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DM Handle: Clepto

Contact Info: jmgilbert06@gmail.com

Character Count: 0


Character Name: Gavin Mortisane

Nationality: Andor

Age: 18

Physical Characteristics: Dirty blonde hair, ice blue eyes, 5’11”, 180 lbs


Character Description: At middling height and weight for an Andorman, Gavin does not cut an imposing figure. In fact, the only distinguishing physical characteristic is the smirk he inherited from his father. Permanently plastered on his face, Gavin always appears to be smiling at a joke that noone else heard. With a strong, clear voice and deft, nimble hands, Gavin carries himself with a calm self assurance that is uncommon amongst the common folk. The cloak he wears, marks him as common however. Split vertically, the left half of the cloak is a ice blue, and the right half carries the many fluttering patches of a gleeman’s cloak.


Personal History: Gavin Mortisane was a gleeman. Actually, he was half a gleeman. His twin sister was the other half. They were raised by their mother for the first eight years, and never knew a father. After their mother died of illness, a gleeman came through their village and took them in. The gleeman was actually their father, though they wouldn’t find that out until much later.


The gleeman, Mathin, continued raising the children, and taught them his craft as they wandered from town to town. Neither of them had the full aptitude however. Gavin inherited the fabled storytelling ability of gleemen, his clear voice able to evoke the feeling of actually being in the story, as well as showing promise with sleight of hand tricks and knife throwing. Cassandra inherited the music. She could play almost any instrument she picked up, though she showed particular fondness for the harp, and her singing could draw tears from even the most hardened of men.


After their father passed away, they traveled and performed together, the whole greater than the sum of the parts. The only time they were ever separated, was the last.


Performing their way through Tear, they stopped to see the city. Shortly after their father passed on, they vowed to see all of the great cities. After they saw Caemlyn, they moved on, and Tear was next. While gleemen find easy work in the smaller towns and villages, cities were harder, even for someone with their combined talents. Considering it a vacation, they simply stayed at an inn, marveling at the sights of the city without worries of performing for their supper.


The morning they were to leave the city, Cassandra left to find food for the road while Gavin prepared their things. A few minutes after she left, there was a commotion in the streets, but Gavin ignored it until someone in the common room began shouting that someone had been killed. Curious, Gavin went to investigate. At the mouth of the alley that ran between the inn and the next building was a body. Gavin almost paid the ill-dressed man no heed and turned to go back up to his room, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw the hilt of the dagger jutting from the body’s chest. It was Cassandra’s dagger.


Frantic with fear, Gavin asked everyone if they had seen his sister, but nobody had. There was a blood smear and drag marks leading down the alley, but nothing could be found there either. Since nobody saw what had happened, the people returned to their lives as if nothing happened.


Gavin stayed in Tear for several weeks, looking for his sister. He even hired a thief-catcher. The thief-catcher said that the stabbed man was a known criminal, wanted for several thefts and assaults, and one murder. After three weeks of no sign of Cassandra, the thief-catcher told Gavin that he was sorry, she had disappeared, but if it was any consolation, when she stabbed the criminal in self defense, she had done the city a great service.


Lost without his sister, Gavin slipped into a deep depression. The thief-catcher had taken the body to the Stone for the reward, and passed most of the reward on to Gavin, but Gavin didn’t care. He spent his days lost in ale, or stronger. There was an emptiness in him where his twin should have been, and as time wore on, the emptiness grew.


Almost two months after her disappearance, Gavin heard rumors of a school for men who could channel. They took everyone for testing, and if you could, they took you. He had heard stories of this school before, with their headquarters rumored to be in Tear. With nothing left for himself without his sister, Gavin resolved to go to the school and learn. He had no idea if he could channel or not, but he wanted justice. He wanted revenge. He wanted to bring order to an all but lawless world. He wanted his sister back, but that was beyond him now.


After packing his belongings — and Cassandra’s, she had only taken her cloak and belt knife when she left – Gavin left for the headquarters of the Black Tower.

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