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Welcome to the Band Recruit Volke!!!


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While we enjoy the thought of beating up the admins (and a nice thought it is!), I am going to resurrect an old tradition I used to do. And it is one of the more famous things from the Band. It is none other than the Official Spiel! It's back! So you had better hold onto something for it will blow you well!


*official spiel*


Welcome Volke! You have joined at an exciting time, since the Band is on the march to glory and greatness in 2011!


Basically, the Band of the Red Hand is the Travel, Music and Eating Out Social Group at DM! By signing up for the Band, you have joined a successful and growing Social Group on DM. Once the admins decide to add you to the Band's usergroup, we will get you through our Recruit system and into a Regiment. The Executive Officer position, who is in charge of all Raw Recruits, is currently F Horn of Valere, who will shortly get a thread set up for you. In this thread, the Band's three Regiments (Archers, Cavalry, Infantry) will try to convince you why their Regiment is best and why you should join them. After a week or two, you will be asked to pick your final choice of a Regiment, which will be your new home.


While being a Raw Recruit, there is nothing stopping you from earning points like any other Band member. Points lead to promotion within the Band. Points and promotions are carried out by Jeannaisais, the Under-Commander of the Band. Below is a list of possible ways to earn points:


- writing reviews on places to visit/holidays you have been on

- writing reviews on music albums and gigs

- writing restaurant reviews

- the variety of music based activity threads on DM

- replying to other people's reviews and asking questions

- composing Jak O' the Shadow verses

- posting in the monthly roll call in the Band's private boards here at DM

- a project to populate our Spotify music account (see our private boards)

- and much much more I cannot think of right now!


If you complete your time as a Raw Recruit successfully, you will get a special award (called the Raw Recruit Stripe) which you can add to your siggy as well!


While being a Raw Recruit, you should make yourself aware of the Laws of the Band of the Red Hand. These are enforced by the Redarms, who will shortly be reintroduced. They act as the Band's very own police force. If they see any Law breaking, they will either drag you up for a trial or give you a fun spot fine to do (usually 100 lines of something witty). Channeling is a major no-no in the Band. As is spilling Battle Brew, our beloved drink! We tend to give 3 strikes to use, and when join the Band's ranks officially, you will face the full force of Band Law like any other Bander does!


Of course, we are not all about working 24/7, as we do let our hair down now and then! We are famous for our bar brawls (look in the Regimental boards), which happen frequently! Keep an eye out for one! We also like jokes, tales, funny pictures - things that will make us laugh!


We also have many games, which can be found amongst our boards here at DM, which can be found in the stickies and in the Campfires. Also, take the lessons to learn our Dice Game, based on the luck of dice! You get the selected weapons of your Regiment, and can fight anyone in the Band! We'll give you a practise fight so you can get your bearing until you are ready to challenge a Bander. Also look out for our festivals of various games using the dice roller and Dice Game. There are many staff members (either myself, Imperium or Canis Rufus) for the Game who will be willing to help you out.


If I have left anything out (which I expect I have!), do not hesitate to ask questions! Someone will be able to answer them for you!


One last thing...


*hands volke a Marshal-General's Special Battle Brew*



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