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Another Egwene Dream signifying FOM Meeting


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She stood before an immense wall, clawing at it, trying to tear it down with her bare hands. It was not made of brick or stone, but countless thousands of discs, each half white and half black, the ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai, like the seven seals that had once held the Dark One’s prison shut. Some of those seals were broken now, though not even the One Power could break cuendillar, and the rest had weakened somehow, but the wall stood strong however she beat at it. She could not tear it down. Maybe it was the symbol that was important. Maybe it was the Aes Sedai she was trying to tear down, the White Tower.


- A Crown Of Swords, Unseen Eyes


She stood before an immense wall, clawing at it, trying to tear it down with her bare hands. Standing before the wall means standing against the Dragon at FOM. 'Trying to tear it down etc' just means she's going to oppose his plan to break the seals. Her bare hands probably represent lack of support in so far as she believes she should have at this point in the FOM meeting or some variation.


It was not made of brick or stone, but countless thousands of discs, each half white and half black, the ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai, like the seven seals that had once held the Dark One's prison shut. Once again, the wall is Rand the thousands of the discs of the ancient symbol of Aes Sedai means those in favor of breaking the seals.


Some of those seals were broken now, though not even the One Power could break cuendillar, and the rest had weakened somehow, but the wall stood strong however she beat at it. Some seals I think mean people like Moiraine and Nynaeve supporting Rand's plan and she can't break it because Rand's support is 'cundillar'. The rest weakened I think means Rand swayed a lot of people to his side. So whatever manuever Egwene tries to pull, Rand's support stands strong since it's standing strong 'however she beats at it'.


She could not tear it down. Support for Egwene's plan to not break the seals has failed.


Maybe it was the symbol that was important. Well I think the symbol obviously represents the Dragon.


Maybe it was the Aes Sedai she was trying to tear down, the White Tower. This could be many things. Some being Nynaeve standing in support of Rand. Moiraine standing in support on Rand (more on this if I repost a re-thought other dream that I posted about). So it would make sense if those that 'supposedly' should be on Egwene's side (Aes Sedai) take Rand's side instead, then it could risk tearing down the Tower.


Personally speaking, the point I'm most curious about with regards to Egwene and FOM is whether or not she'll try to pull rank on Elayne. If Elayne decides to support Rand and his plans, that will likely mean that Egwene is entirely without allies in her opposition to Rand. At that point, Egwene might give Elayne Sedai a command as Amyrlin to support the White Tower. At that point, Elayne would be faced with a choice of either A) disobeying Egwene's authority outright, or B) weakening the sovereignty of Andor and the other kingdoms she rules. Not to mention that she'd be forced to choose between her lover and one of her best friends, but I think that that choice will be made based on the facts at hand, rather than who is whom.


I can't see Elayne doing anything to weaken the sovereignty of her nations, so I think that we'd either see Elayne essentially being the one to convince Egwene to back down, or we'd see Elayne declare that she was no longer Aes Sedai, and as such Egwene had no authority over her.



On a different note: in that viewing, Egwene saw the disc form united symbol of the Aes Sedai, not the Flame of Tar Valon. Her opposition will include both men and women.


Personally speaking, the point I'm most curious about with regards to Egwene and FOM is whether or not she'll try to pull rank on Elayne. If Elayne decides to support Rand and his plans, that will likely mean that Egwene is entirely without allies in her opposition to Rand. At that point, Egwene might give Elayne Sedai a command as Amyrlin to support the White Tower. At that point, Elayne would be faced with a choice of either A) disobeying Egwene's authority outright, or B) weakening the sovereignty of Andor and the other kingdoms she rules. Not to mention that she'd be forced to choose between her lover and one of her best friends, but I think that that choice will be made based on the facts at hand, rather than who is whom.


I can't see Elayne doing anything to weaken the sovereignty of her nations, so I think that we'd either see Elayne essentially being the one to convince Egwene to back down, or we'd see Elayne declare that she was no longer Aes Sedai, and as such Egwene had no authority over her.



On a different note: in that viewing, Egwene saw the disc form united symbol of the Aes Sedai, not the Flame of Tar Valon. Her opposition will include both men and women.


Egwene dream From TSR11

Rand building a wall with him on one side and her on the other, her and Elayne and others she could not make out. "It has to be done," he was saying as he piled up stones. "I'll not let you stop me now."


I think this indicates that Elayne is going to side with Egwene at FOM. His "It has to be done" and "I'll not let you stop me now" sounds a lot like his POV in TOM of his mind being made up about breaking the seals.


as I said in other thread right before you moved it, I took that to be about Rand's act of hardening himself for battle and war.


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