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Hey, all you crazy WOT people (I consider myself lucky to count myself among your number).


Don't know why it took me this long to get involved in the community - I've been reading the series since the early 90's. I guess I just got back into it reading the most recent 3 books. I was so TIRED after Crossroads of Twilight. It was a good book, but I just didn't have the momentum I once had - and didn't even start TGS until right before ToM came out. But I'm back and I think the last 3 (why did it take me so long to read KoD? It was awesome!) were pretty darn incredible. Super sad about RJ/JR passing - but great work being done by Brandon.

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Welcome to DM Ashandarei. I'm so glad that you have decided to join these boards. Have you got anything in mind whilst here? Have a good look around, we have WoT discussions, General Discussions, Mafia Games, Social Groups (where we get together in various groups WoT related and enjoy some games and social fun together) and of course we have a fantastic RP section too. I think, something for everyone!

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Hey, thanks, Talya.


I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for in the community. I've been doing the Fantasy thing for a long time, but only recently picked up Role Playing. I enjoy the theory mongering as much as the next person, but most of them there's not much to contribute to by the time I get to the item on the forum :-). Probably some sort of more social-related item/activity. I'm considering heading to JordanCon this year, and I really enjoy the 4th Age Podcast.


Being a programmer by trade, the big thing I've been thinking about personally is a building searchable and filterable database of Wheel of Time facts and timelines. Somewhere between and coordinating the functionality of encyclopaedia-wot.net and stevenac.net - only much more dynamic. But that's just a potential dream/for fun. But I think if I could put something together that would lend itself to crowdsourcing (think wiki only easier to organize/filter/sort on the viewing end) it would be something community members could get involved in. Overall, though I'm just interested in the social interaction of the community surrounding an awesome series.


I've also been considering heading down to JordanCon - although I haven't decided on that for sure. There's a programming Con in Cleveland that weekend that I've been thinking about attending as well.


Thanks again for the greeting!

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That sounds like a fantastic idea as well as a lot of hard work. There is a site I use for Tolkiens work, I'm not sure if you meant something like that...Encyclopedia of Arda I have used this so much for little bits of info and stuff as I'm a Tolkien fan. Is that kind of thing you meant!


There are plenty of social groups here, which provide a lot of the community side. A lot of the Groups are based loosely around groups in the Books. The best hing is to have a look in each one and see what you like. you can join as many as you want or just only one, there is no pressure at all.


I think they will put a board ref JordanCon when it's going to be up and running. Jen here does a lot of organising for it (if not all) I would so love to go, but I have a great big area of water to get across to be able to go, and fund won't allow at the moment. If you can't make it, a lot go to Dragon Con in September as well.

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@Corki - Thanks!


@Talya - yeah, a lot like the Encyclopaedia of Arda - although the big difference is that I think it's way to big of a project for one person to do - so early on the biggest effort would be creating an interface that was easy to input data to as well as retreive data from. I also have this incremental approach in mind where a person could build in an overall timeline (say for a book) or go into tremendous detail, say on a particular chapter, depending on what they wer interested in. We'll see, though. You hate to put something out there that people might actually get excited about and then have a hard time delivering on it...


I'm starting to get the idea of how the social groups are organized, and will probably join one or two soon. Thanks!


So where are you at that you're across a large body of water from Atlanta?

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I'm in Sunny England, the same as Corki. I like the internet, because you get to interact with people from all over the world.


I really like the idea of what you want to achieve, but I can understand the complexity of it all. You need to recruit people from here, lol. Though if you meet a few people on here, you'll find others maybe only too willing to help with this venture.


and if you get chance, pop into the Black Tower, I'm usually found there, as well as the Band and the White tower. The easiest way is to pop in have a look around even post a few times and you'll feel if you fit in somewhere.


If you have any questions then just ask away!

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