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Red Ajah Autumn Fair- Hide and Seek Pumpkins!


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You may be wondering why there's an ickle Novice dressed up as a pumpkin.. Well stop thinking about me! It's rude! Erm.. I mean.. Today the Reds have forcefully dressed me up as a pumpkin to entice players for one of this years fine Autumn Fair Games!


Welcome to Hide and Seek Pumpkins!

Thats right, Pumpkins! The Reds and all of this years Autumn Fair Helpers will be going about hiding pumpkins in their posts- your job is to find these pumpkins and send your findings to me via PM! The person who's found the most pumpkins is the winner. The prize? Eternal glory... Oh, and a winner-siggie!


So you think you know everything about the game? Well, don't forget that for every game there are rules! So here they are:

~For every entry I will be needing thread-links to each pumpkin.

~Please, no doubles!


Thats not too hard, is it? Anywho.. Good luck!

On your marks, get set, go!


Wooah, that was a close one- I kind of slid over that fact, eh? You guys will be on the hunt for photographs of pumpkins. :] Thanks for the question, it just saved me from alot of confusing PM's. ;P


Here's some hints: Maybe look around the dormitories, or around the warders guild. They can be hidden anywhere. Games, photoalbumns, who knows where else? ;P


I'm proud to announce that this years Hide and Seek Pumpkins winner is Andrew Lee!! I'd also like to thank those who participated the game I hosted (Man you guys found lots of those pumpkins..), and in any other activities here at the Red Ajahs Autumn Fair! Happy Holidays,



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