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The One Big Issue I have with Brandon Sanderson Spoiler free


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This is absurd. You're just throwing out random names and saying they suck. Well, why exactly? What makes them so un-WoT-like? Why are other names in the series sooooo superior?


Oh, yeah, BTW...Basaheen? That's RJ's: Duhara Basaheen. Her surname first appeared in KoD. Oops.


ETA: This reminds me of all the carping about "Fortuona". Turned out, it was in RJ's notes.


I agree. This talk of bad names is ridiculous. You say Brandon's names are bad and stand out? Every single time I see a mention of 'Faile' I see 'Fail.' I never noticed any major difference in names. All of RJ's names are ones you would never see in real life and many took quite a bit of time to get used to (I still often pronounce Moiraine as Moraine instead of Mwaraine.) Just wondering, are you all actually looking for a reason to say Brandon isn't as good as RJ in writing style?


I thought I had stated "why". Sure RJ himself made a few sorry choices when naming characters as well.. Norry and other names I can't find inside my head at the moment.


I find more of these names in Brandon's work. I express this in a thread on a Discussion Forum based in RJ's work. That is why forums exist. I reserve that right, the right to vent opinions on public forums - calling my thoughts and feelings about this "ridiculous"... Stay away from my thread if you can't discuss the names in an intelligent manner. Otherwise you are wasting my time, and that I loathe you for. Really.


I am NOT saying that Brandon is a bad writer. The story he spinns from RJ's notes is really great. The names he chooses aren't. They are silly.


RJ himself would have done a much better job at this but ... it was his world. Brandon is just visiting.


If you want to discuss the names Brandon uses, please do so without snide remarks or asinine behaviour. Too much to ask for?


I'll come back to this thread and revise my thoughts and opinions if and when they change. I will also add more names. :)

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Unfortunately, Jordan's genius for naming characters is one of the things we lost when he died. Brandon does the best he can. but he's the first to point out that he can't do it like Jordan did.


Also, how is Melli Craeb any different from Mili Skane? They sure sound similar too me.


And @magnutz, Jennifer didn't say it went over the line already, just that it's close. Best not to push it, I think. She has a shotgun, after all, and she's not afraid to use it.


Unfortunately, Jordan's genius for naming characters is one of the things we lost when he died. Brandon does the best he can. but he's the first to point out that he can't do it like Jordan did.



Yes, you are right. That is one of the things RJ could not leave behind :/ and Brandon does the best he can.. I just had to vent my feelings on the matter and since I am the only one in my cirkle of riends who is reading RJ's work this place is the only place I've got. Sometimes one could wish for a more subtle approach but then I am human and fly off the handle every once in a while.




Yes, indeed, this is too much. And I think we've said all that could be said on this issue already. Let's call it quits (this is to say, I'm locking this topic).


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