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Going nuts here in Leitrim, ireland!


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Hi Dragonmounters (silly pun, no offense meant :blush: )

I've been reading and rereading WoT since the start, always waiting impatiently for the next like so many of you. And now ToM is finally out, and I can't get it :sad::mad::huh: I live in the middle of nowhere, don't have a credit card, and my local bookshops don't have it yet and don't know when they will, though they hope they will do in the next week or so :nynaeve: (by which I mean *tugs braid* obviously - and I do have one lol) The frustration is really, well, frustrating! I really hope they get it this week, then I will devour it in a night or 2, and maybe be able to post something else on here :rolleyes: If I have any thoughts on it worth typing that is :biggrin:


Anyone else in the world have this problem or is it only here in sleepy ole Leitrim? I swear this place is just like The Two Rivers before the Trollocs came :ohmy:


Anyway, love this forum, and hope to be able to join in soon!

Peace favor your mouse guys!



*walks around whistling to himself*


oh..hello there. Welcome to the DM friend look around enjoy yourself. check out some of the social forums, good way to meet people and have a few good laughs..now if you will excuse me, I believe I was maybe looking for something...


*walks off talking to himself...*


Hah! You may be sure that whatever you seek, it is not in Leitrim :laugh: There may be old blood here, but mostly in the sense of just...well elderly :tongue: Nothing heroic or otherwise noteworthy has happened in Leitrim since the dawn of time. I meant like the Two Rivers in the sense of its sleepyness only. I swear it under the Light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth :happy:


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