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Name: Hopper


Email: kault@hotmail.com


Division: Is that math? I never was very good at math, or counting. I, ooh look! my tail!

*starts chasing his tail and spinning in a circle*


Age: Dead, sort of


Physical description: Hopper is a wolf. Err, a dead wolf. Well, not really, but kind of. Anyway, that's what he looks like. Like a wolf. But he doesn't look dead. And he can fly. But not like the stupid dogs in TV commercials with capes and so forth, more like Michael Jordan. But he can't dunk. Hopper, that is. Air Jordan can, of course, dunk. And he might hump your leg. Not Air Jordan. Hopper.


History: Now, nobody really needs to get into this stuff, do they? I mean, what happens in tel'aran'rhiod stays in tel'aran'rhiod. Right?


And I did not make that mess in the kitchen floor!


As for Lassie's puppies, those could be anybody's. I don't remember anything from that night, because I had waaaay too much toilet water to drink and could barely lift my own leg to a Child of the Light. Whoo! Man, the next morning my head was pounding like what I did to that poodle on Spring Break. Hey! you're not gonna put that on there are you? Who signed me up for this anyway? I definitely need a new agent.


I knew we had an Incarn division of duties over channelers and non-channelers, I didn't realise it applied to soliciting as well.


Makes sense though, Owen would be all over it like a kid on a cupcake :D


wolves don't pay for booty! they ask pirates and/or ninjas for it. or maybe a rapper. :P


by the way, could one of you guys maybe loan me a couple of crowns? Lassie wants me to take her someplace nice, like the dumpster behind Red Lobster, and you know how much that costs...James i've seen you there a couple o' times. :lol:


I love spam. I know it crops up randomly. This is the best kind. Unfortunatly, the bio boards aren't a good place for it. Maybe we keep it a little more all business and spam elsewhere?


Lastly, sorry for being grumpy. My intentions are good but I just woke up and bleh. Anyway, yeah, please lets behave and Myth, hope I didn't scare you off with my Trollishness. Welcome, man:)

  • Moderator

Once we get the replacement for Aimless up, off topic rattlings like this can be thrown there. Thats honestly why I started it on the temp boards, to give me a place to put silliness.

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