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Toy and Minion

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ok, so, I's always looking for stationhand job ads, and found dis XD ....I LOVE AUSSIE HUMOUR



Superwoman Wanted


Ideally you will be able to produce substances recognizable as beef and vegetables in the evening 6 days a week with one hand while watering 2 acres of lawn and 20 mango trees with the other hand and using your toes to handle mop broom and toilet brush.
Because you have so much spare time it would be handy if you could jump on a young horse too though that is not essential as we have plenty of other jobs to fill in your day so you will not be bored.
Accomodation is good, other staff a laugh a minute and it is only the boss who is a problem.
She is just one of those obsessive compulsive types who insists you do things her way.
The good news is that smoking and drinking in moderation and a dog are ok.
Best you have worked on a station before so you know all bosses are workaholics and you are stuck way out here with no mobile phone and have to be pretty happy in your own skin.
Please email CV with two referees from last 2 years.
No vegetarians or drug users or those escaping from problems in their current life please. This is a job not a rehab centre.



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Roo! Hai :happy:

How's it going? :)
Alright, first exam on Tuesday though :eep:How have you been?
Excellent thanks, had my first and only exam on Wednesday, it was easy :laugh:

Oh that's good. You gots any plans for summer?

Not so far no. Will try to find some work but it's not a pressing concern at the moment, got enough money put away to see me through for a while. Will be heading home for a bit I'd imagine.


Confident for exams? Got much planned for after? A few of us went out on Wednesday to celebrate the end of first year

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It's rare that I'm ever particularly confident for an exam, but I've been doing all the revision so we'll see :)

Pretty much the same as you I guess, just general summery shtuffs. Money would be welcome but not really needed too much I don't think. My friends have post exam parties planned at home already, most of them finish before me though so I've still got exams going on :rolleyes: I'll probably be glad for the break if I do come back.

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