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Resolutions for 2011


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So, every year we start a thread about our resolutions/goals, etc for the coming year. The purpose of this thread is to set a goal and then share your progress for working towards it. USUALLY, we revisit the thread every couple of months and see how everyone's doing. Last year was a down year for a lot of crazy reasons, but we're reviving the idea this year.


So, what do you want to accomplish this year?

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My Resolutions:



1- Work on keeping my blood pressure down. I will do this by reducing the amount of voice raising and allowing students to get to me that happens during the course of my day.


2- Clean my office. This room looks horrible, but more so because it's going to be the baby's room by August. I have a lot of work to do before then...


3- Become the Science Lab Teacher. Apparently, I have competition. I must smother him. *smirks*

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I'm (hopefully) going to:


1. Study more. I'm terrible at it and I really need to work harder.

2. Go to church more, and help out with the music man there.

3. Be a friendlier person. I've always been very moody and cold, and I realise now it's not a good way to be. Joining the Kin was part of this resolution! :)

4. Be nicer to my family and cost my mother less money.

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Hey everyone! I am a ghost!


1. Lose weight. This is the oldest cliche in the book... however, last year I was successful! Despite ballooning a bit for the first 3/4 of the year, I joined Weight Watchers and lost a good 18 or 19 points since the fall, even despite the holidays. I weigh less than I did for my wedding, and only need to drop another pound or two to meet Army standards (and not have to get taped during weigh-ins any more).


2. Get more involved with school-- living off campus and being married made me somewhat detached to start with, so I am resolving to be more involved in student activities now that I am more familiar with things and about where I can find a happy balance between family and school.


3. Keep more up-to-date with my blog. Ok, so this is shameless advertising, though it is a real one! After a few months of slacking off, I redefined my blog and am doing a much better job with it now. http://wonderboy14.blogspot.com/

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