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Source Code


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For the few of us that saw last year's sensational "Moon" starring Sam Rockwell and directed by Duncan Jones, this bit of news will have you extremely excited. Jones is back with a new movie called "Source Code" and it will be starring Jake Gyllenhaal.


Here's a basic overview of the plot, but there are basic spoilers:




Here’s the deal: The Playlist has read the script for Ben Ripley’s “Source Code”, and they explain how the movie begins, and the film’s plot. It’s basically a combination of the Denzel Washington movie “Deja Vu” combined with “The Matrix” and the Bill Murray comedy “Groundhog Day”. And oh yeah, some form of time travel is involved, too.

It kicks off with COLTER (to be played by Jake Gyllenhaal), a thirty year old man with a military buzz cut, waking up on a commuter train heading into Penn Station from New Jersey. The trouble is, he doesn’t know where, or indeed who, he is. His wallet tells him his name is Sean Fentress, but when he looks in the bathroom mirror, another face looks back. In a brief seventeen minute journey, he manages to freak out CHRISTINA, a fellow passenger, and then, shortly before the train arrives at its final destination, the train explodes, killing Colter and every other passenger we’ve met.

From there, we learn that Colter is actually some kind of agent, who is being sent back in time to try to solve the terrorism bombing of the train, and he always has 17 minutes to do it. On his mission, Colter is overseen by a military bureaucrat name Goodwin, along with Rutledge, the much nicer of the two men, and also the designer of the Source Code program that is sending Colter back. The film’s other major character is Christina, the woman who Colter meets on the train, and develops feelings for.

The premise definitely sounds like the Washington movie “Deja Vu”. “Source Code” also figures to be much more character-driven, which is never a bad thing. I can totally dig character-driven plots with a good old fashion time travel storyline.



It also looks like Vera Farmiga and Michelle Monaghan will be playing the two leading ladies.


Vera Farmiga (Up In The Air) and Michelle Monaghan (Eagle Eye) are in negotiations to play alongside Jake. Vera will play Jake’s controller, working the widgets and Michelle will play a woman, presumably now dead, whom Jake insanely falls for right before she splodes. Not a good life choice Jake. In March, filming will get underway. Both these ladies rock so we’re in for some good times when “Source Code” hits theatres next year. Thanks Heat Vision for the word.


Duncan also just added actor Jeffrey Wright to the cast.


Via his Twitter account, director Duncan Jones has announced the addition of the very cool Jeffrey Wright (Felix in the last two “Bond” movies) to his sci-fi actioner “Source Code”.


Just met with the lovely Vera Farmiga and Jeffrey Wright. Feeling quite thrilled to have two such scorchingly good actors in Source Code!


You and us both, Duncan ol chap.



A bit more information:


Looks like “Moon” director Duncan Jones’ “Source Code” is well into production. Check out the first official image from the movie below, featuring star Jake Gyllenhaal holding a gun to someone. I’m sure he had it coming.




The image and release date (March 11, 2011) are from an upcoming issue of Empire Magazine. Here’s an excerpt:

Duncan Jones tells Empire ‘On this one I’ve got four really talented actors – Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan, Vera Farmiga, Jeffrey Wright. It’s a new test, a new experience…’


Jake Gyllenhaal was apparently the one ‘who pushed him to board the sci-fi thriller’.

Duncan describes Jake Gyllenhaal’s character briefly as ‘a military man who wakes up on a train not knowing how he got there. Before he gets a chance to work it out, things change in such a dramatic way, he doesn’t know whether the train’s real or not…When it was brought to me it was serious, quite cerebral, dark and depressing, My take was, “This could actually be quite fun…”‘



And finally, the last bit of news, and possibly my favorite, it looks like Clint Mansell, the composer for Jone's 2009 film 'Moon', will be composing for Source Code as well.


Concerning one of our most anticipated films of next year, as Twitter has provided an update on Duncan Jones’ follow up to the BAFTA award winning Moon, the time warping sci-fi Source Code.

It’s not entirely unexpected but the sheer enthusiasm with which director Duncan Jones tweeted the following sums up the feelings of us all.

Here’s what Man Made Moon tweeted earlier this evening,


"Have a bloody fantastic bit of Source Code news. Super Star Clint Mansell WILL be scoring the film. You have no idea how relieved I am."


Mansell’s score to Jones’s debut film was stunning and gave the film’s sparse beauty enormous power, to hear that Mansell is going to be scoring Source Code is, as Jones says, bloody fantastic.

As well as teaming with Jones on Moon Mansell is best known for his work with Darren Aronofsky, and his score to Black Swan is one we are particularly looking forward to. The more Mansell the better.

Source Code will be released on the 15th of April 2011 and stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Jeffrey Wright, Michelle Monaghan and Vera Farmiga.

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