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Guest Haxorsist

That was an interesting episode. Looks like you were right about the chick who lived next to Mohinder. Well done. I never manage to foresee these kind of things.

And did blonde crazy girl die?

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Guest Emperor

Also it looks like DJ will be a regular on the show. I think his power is pretty cool. Blond girl (nikki) is still alive and kicking. One episode soon she will have to take control over her other personality.

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Who thinks that Claire's dad isn't exactly ... evil, just pursuing his own agenda? I think he's kind of trying to track down Syler and keep him from getting any stronger.


I also think that Heroes who have been catalogued by Claire's dad and his faction are the ones with the tattoos... but that's just my pet theory.

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Guest Emperor

I have heard a theory that the reason the bomb is dropped in New York is to stop Sylar because he has become too powerful and there is no other way to kill him.

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Hm, that definitely would make sense. He's got a zillion powers already. I've heard that he's actually Patient 0 and that Mohinder's father was working with him at some point before the guy went nuts.


Rumor is that Peter's the only one who could actually take Syler out because he can mimic others' powers just by being in close proximity.

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I'll get my hubby to tweak it in photoshop tonight (if he doesn't go Dreamblade-ing, that is...) and see what we can come up with. Do Sean Bean's ears stick out that much? I guess that could be virtually anybody even if he does play Syler later... there's always the possibility that Syler can shapeshift, after all.

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Guest Karana Majin

Ok, in a marathon youtube session I watched episodes 1-4. I will be watching the last one tomorrow some time. Holy shit, is all I can say.

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Well, according to IMDB Sylar in Ep 3 is voiced by some random voice actor. However, with a good deal of manipulation in photoshop, the mysterious shadowed figure of Sylar does resolve itself into something resembling Sean Bean's face.


I'd post the picture but I'm not sure where Chris saved it...


Also, apparently one of the episodes Sean Bean is credited for is this past week's episode! We are going to be watching the ep again today to see if we can spot him. We're thinking he may be in the diner.


Everyone else, keep your eyes peeled!

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Guest Karana Majin

Ok, so, everyone has seen the episode, Better Halves, right?


DL is the guy working with horn-rimmed glasses guy, aka Claire's dad? And Niki... ??? Is she... ?

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there are allowed to be 2 black guys on a show with individual powers.

the guy with horn-rimmed is definitely not DL.

And Niki is going to be messed up by DL for killing his crew and framing him, last I saw, unless you guys are getting broadcasts before me.



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Guest Karana Majin

I watched the Better Halves episode on NBC.com. Is that not the most recent one? Where DL shows back up and he and Niki go at it...


I guess there can be two black guys, of course. It's just they look a LOT alike. But then when I saw DL's powers, of course it's not the same guy.


Does anyone read Entertainment Weekly? LOTS of spoilers in the issue with them on the cover.

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No fair you guys all getting to see it hours ahead of me and Chris :P


Soo... what'd you think? I'm thinking Chris and I want to re-watch that one. It was interesting seeing the interplay between Jessica and Micah - obviously, he's known about his mom's split personality for a long time.


Also, it was really cool seeing two heroes work together finally. I think the thing with most of them is that they're much more powerful when they work together than when they work separately.


Also, with Radioactive Man, it was interesting to see that not all of the mutations are positive... his was definitely negative.

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Guest Karana Majin

I told you, Empy, I can't watch it when it's on, because I don't get NBC. I have to wait until NBC.com uploads it to the most recent episode. I just watched it now and sort of "eh"... doesn't seem like much happened... it's like Crown of Swords for the Heroes set...


Nothing happened, but I still enjoyed watching it.

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