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Three become one


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Three become one I think will be Narishma Alivia and Nynaeve. This is how I think it will play out. (Ive said this before several times)


Rand breaks the Seals and siezes the True Power, drawing as much as he can. This tempts the Dark One to try and possess him, and that would result in Randzamon, the Dark One existing in the Pattern in Rands place. Rands plan is to die while that struggle is going on, because it will weaken the Dark One. He plans to die by having Callandor deliver the new Sealing weave, so basically Rand has to draw as much of the Dark One as he can and then Sheathe The Sword That Is Not A Sword. Enter Callandor, used by Narishma Alivia and Nynaeve. Narishma to wield the blade, Alivia to guide the flows, and Nynaeve for her spirit and trustworthiness. In this scenario the tides are all reversed; the Light want Rand to die because the death siginifies their victory now, whereas the Shadow want Rand to live long enough to lose the battle of wills and then the Dark One will have won. During that battle of wills Rand will need to think of the people he is connected to; the Warder bonds Veins of Gold will bring him strength, and seeing Mat and Perrins faces with the swirling colors will give him determination.


So Rand is doing this. a PoV could show him losing control of himself, the Dark One in him channeling a True Power blade just as Rand channeled a saidin fire sword early on, and Narishma cant beat him because the Dark One can tap into Rands swordsmanship experience. Narishma cant land a blow.


And all of a sudden Rand feels something nip him in the back and the Dark One/True Power flinches. Fain, who can now sense the Dark Ones presence in Rand, proceeds to stab Randzamon in the back several times, weakening the Dark Ones control. Rand has a new surge of strength and holds his hands in the air, and with the booming voice of the Dark One he screams "NARISHMAAAAAAAAA!" and Narishma dives at him with Callandor extended before him, taking Fade blade wounds as he flies through the air, and drives Callandor through Rands heart-and also through Fain at the same time.


I am loving you theory!!! :biggrin: It is epic and oddly funny at the same time! If this actually happened,, well like, i wouldn't be disapointed.


Do we have actual evidence? I just recall Ishy babbling constantly about how they've done it thousands of times before, but saw no evidence of this. Him saying so doesn't make it so, he was rather insane. I could be not recalling something, but really, I don't find Ishy's words to be evidence.


Yeah, it's not necessarily great evidence, but it's pretty much the only time in the text where it's stated that the Dragon is linked with a particular person. However, recall also that all the dismissals of his allegedly insane ramblings on the topic come from Forsaken POVs, and we know for a fact that they don't know as much as they think they do (not even close, in most instances). When you put that together with his Nae'blis status, book signing statements about him being the most trusted of all the Forsaken, and his obviously being much more in the know than anyone else on Team Shadow (going by his own POVs), it's at least evidence that is not too bad, and maybe even qualifies as "pretty good". Yes, he's obviously not a picture of mental health, but crazy isn't always about being wildly delusional. But yes, it's definitely not at all confirmed. However, that was sort of my point: that's the best evidence we have for anybody being linked to the Dragon soul, and it's pretty iffy. The evidence for anyone else being linked incarnation-wise, Ilyena included, is just plain non-existent at this point.

I think what Ishmael was rambling on before was The Dragon and The Dark One having this battle time and time again. Because remember, he called himself Bal'azoman which means the Dark One in the Trolloc Tongue, implying that he is the dark one... but he is not. So, thats not any evidence either of the dragon being linked to any one particular person... one thing I have to ask, and the answer to this question may be obvious and I somehow missed it..... Why do people seem to treat Ishamael as almost some immortal being?


I thought that Bal'azoman just meant heart of the dark? I had thought that it referred to Ishamael and interpreters just got confused over the years as to just what it meant, I suppose the Trollocs may not know the difference though.


Ooooh but what if Ba'alzamon was the Dark One possessing Ishamael and it was the FORSAKEN that couldnt tell the difference

I think that the three becoming one means that Elayne, Aviendha and Min will get the same treatment that Slayer did, with the three of them keeping their souls apart, being able to shift between which person is active at any given time, but sharing the same body and to some extent the same awareness. Among other things, it helps provide a neat solution to the Rand/sharing issue (because it would be way, way more awkward if they shared a body and had different men... :myrddraal:) and it helps resolve how Min wouldn't be an old crone while Rand, Elayne and Aviendha still look like they're in their twenties.
Slayer, it seems the Dark One done that. The only Light-sided person that might be able to do it might be the Creator, and it seems that He does not interfere.

Other confirmed merging is Fain/Mordeth. And that involved a dead person (Mordeth).


Is it not possible that the "three" are Rand, LTT, and Moridin? We've already seen Rand and LTT become one at the end of TGS, and we can imagine that Rand's connection to the True Power is through his link with Moridin. If the link goes that far, who knows how else it could affect them?


If Lews Therin is "one" with Rand, so would be those many other guys revealed in the chapter.


Rand/LTT/Moridin has been speculated a number of times.


I see Rand and Lews Therin as one person, one character. One man, spun out time and again to save the world, different names in different lifetimes. The voice in my oppinion cant be the real Lews Therin, because a mans mind cannot exist twice at the same time. The voice is a construct, based on the few memories had at the time. Notice how Rand thinks the voice seems to sound more and more sane as time passes; this isnt because Rand was getting worse, its because his understanding of his past self was getting better. So in my oppinion Rand and Lews Therin wouldnt count as two of the three, they would count as one.


Rand Moridin and Taim would be another matter. But the three become one mentions Callandor (I think) and thats why I think the viewing relates to who will use it.


Does it actually have to be three people?


I thought it could be the three powers (saidin, saidar and the true power) combining to be some kind of mega power to defeat the dark lord.


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