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The Way of Kings

-ZanMgt- OneNight

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Unfortunately I cannot see the connection... Oh well... Thanks for the replies.


Chapter Fourteen, "PAYDAY"


  • Kaladin certainly has the right attitude to get the bridge workers to straighten up, but I fear that it probably won't happen for another three of four bridge runs...
  • I really do not like Gaz, I have a feeling that he will do something to undermine Kaladin's plans and will most likely end up with Kaladin in a terrible predicament.
  • Even though I like Syl as a character, something about her makes me believe that she is a evil creature turned good.


Chapter Fifteen, "THE DECOY"


  • Wow, I thought only twenty people would have died to that chasmfiend, not fifty! And a hundred wounded... it makes me wonder how people ever hunted these things before they had Sharplates and Shardblades...
  • ... How could Dalinar forget everything about his wife? That just doesn't make sense... Unless he experienced some mental trauma, maybe when she died it "broke" his mind?
  • I doubt the strap was broken by a assassin. Either it was broken on accident or the King planned on it being broken to make everyone believe that there were assassins trying to kill him.
  • Even though Sadeas is helping Elhokar in almost anyway he can does not mean necessarily mean that he will help Dalinar, I think Sadeas will actually betray Dalinar...


I can just tell you if you want, I don't think it really spoils anything, lol. but just in case...




The foreigners use the same words (sule, kolo) as Galladon. Meaning they speak the Dula language! I think I read that BS had confirmed this in an interview.

Apparently all of Brandon's books take place in the same universe, just on different planets. So the foreigners are really planet hoppers, making a cameo from the Elantris world. :smile:





but anyway, Kaladin's chapters were easily my favorite-- his story has a really satisfying arc, IMO. You've got some spot on and some way off predictions, haha. You're much better at predicting than I was. Dalinar's memory is explained at some point along the way.


Sort of explained, anyhow. But yeah, there is something different about his whole "I can't remember my wife thing". This is not a normal thing, and it's not just mental trauma.


There is a lot that is explained and a lot that isn't. Brandon has stated that he planned on only hinting at things, as this is only the first book.


Ooooooo. I like this little Code of War picture thingy. Now I get to finally see what are the codes of war... There aren't very many of them... Maybe this is just a few.


Chapter sixteen, "COCOONS"


  • Don't have much to say about this chapter...


Chapter seventeen, "A BLOODY RED SUNSET"


  • Well, by moving to the deathline Kaladin should get either respect or at least attention for doing such a insane thing. Won't be long now until he should have the loyalty of the bridgemen.
  • When Kaladin was running towards the chasm with the Parshendi firing arrows at him he got a sudden surge of strength. This could be adrenaline but I think it is something more...
  • Kaladin is going to have a very hard time to try and keep those wounded bridgemen alive. I don't doubt that one of the lighteyes will have them executed because they cannot work.
  • Ahhhhhh that is where he got his power from! And it also explains why the spheres he always has are dun. He is... what did Szeth call it? A surgebinder? Or a Windrunner? Anyway I believe Kaladin is one of these. Now I wonder when he will realize it... Probably not until near the very end.


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