his razor thin control he had, he was ready to kill. The other two also took up position around the hall. She could senses someone holding a tremendous amount of power near by and it was growing. Light! Please make them hurry. Toun stood again. “You lie marath'damane!” She drew daggers and quickly through one toward Kemessar. Ridare lurched to block the weapon but Lisklynn was faster with a short gust of air the dagger fell harmlessly to the ground. In the back, three members of the blood had drawn swords but were weary to attack the warders. They knew what these men were capable of. The faces looked resigned but they were not showing the fear they would have if they knew what was truly going on.


The power was approaching. Lelaine came through the gate she was holding an incredible amount of power. The damane shrunk back again. The collars restricted a channelers' ability to link. They never witnessed this much power. She surveyed the scene and her face lost color when she saw the plight of Kemessar. She walked quickly to stand next to Kemessar. “Hold sister, just a bit long” Kemessar bit down. Lelain was linked with eight other sisters. “Can I see the terminus?”

“Yes. The window-” was all Kemessar could manage to say. The weaves were unraveling so quickly the power was surging, a bit-longer was all she had. Lelaine ran to the window and looked out she began to weave. Long moments crawled by. Finally she completed her channeling, she moved over to stand next to Kemessar. She began to weave. Kemessar could see the huge amounts of power that was going into the pattern. Layers upon layers all spun so quickly. Lelain was good, she was the best the blue Ahj'ha had. That fast the shield was done completely incapsulating the unstable gates. Lelain turned and wove a voice amplification patter again. “You all will turn away and shield your eyes or risk blindness! . . . NOW!” Those in the hall turned away many placing hands over there eyes. The two damane couldn't get any further away. Lelaine took one last look to see if her orders were being followed, she took up position facing Kemessar and without warning she put her hand over Kemessar's eyes and pressed down hard aided by a weave. Kemessar gasped and instinctively attempted to pull away so she could maintain visual accuity with the gate, but Lelaine's grip was to strong. The gate collapsed inside the shield.


The audience in the hall still had no idea how close they all were to being blown apart. Lelaine surveyed the hall and called for Egwene.


Gawyn strode through the gate. Kemessar new in a instant he was bonded and now Egwene's warder. He would be a dangerous man he was already one of the greatest swordsmen, now he would have the additional stamina and awareness granted a warder. Egwene came next she was holding a wand in her left hand and an old dirty bag in here right hand. The wand was a very powerful sa'angrel. She walked almost directly to the two collard damane standing in front of them she looked down with a twisted face as if she had just drank a full cup of gaspen berry tea. She wove very quickly and the two collars fell to the ground. The two sul'dam reached for the A'dam “--NO!” Egwene shouted. The two sul'dam were flung up against the wall buy weaves of air in an usually harsh display of discipline. One of the sul'dam was bleeding slightly from the impact. The two damane, with there heads bowed and faces pressed against the floor, still did not move. Egwene sighed, she glanced to her right Kemessar was collapsed on the floor. She wove two linking weaves and directed one at Kemessar and Lisklynn. She felt both Aes Sedai's power surge into her almost immediately. She turned back to the cringing damane. “Ladies from this day forward you no longer have to wear the collar.” Individuals around her gasped. Toun looked ready to bite. She released the weaves holding the sul'dam, they both fell a few inches to the floor but neither fell. She glanced at the weaves seperating the damane from saidin. “I do not know your names ladies but do either of you have any gift for healing?” Ordinarily the damane would not think of speaking to anyone else but her trainer in the presents of the Empress, but this women was holding so much power she could crush this entire building in the blink of an eye. “Mitie be a good damane she can heal. If wounds aren't bad.” Mitie voice had barely been audible. “Mitie get your face of the floor and look at me!” Lifting her head to look at her feet was all she could manage. “Good” Egwene untied the weave shielding the damane from the source.4 “It appears I've injured one of the ladies standing behind you, please see to her wounds, also you are both invited to the white tower should you choose. We teach women like you to serve the people and nations around us. If you decide to come learn with us you will come under my protection. . . and I will kill anyone who attempts to put a collar on you.”


With that Egwene turned to the throne, and began speaking as she walked directly toward the Empress. “Empress Toun, I am the Amyrlin seat of Tar Valon.” Toun attempted to speak but Lelaine had already gagged her. “You may call me, 'Egwene Sedai' or 'mother.' Normally when I am in the presents of a ruler it is customery for them to bow and kiss my ring. You however will be forgiven this lapse since you are unaware of this lands customs.” Egwene had mounted the two steps in front of the throne and had stopped directly in front of Toun looking down on here. Toun looked up at her silently she realized this had been the dragon standing in the tower who had killed so many of her damane during her raid. “Over two month ago your armies assaulted the White Tower. While the white tower rarely takes a direct role in conflicts between nations we will not tolerate attacks directly against us. During your attacks your forces left something behind which belongs to you, I'm here to give it back.” Egwene lifted the bag she still carried in her right hand. She turned it over and emptied twenty seven A'dam onto Toun's lap. “You also took some things of mine, and I want them back!” Empress Toun was not going to have a good day. . .5


Feedback welcome.


Before you I have created a gate which I have begun to unravel. It is unstable and also dangerous. The explosion witnessed by your army on the Almoth(?) plain was caused by a gate unraveled by Egwene the Amyrlin Seat of the White Tower.


Wasn't it Elayne that done this?


Wow now I need to go back and reread the account of that darn gate explosion . . . thanks for the correction. I had two friends read this I guess we are all under the wrong impression.


All comments welcome. Please keep them coming.


Firstly, the name of the current Seanchan Empress is not Toun. Nor is it Tuon. It is Fortuona. Secondly, unweaving doesn't work like that. Essentially, the effects of a partially unwoven weave collapsing are random in nature. Damane use saidar, not saidin, and the exploding Gateway happened outside Ebou Dar, which is in Altara, not Almoth Plain.


I find it weird to see the sul'dams called "Ladies". We only see this word used for real nobility (or fake nobility like our friends from Emond's field).


Anyway, it's a great story ! Gread job !


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