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After 20 years of lurking, I'm joining in!


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I started reading in the beginning (I know, there ARE no beginnings), in 1990. I used to lurk on rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan. I loved reading what so many smart people who loved the same books as me had to say. I learned a lot -- mostly about not to annoy John S. Novak (a god on that forum). He seems to have disappeared ... but now there are lots of new, smart, informed people! I thought I'd gear up my courage and join in.


I'm a re-reader, like so many of you. Every time a new book is due, I start reading at the beginning, and read every word all the way through. I'm at the point that I can turn a page and know what's on the top of the next page. I'm sure lots of people here are like that. I love the characters and the world-building. I love finding out what happens, and mostly I love just hanging out while Jordan builds his story.


In real life, I'm 56, not actually a "Two Rivers Girl," I work as a professor, and struggle with the fact that my friends and family don't get how wonderful this series is. I guess I'm a little obsessive. I've been known to call floor lamps "stand lamps," and so on.


Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself, and thank you all for this wonderful forum.


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