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I feel so behind the times, the broadcast for Canadian tv just ended.

Thanks Empy

Yeah, her superweakness must be some kind of disruption to her head or spinal cord, zombie-style.

Bigger one was that it was the congressman, not the brother, on the map.. Now did they both fly, or was it just the congressman? Be kind of lame if the chump gets Senate and Flying Powers. Nice little morale, be a jerk and you win superpowers.

Hiro is one of my favourites, mostly because I have yet to warm up to hot Stripper-Cybil.. A better understanding of her power would do it for me.

And kids these days... It's UNDER the bleachers, not on top.. Did Ludacris teach you NOTHING?



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Ok, that was good TV! So it seemed she was dead until they pulled the chunk of wood out of her... maybe her superweakness. And she needs to heal her chest, I liked it better before the Y incension.


And how does the son of that guy have such a nice apartment in NY driving a cab?


Oy, I jumped! If they implant an adamantium skeleton in the girl I am going to be supremely disappointed. Wonder what the coroner is going to think when he notices the girl's body has gone and walked off?


Anyone else think that freaky stripper mom's doppelganger killed her "missing" husband? And I'm thinking the kid has seen a bit more than he's letting on - maybe he's seen mom & doppelganger switch.

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Guest Haxorsist
Now did they both fly, or was it just the congressman?


I think both were flying. Didn't the younger brother hover at the end of episode 2?


Does anybody have an idea what Syler's special ability is? Did he fly? He did make the police woman point the gun at herself and he got shot quite a number of times and just stood up and left. I bet that second ability comes in handy, being a wanted criminal and all. :D

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Does anybody have an idea what Syler's special ability is? Did he fly? He did make the police woman point the gun at herself and he got shot quite a number of times and just stood up and left. I bet that second ability comes in handy, being a wanted criminal and all. :D


I'm under the impression that Syler has many, many powers... that he's been systematically stealing them from other supers for some time now via eating brains or something else equally gross.


From the look of his apartment it seems like he's doing it unwillingly, too. A compulsion?

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Guest Emperor

No Sylar is probably crazy. He probably gobbles up their powers but at the same time probably gobbles up a part of who his victims is. He might be going a little crazy and feels some remorse for what is going on. Note the 'research' by his bed.


Also, anyone notice the hidden DNA 'S' in every episode.


On the book by the professor, on the text book of the cheerleader, on the computer

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Also, anyone notice the hidden DNA 'S' in every episode.


On the book by the professor, on the text book of the cheerleader, on the computer


Yeah, it's all over the place... I had to have it pointed out for me of course. It's either an "S" or a stylized DNA helix (or half of one, anyway).


It's also all over Isaac's artwork, and Pete was doodling it on the margin of his sketch while he was in the hospital in episode 2.

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Guest Haxorsist

I was bored and checked out Wikipedia. This is what it said about Peter's ability:

The exact power he had and its nature were officially explained in an article from the October 9-14 TV Guide. Peter is a actually a power mimic who absorbs the powers of others.

That's a pretty cool power. :D

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Guest Emperor

I was thinking about this and it makes total sense.


In the hospital, he sketched out him walking on air with his brother in stick figures after he spent some time with the druggie.


I couldn't fly until around his brother and leapt off a building.


Will this guy be the main good guy to face off against Sylar?

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Wasn't Peter still in hospital (end of the first episode, into the second) when Syler attack the little girl's home?

Other thing, if Syler is only after superheroes to devour their brains.. what power must the little girl have? Is it going to be like X-men and that it doesn't manifest itself til later on in life, but still accessable for Syler to drain?


Some food for thought. Or thought for food.


Peter may be the lead hero, I could see that, but Hiro and Claire are necessary.. Claire being the only one who can duke it out with Syler and stand a chance (I think Syler has her ability already, probably why he hasn't tried to kill her yet... Syler probably isn't Claire's dad.. probably.. I forget what small town they live in, but my money is that it's a wee bit of a distance from NY).

Other thing, what if Claire ISN'T in a hospital.. maybe, in her dad's government lab or in his underground basement.. Just some thoughts, but it would make it so she can go outside and not have EVERYONE go "Hey, weren't you dead?" Otherwise, she's on her way to NY because there's no chance she can stay in her little town.

And now that Hiro's comic book is done.. Think it's time he hooked up with Psycho-Cybil and get things moving out East.


Can we compile a list of Syler's abilities?

-Super Fast Regeneration

-Mind Control

-Wall crawling/Flying (he got out of there somehow)



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Guest Emperor

In a recent interview, Ali Larter had some interesting things to say about her character and upcoming episodes.


"Where we're leading to is that there's going to be a duality within my personality," Larter said. "So there's one side that has to conform to society's rules and laws, and the shadow side that can actually live out the dark fantasies that are repressed within all of us."



"I would say that it's a very safe thing to sort of assume that it's a Dr. Jekyll-and-Mr. Hyde or Hulk kind of personality," said executive producer Tim Kring. "But we are leaving the door very open for new surprises."



"It is intended to be confusing at the beginning, because we are following it through her point of view, as though you had woken up with this very curious thing happening to you," Kring continued. "Niki's character is the one character that is discovering this in the most confusing way. So we are asking the audience to sort of buy into that conceit that it's going to be a road to discovery. And in the next couple of episodes, it becomes clearer and clearer. And after six episodes it should be very clear what's happening."

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Guest Emperor



Kring confirmed that the heroes will find a common enemy in the mysterious serial killer known as Sylar, who Kring called the "major villain" of the first season. Though the identity of Sylar hasn't been revealed, he may be someone that viewers have already met. "We're going to leave some of the answers to that vague, because I really want the audience to be surprised when we do introduce the character." Kring said. "I know there is speculation that the character is somebody that is among the characters already, and I'm comfortable with that speculation. And I kind of don't want to give it away."

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Guest Emperor

Does the solar eclipse we saw in the pilot have something to do with the characters' discovering that they have special powers?

"In the pilot, the eclipse was really meant mainly to be a single global event that could connect all these characters visually and in time," says Tim Kring. "But that's not to say that we won't discover that it maybe had some other effects, as well. We will, but it will not be explained for a while."


Claire's adoptive father — "Horn-Rimmed Glasses," in the parlance of the show, played by Dynasty vet Jack Coleman — is obviously very sinister. What's up with this guy?

"He knows something, he's tracking these people, and he may be up to no good," Kring says, "but he also loves his daughter and tries to be a good father. It makes for a fascinating character."


Who is Sylar, and why does he remove the brains from his victims' heads?

He's very bad and very powerful, and Kring says it's "reasonable" to assume, based on his brief initial appearance, that he has more than just a single superpower. "He will be our main villain for Season 1," the producer says. As for his amateur surgery, "Clearly, the brain is something he's interested in. And the reason for that will be explained." Look for Sylar to make his next move in November.


Threats are everywhere — the serial killer Sylar, the coming nuclear bomb in New York, the people who killed Mohinder's father.... Are they somehow connected?

Of course they are; this is the world of serial drama, where everything's a far-ranging conspiracy. "All of them will start to connect up," promises Kring. "It might take a while, but they connect."


What's up with that mysterious "S" symbol that's been appearing in various places lately?

"I would just say that part of the fun of watching the show is seeing how certain things crop up," says Kring. "And if you look at that symbol carefully, you might be able to figure it out." By the way, the symbol also shows up in places viewers can't see: On the door of a room in the soundstage where Heroes shoots, the sign reads "PROPS" — with that special S as the symbol.


Niki's son, Micah, has powers of his own, right? He doesn't seem like an average kid.

"Well, no one on this show is exactly average," laughs Kring. "And both of his parents have special powers, so..." Speaking of special powers, the actor who plays Micah, 10-year-old Noah Gray-Cabey, is a musical prodigy who has already played piano with orchestras around the world.


In the October 2 episode, Hiro traveled through time to November 8, when he saw New York City destroyed in a nuclear explosion. Does that mean the heroes only have until the real November 8 to prevent the bomb?

TV dates and real-world dates may coincide once in a while, but don't read too much into this particular concurrence. "The truth is that the show takes place in a much different time frame," Kring says. "When we have cliff-hanger endings, you're not coming back a week later; you're coming back instantly. So I would not get too locked into thinking something will happen by [the real] November 8. [Our] November 8 might not come until the end of the season."

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Guest Emperor

The ending was great... I can't wait to see Hiro in his uniform.


The S was obivious this time. What is her power.... sexy split personality girl?


Umm, I am pretty convinced the younger brother is the key to beating Sylar now. That is why Hiro came to him.

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Hiro is my hero.


And if he isn't your hero, there is something wrong with you.

Let's go through the list...


Stops time.. check

Goes back in time.. check

Speaks perfect English.. check

Gotti... double check

Fat Katana blade on his back.. check


HIRO, SAMURAI MASTER OF TIME AND SPACE. oh, you can fly or read minds? tough nuts, HIRO WIELDS THE POWERS OF THE GODS.


Epic moment #2- Claire busting into that cement wall at 100 mph. GG.


So now we see Hiro has developed his powers so he can choose what he does stop time for and what he doesn't.. Perhaps the others' powers will develop in the same way over time... Claire will eventually be able to regenerate.. herself? Multiple hot regenerating cheerleaders = good watchin'.

Stripper able to switch on demand and be able to control and direct her 'dark' side.

Officer.. able to not only read minds, but mind control like Sylar?

Pete.. able to 'adopt' many powers at the same time? Showdown of Sylar and Pete deffinitely on.


I want to know if the black guy "Leech" will play a role in the downfall of Sylar, or be a part of supporting him. Clearly the fat techie in Mohinder's apartment with the gun was part of the government body that Claire's dad is with.. "My organization has no initials" damn he's badass.

Also, just putting it out there, but I don't think Sylar is a guy. What if Sylar is the girl that's helping Mohinder?

Messed up plot twist? I think it'd be good. Feedback, s'il vous plait?



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Guest Emperor

I actually had the same thought about the girl being Sylar, but discounted it after reading interviews with the creator and how they refer to Sylar as a 'him'. No the girl works for horn rimmed glasses. Notice how the techie didn't put up much fight and they haven't been trying to monitor him so much now. They do not need to as they have a mole inside.

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I kinda want her to be Sylar, they keep on referring to Sylar having might been already introduced.. I'll keep my chips on black 24.. I mean.. the girl being Sylar.

Anybody got any better ideas who it could be?

Out of left-field ideas.. not horn-rimmed, more like, Mohinder's father.. and the guy in the urn really isn't his father.


That left-field.

Now... go..



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Guest Emperor

Notice how in Vegas they are staying in the Montecito, the made up Las Vegas show casino.


And man, did that mind reading power come in handy with the love making.


And how did Hiro get such good english talking to the Congressman?

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Truly, this show is awesomeness on a stick. Nathan flying was awesome. I'm pretty sure he's evil. Ando trying to find his true love, the internet stripper was hilarious and weird. Bad Glasses Man manages to be menacing and sweet all at once. And I'm going to put Hiro in my pocket and keep him as a pet.

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Guest Emperor

How about Shadowcat... I mean DJ next episode? Does he not look awesome. A new member of the X-men or just a character to make the stripper join with her dark side?

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