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The Sun Throne

Moon Sedai

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I only just in the last day found where Elayne said she'd claim the Sun Throne. (WH chapter 9)

I've read the whole series before, but somehow missed that bit.


Still, sometimes i find it fun to speculate.


I just dont know why Rand just doesn't give it to Dobraine. Dobraine is one of his most loyal followers, one of the only nobles not to scheme against him, and actually has a political base. I just dont get his whole line of logic for Elayne to be given that throne as well.


He completely trusts Elayne, Dobraine he is suspicious with because in a land full of people scheming against him that only one follows him, I wuold be suspicious also

  On 10/13/2010 at 11:43 AM, Duskfire said:

I just dont know why Rand just doesn't give it to Dobraine. Dobraine is one of his most loyal followers, one of the only nobles not to scheme against him, and actually has a political base. I just dont get his whole line of logic for Elayne to be given that throne as well.


Ya, Dobraine makes the most sense. One of Rand's main goals appears to be not having all the various countries that he controls descend into civil war once he's dead and can't impose peace on them. Putting a strong native noble with a large force of his own who knows how to play the Game of Houses and is a generally decent person would seem to be a better choice for this than some foreign girl who's maybe visited the place a handful of times and has a tenuous claim to the throne through the guy who got the country destroyed during the Aiel War and would essentially treat the place as a province of Andor. The latter sounds like a good recipe for civil war.

  On 10/13/2010 at 6:29 PM, Tom Sawyer said:
  On 10/13/2010 at 11:43 AM, Duskfire said:

I just dont know why Rand just doesn't give it to Dobraine. Dobraine is one of his most loyal followers, one of the only nobles not to scheme against him, and actually has a political base. I just dont get his whole line of logic for Elayne to be given that throne as well.


Ya, Dobraine makes the most sense. One of Rand's main goals appears to be not having all the various countries that he controls descend into civil war once he's dead and can't impose peace on them. Putting a strong native noble with a large force of his own who knows how to play the Game of Houses and is a generally decent person would seem to be a better choice for this than some foreign girl who's maybe visited the place a handful of times and has a tenuous claim to the throne through the guy who got the country destroyed during the Aiel War and would essentially treat the place as a province of Andor. The latter sounds like a good recipe for civil war.

except we know that she does have support among the cairheinen people and personnally I thikn the cairheinan would welcome being a part of Andor since Andor has had stability for many years, unlike cairhein

  On 10/13/2010 at 7:24 PM, Durinax said:

except we know that she does have support among the cairheinen people and personnally I thikn the cairheinan would welcome being a part of Andor since Andor has had stability for many years, unlike cairhein


Why would the people matter? This is a feudalistic monarchy, not a democracy. What matters are the various nobles and whether she'll have enough of their support to fend off some other noble from taking his armies in and grabbing the throne. Yes, she could do it with the Andoran armies, but then she'd face the exact same problem she'd have had by having the Saldaeans and Aiel helping her win the fight for the Andoran throne - it would make her rule nothing more than a puppet for a foreign power. She can turn Cairhein into an Andoran province, but that's about the extent of her abilities there.


In terms of the Cairheinians wanting to become an Andoran province, that's just silly. They've fought more wars than anyone except Tear and Illian. That's like saying that France would be happy becoming an English county if they go through some hard times while England's booming. That happened, remember, and the French were anything except happy and all it led to was a few hundred years of pointless wars.

  On 10/13/2010 at 8:21 PM, Tom Sawyer said:
  On 10/13/2010 at 7:24 PM, Durinax said:

except we know that she does have support among the cairheinen people and personnally I thikn the cairheinan would welcome being a part of Andor since Andor has had stability for many years, unlike cairhein


Why would the people matter? This is a feudalistic monarchy, not a democracy. What matters are the various nobles and whether she'll have enough of their support to fend off some other noble from taking his armies in and grabbing the throne. Yes, she could do it with the Andoran armies, but then she'd face the exact same problem she'd have had by having the Saldaeans and Aiel helping her win the fight for the Andoran throne - it would make her rule nothing more than a puppet for a foreign power. She can turn Cairhein into an Andoran province, but that's about the extent of her abilities there.


In terms of the Cairheinians wanting to become an Andoran province, that's just silly. They've fought more wars than anyone except Tear and Illian. That's like saying that France would be happy becoming an English county if they go through some hard times while England's booming. That happened, remember, and the French were anything except happy and all it led to was a few hundred years of pointless wars.

well the peoples opinions do matter, since when the people become outrageuosly unhappy things happen like the french revolution. Most nobles while they do not watch the peoples attitude very much are somewhat aware of it becuase life can become very difficult for a noble when he/she are very resented/hated.


As for The nobles supporting elaynes bid for the throne I think they would be very happy to see her take it since it would mean the Dragon Reborn does not have utter control of it anymore, just like what they did with Darlin in Tear, plus they all know that the Throne will remain vacant until Elayne does take it, and once she does then they can scheme to remove her from it and take that seat themselves.


Rand had already announced his intention for Elayne to have the throne before Dobraine proved himself--and its a good thing too. Despite Rand's grandiose thoughts about making everyone everywhere king of everything in tGS, Dobraine's house really couldn't hold the Sun Throne.


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