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First post to the forum, Long time lurker


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Hey all, I just finished reading the preview chapter of Towers of Midnight, and I'm severely pissed. It is unimaginably cruel to leave it where it left off. I am not anywhere as mad as I was when I heard RJ had died leaving his books unfinished (I actually think Brandon Sanderson is a better writer so it worked out), but I now must wait more than a full month to read the new tome... and of course another year before I the story is finished. Anyway, cheers and I hope everyone is ready for a great book.



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Hey, welcome!


I'm a long time lurker myself, just recently joined too!

This place is great, (most) people treat each other great and everyone has alot in common. But you'll already know that eh? :wink:


Not sure i agree with you about BS being better than RJ though!


anyhoo, welcome...see ya on the boards!

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Welcome to DM! :biggrin:


I haven't sampled Sanderson as a WoT writer yet, since I am waiting for the book to be published in paperback over here in the UK. Either that, or I have missed that happening! lol!


Enjoy browsing the boards, and do not hesitate to ask any questions if you get stuck or lost!


*waves his :bandredhand: flag*

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