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The Holiday Movie Showdown


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Hey guys! Most of you here know me, I think, but just in case...I'm Krak, the Mod of the Entertainment Boards. We're all about movies, tv shows, and video games of all types. We love talking about actors, actresses, plots, story arcs, characterization and generally try to do our best to keep up to date on the current media news. In honor of the Holidays, we started a Holiday Movie Showdown over in the Movie subboards. Basically it's a round robin tournament where I post two movies, you vote on your favorite, and the winner moves on.


We would love to have you guys join us in our Holiday Movie extravaganza.


Here's the thread: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/54059-holiday-movie-showdown/


Please feel free to stop by and participate!


Thanks guys!

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