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The Kin's Haunted House!


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Walking into the Kin, you expect, just like last time, it will be a happy and creative bunch, who will welcome you with open arms and maybe a poke… with their knitting needles. Instead there is silence. The unnatural kind, that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. There is a heavy fog drifting through the courtyard of the Kins’ domains. You take a step forward as you rub your arms from the chill. As you look up a building comes into view, and you peer closer. There is a gate in front of you that suddenly makes a screeching sound as it slides open. You jump back and then slowly peer around the gate. Behind the gate, stands the large building which has grown darker since you got closer. You slowly ascend the steps to the building and raise you hand to the door.


The door suddenly springs open and …

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Behind the door stands a ghost! One of the Kin Ghosts!


Welcome! Welcome! Have you come to find the Kin’s ghost? Wonderful! Come in. Come in.


She ushers you into the house, which you are still not certain you want to come in, and you hear the door slam behind you




The first thing that jumps out at you is a extra large clown face, which drenches you with water.

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Why unsure?



So question! What is the best Haunted House you have ever been in?



Mine was an old Victorian house that had been turned into a business, then into the haunted house, then it was torn down. We would go every year and afterward drink hot chocolate and pick out a pumpkin. the first time my husband went, he almost punched someone. lol



Then there was the time I went to one in Virgina Beach, and someone had left the door open to a pink bathroom. I mean bright pink. It kinda blew the mood. :rolleyes:

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