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RP Mini Event


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Alrighty folks. Time to get things a moving again. I'd like to challenge each of you to something that will help us all out in the long run i think. My idea is simple. I've read most of your Bio's, at least skimmed them, and realized that due to my lack of interaction with each of you, i'm in the dark as to who your character is, and more importantly, your writing styles.


So the goal here is to write a solo RP that explores some part of your past. Add in characters, dialog, descriptive texts. If you're having trouble deciding what to write about, take the following as an example:


John Doe, woodcarver's son and apprentice from 'whereever' watched his home burn due to an accident. After much arguing with his family, he left, striking out with small savings to open his own shop in the next biggest town/city. He was beset by bandits, lost his small fortune, and wandered blindly, until crashing into the band. Realizing his talents could be used to help keeping hte army moving, he asked if there might be a place for someone of his talents.


A simple bio. it covers a time line of information about John Doe, but never explores any of the particulars. How did the hosue burn, was it day, night? Was it arson, or an accident? What was the arguement exaclty, and what exactly happened when teh bandits attacked?


I've noticed that some of your bios have entire sagas erased in a quick handed comment, but there is a lot to know about your character in that moment. Perhaps you yourself might not even know the details. This provides an opportunity to explore your character more, and more importantly reveal more depth of your character to the rest of us.


For the sake of a reward to completing this task, i'm going to make it a requirement that you do it to recieve your first promotion (or if you have rank, next promotion). I feel a bio to start RPing is not the same as going deeper into your character to recieve a promotion. I hope that you all simply enjoy the process and complete it for the sake of your own characters, and the band's deeper bond with each other.


If there's any questions, please, dont' be afraid to ask them here.

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Just saw this. My time's limited by a dodgy internet connection due to the bad weather (lots of snow!). I like the idea though so I'll try to figure something out that I can post as soon as possible.

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Okay! I'm done. I don't really care for the ending, but I didn't want to make this a friggn novel! It also has nothing to do with any part of my bio, but I've never played Drea as a child and thought it would be fun. Also, I wanted to show that she had a great, normal family. She wasn't abused, didn't run away, it was loving and normal.


Btw, I'm on my blackberry, so here's hoping this turns out! If not, I'll edit later. *EDITED*




The curls of jet black hair fell to the ground and surrounded Drea's bare feet. Her slim legs were dirty and scraped at the knee with half healed cuts adorning her chins and calf's from a basic day's play. The hem of her navy blue dress was trimmed with flowers of every color and flowed just above her knee, leaving her wounds all the more obvious. The rest of her dress was simple with only flowers along the high neck and along her wrists. She hated this dress, and she hated those curls. In her right hand was one of the knives she had stolen from her brothers' bedroom. She stood in her own room in front of a large looking glass, quiet as to not wake anyone else up, and sliced away at those blasted curls. Chunk by chunk Drea sawed away at her long hair until each one of the ringlets was off her shoulders.


Taking a final look in the mirror her pride and excitement turned quickly to dread. She looked hideous! She didn't look like her brothers, or like Marshall, she didn't look like anyone but her six year old self with an uneven hair trim. Pieces jutted out all over the place, frazzled from the sawing of the blade and there wasn't an even cut through her whole head. Most of the left side was longer and the right shorter. Thank the light she couldn't see the back! Slumping on her bed, Drea pondered how to fix this. Her thoughts were cut short as she heard her mother in the kitchen downstairs. Frantic, Drea looked around; tripping on the jar of honey she had brought up to spread on her breakfast. Leaving herself no other option, Drea scooped up a hand full of the honey and started slathering it all at the ends of her jagged hair then quickly grabbed the curls and tried to paste them back on. The footsteps started up the stairs to the bedrooms. Drea shoed the rest of the mess under her bed with her feet and quickly hopped into bed. She hoped her mother would think the rats nest on her head were from a restless night's sleep. She hoped.

The door creaked open as her mother peeked her head in. Drea closed her eyes tight, pretending to be asleep. Tenderly, the blankets were pulled back from the cocoon of cloth and Mama gently kissed her cheek to wake her. Drea opened her eyes as if waking from a deep sleep and murmured to herself. She raised her head a bit and smiled at Mama. Mama smiled back, but the curve of her lips quickly turned the other way.


“Drea?” She asked, looking closer at the nappy, sticky mess on Drea’s head. “What happened to your-“ She paused as she touched the ends and pulled out a twisted strand stuck to her fingers. Mama held back a gasp but a small sound escaped her lips none the less.


Drea remained silent, just bit her lip and waited for her mother to do something besides stare at the hair that lay so miserably along her pillow. It took a few minutes, but Mama finally did just that. She swallowed any nasty thoughts that were in her head and stood up. A loving hand reached out to her young daughter and she managed a smile as Drea stood.


“Good gracious, child! You certainly did a horrible job now, didn’t you?” Mama laughed again, turning Drea back to the full mirror next to her bed. The two stood and laughed at Drea’s first attempt at a haircut. “Come on now, off to get you cleaned. And we better be quiet about it. No need for your brothers to see just yet.”


Once Drea’s head was clean they returned to her bedroom and Mama attempted to even the mess properly. “Why in the light would you do something like this, Xandrea? Your curls were so beautiful.”


Drea paused, not sure she wanted to admit the truth. “No one else has curly hair, Mama. Ethen, Kimal and Marshall always make fun of me because I’m too much of a girl.” Biting her lip again, Drea continued. “I just want to be like them, Mama.” She lowered her head in shame, now realizing how absurd her ideas really were. She’d never had self esteem issues before, all the girls in the village jealous of her beautiful hair. “Do you think they’ll grow back, Mama?”


Mama sighed, uncertain, and set the sharp knife on the bed next to her. “I don’t know, Darling. What I do know is that you are an incredible girl regardless of what you look like. You will be something some day, I can feel it. You’re going to do things to change the world.” She looked fondly upon her daughter as they admired the finished product. Drea’s black hair was now pin straight and just touching the lobe of her ear.


“Thank you, Mama.”


“Just don’t do anything like that again, Child, or I’ll have your hide.”


Just then, the door opened and in ran Ethen and Kimal, Drea’s older brothers, and their best friend Marshall. All three stopped just inside the door and stared, eyes wide. Mama stood up and kissed Drea on the top of her clean, neat head and left the room, stopping only to give the boys a warning glare. The door closed and all three boys burst into a laughing fit.


“What happened to your head?” Ethen, 8, teased while walking closer to inspect his sister’s new do.


“What happened to your face?” Drea retorted punching him on the shoulder.


“I think it looks nice.” Marshall blushed when all three kids looked at him incredulously. Marshall, 10, had already asked multiple times for Drea to marry him. Drea had declined every time.


Being the oldest and much too mature for his 12 years, Kimal went up to Drea and put his arm around her scrawny shoulders. “He’s right, Drey, it does look nice. You look like a princess in Caemlyn.”


“Mama says I’m gonna change the world!” She said, solely to her oldest brother. “Maybe as a princess, or the Amyrlin Seat, or I’ll discover another land.”


Kimal smiled at her and nodded. “Those are grand ideas. I’m sure you’d make the most royal of Amyrlin Seats. But let’s focus on today.”


“This is boring. Let’s go hunting in the woods. Papa just gave me a new knife he forged yesterday and I want to try it out on a few rabbits.” Ethen bragged, standing by the door already waiting.


Kimal squeezed his sister’s shoulder and urged her to come with as he followed the two younger boys out. “So, what did happen to your hair, sister?” His knowing smile touched his eyes. Drea didn’t answer, just returned his smile and loyally followed her big brother.

Edited by Drea Raylin
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