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Will Work For Rum

Auld Manriva

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OK, Kinsters ... As some or all of you may know, I do the occasional Signature.... Scores of them "occasionally", actually, now that I take a gander at my P'Bucket account (mostly for Old Banders). I'm reluctant to mess about with all the brou-ha-ha involved in doing them at the, whatever the Illuminators are called now, though I do check in there occasionally.


The point is ... If any of my "Kinfolk" would care for a new sig (or frame for a rotating .gif) to use on our shiny new DM8, I'd be happy to work with you. You can PM me if you'd like or shoot me an email. I'll make sure I change my email here to the one I check mo' reg'lar.

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OK.... I'll try to have that done by the first of the week if not a bit sooner. I have some Radio Show prep and two shows to do tomorrow (DRR) and Saturday (the G-Spot with Talya, Mirsh, Nyn and possibly Yoniy0), but I'll clear the decks after that.


Are you feelin particularly hearts and flowers these days? A bit on the Resident Evil side maybe? Leaving me to my own devices is sometimes a gamble! ;)



Torrie... With our PM system inoperable presently if you'd like to e-mail me use dawgriver2@gmail.com I check that one fairly regular ... for me anyway :)

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