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A Return to Training--ATTN Covai


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OOC: After an unexpected break I'm trying again to get some training.


IC: After nearly a year at the Black Tower Nakor was growing more confident in himself but he still preferred to do his fitness routine at a time and place when he would be noticed by as few people as possible. He was the smallest man at the Tower and while he knew strength and skill with Saidin were more important here, it was still hard not to feel as though the others looked down on him for his size. That's why he was up and dressed a full two hours before the sun. He went to a nearby break in the wall that would someday soon encompass the whole of the Black Tower. Slipping through to the outer side of the wall Nakor stretched tired muscles and began to run.


He ran as close to the wall as possible, the flat black of his uniform aiding his desire to hide in the shadows. With a hood to cover the white streak in his hair, and the training he'd been putting himself through, he became a shadow. The chances of anyone seeing him were slim, the chances of being noticed if they did see him even smaller. He felt confident that he could just as easily conceal himself in daylight but this darkness afforded him more freedom.


He knew many here thought him lazy since they'd never seen him workout but the truth was that he had developed a body that, while small, was lithe and trim and packed with more muscle than his peers would believe possible. He knew they underestimated him but he was nearly to the point that he didn't care any longer. He was in the process of convincing himself that it didn't matter and that being underestimated would be a benefit someday.


These thoughts and more cycled through his brain as he circled the Tower ten times and returned to the house he shared with nine other Dedicated. In a clearing behind the house he completed his workout as he thought ahead to what the day would bring. In the last few months since he'd been promoted to Dedicated he'd had precious little time for training. Between teaching classes to Soldiers and accompanying the Ashaman on recruiting trips he'd been unable to join any of the classes along with the other Dedicated. He'd begun to despair of ever earning the dragon pin.


Last night he'd decided it was time he did something about it. He'd found Covai Seriba, the Ashaman in charge of training and explained his situation. Stating that it wasn't so much that he didn't like teaching classes or recruiting, rather enjoying both as he loved to help those both above and below him, he needed more. He needed training. He needed to become an Ashaman so he could serve the Dragon Reborn. Covai had agreed to teach him and had said for Nakor to meet him at his house at dawn.


When he got to Covai's house the Ashaman was already outside, apparently looking for him. Nakor was worried for a second that he might be perceived as late but realized the sun hadn't even begun its journey yet, the sky was just beginning to brighten. As he came closer Covai's eyes widened, the only visible sign that he had been startled. It was then that Nakor realized he was still using the stealth techniques he'd been teaching himself. Smothering a laugh that was more at himself but sure to be misinterpreted, he saluted the Ashaman and spoke into the darkness, "Dedicated Nakor Zorrander reporting for training as ordered. Good morning Sir."


OOC: wasn't sure if you had a title other than Ashaman so I just wrote it this way. Please assume if you do that he used the correct title and I'll edit it in later.

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